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Coralmist · 41-45, F
It's been not that great so far. Was in a car accident (rear ended)on Christmas eve, so have been in whiplash pain for weeks. Have had to tackle the at fault driver insurance while trying to find a lawyer too. Then my tooth began hurting off and on and I'm really on edge about the dentist. Plus my sisters neuropathy in her feet gets worse every week. She is declining and can barely walk. It's heartbreaking. I truly hope next month will bring goodness.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Mine has been good, and I hope it keeps getting better.
First things first. 2024 seemed very fast, but this (2025) goes way faster.
Second things second, its fine, but could be better. I've made self-improvements.
Second things second, its fine, but could be better. I've made self-improvements.
ImNotHungry · 36-40, M
Really? We're already halfway through January, I don't remember January being this quick
RVLPreborn · M
@ImNotHungry yep. kind of crazy when you think about it
4meAndyou · F
I've been feeling very positive. I can actually SEE the end of the suffering.
hiddenpearl · F
so surreal
RVLPreborn · M
@hiddenpearl why so?