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Are You A Deep Thinker?

I definitely am 🙌🌠

Pick a subject let's dive deep ...👌🧐🏴‍☠️

What conversations do you not jump into with the average person? I have avoided politics and anything to do with exploring consciousness. Blank stares are only sometimes fun 🤣😂🤣😂
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SageWanderer · 70-79, M
Basically politics and religion I avoid at all costs. I learned a long time ago that when it gets to an argument stage no minds are changed.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@SageWanderer OMG wow!! Well that definitely helps us understand the issue with some online people LOL
I like cheese
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Magenta · F
@SW-User Which type?? 😄
Magenta · F
Yes. I like philosophy & psychology and all things pertaining to, but not discussions with the masses. I'm more of a one on one.
Magenta · F
@MySpiritEvolves Indeed. And being empathic it gets exhausting. 🌼
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@Magenta It really does! Plus the deeper we are the more we see how others can get out of their situations. Holding back advice you know can help them out with exaaactly what they are complaining about.

IDK how people were before the internet but I swear it's part of why people can't listen to opinions anymore.
Magenta · F
@MySpiritEvolves I don't think you're wrong. It's certainly changed how we communicate. There is far more talk yet less gets solved, it seems.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
I’d have to be pretty high to talk about my thoughts because when I’m sober I just do without really thinking. Weed opens my mind to things I don’t normally consider. I’m naturally a pretty quiet person. Honestly work takes up the majority of my thinking space… always trying to make the next career choice that get me my homestead some day.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@MySpiritEvolves that’s about the same amount of time I’ve watched him. He’s my favorite YouTuber.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@MrAboo Me too! I live in FL so its so awesome to have him guiding me on my journey. You might also find eat the weeds channel interesting. I am not sure your location but he is all about wild edibles in FL but also touches on other regions they grow too. He is super knowledgeable.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@MySpiritEvolves it’d be cool to be in Florida and use the gardening methods David the good recommends. I’m on the west coast area and haven’t started looking for YouTubers in my area. I’ll check out the eat the weeds channel.
TexChik · F
What factors most affect accuracy when shooting a handgun. Ammo type, barrel length, trigger, or the sighting system? ☺️
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@TexChik They are right! I went and tried his on a hog hunt and I was hooked! It was very easy to carry through the swamps and the perfect for my size, it had the shortest barrel they are allowed to have.

Hit a hog 50 yards out!

That was my first time hunting 😊🙌
TexChik · F
@wildbill83 yep , a lighter trigger did the trick
TexChik · F
@MySpiritEvolves awesome.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Sometimes it's just safer to stay in the shallow end of the pool
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@ozgirl512 True, I do that with most people. I just observe them in their natural ways LOL
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@MySpiritEvolves there comes a point in many discussions when you realise you're talking with a bloody idiot and common sense or facts plays no part in their thinking... Time to get out of the pool!😜
I find it hard to self assessment on that... how deep is deep anyway??
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Soossie i know ;)
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@Soossie Depends on your perspective. Depth is a measurement based on the people you see around you. If you find your interests are similar to those around you then there is no depth. If you find yourself wanting to get into things people are less interested that is depth.

"Deep thinking" typically refers to people who are spiritually deep but other interests can put you in that category though most of the time people don't shy away from people who have obsessions with physical hobbies. Most people find things like that interesting. Not so much spiritual/consciousness exploration. It's an uncomfortable topic for many.

With lots of respect, to me depth happens when a thinker can realize, and analyze a thought (philosophically, and intellectually) and make his/her own mind on that thought and maybe later develope and have a progress on it.... whatever that thought might be.... 🙏

A deep thinker develops his/her own view on things...
hdiddle · 26-30, M
exploring consciousness sounds interesting. Why do you avoid it?
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@hdiddle I don't always avoid it, buuut most people don't seem to understand how interesting it really is!! Plus I kind of jump into the dark end of the pool lol

My thoughts go so deep they even have me asking "but why bother" LOL
hdiddle · 26-30, M
@MySpiritEvolves That sounds like it would be very frustrating. Maybe you need more deep thinker friends lol
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@hdiddle You are spot on my friend LOL It's not too frustrating, its been pretty normal in my life. Seems like I have been deprived of the circles I need HAHA
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Eh.. I think everyone has some depth to them if given the opportunity, but for many people they aren’t comfortable being vulnerable right away with unfamiliar people about their introspective moments, ideas, experiences etc. some people are also on a custom to being asked bluntly what they think about things in a meaningful way, so they may struggle to articulate those thoughts, but it doesn’t mean they have no thoughts.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
If thoughts were music basso profundo would sound like a soprano in comparison to my thoughts.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@hippyjoe1955 I hear you, I am much the same. My mind wants to wrap around the worlds knowledge and absorb it all 🙌🌠
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
That’s my problem I over think things
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@Havesomefun2 You and me both LOL
Wiseacre · F
I think deeply about epigenetics..
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@Wiseacre OMG I remember hearing about this a long time ago but forgot the name. Now I have something fun to learn about 🙌

Thank you!!
Wiseacre · F
Not fun, actually...serious business!@MySpiritEvolves
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Yeah, I suppose I am.
used to be but he likes me better as a deep throater
Coffeequilt · 51-55, F
Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy :)
Jlhzfromep · M
Some days I am
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
The things of which Johnny Spot knows nothing are immeasurable.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
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FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Yes but it could also stress me out sometimes. I'll even get depressed when I know the end of results and thinking

"What's the fucking point then?"
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candycane · 36-40, F
Is any one average and normal here?
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MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@swirlie This is with average people. Deep thinkers are always noticing places they can't go with typical conversations.
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