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What is worship service like at the Church of Trump?

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TrashCat · M Best Comment
First they read out loud from "The Art Of the Deal"
Then there is a pledge to not abandon the orange messiah and to turn the other way when he rapes a child.
Then, there is the passing of the hat to pay his bills for him.
At the end of service, the flock spits on Christ and shits on the US flag

I'll bet there's a lot of passing the hat and promoting expensive snake oil for sale, along with other Trump branded items.

The music is most likely stolen, the sermons pretty fiery and emotional, but the liturgy has got to be weird as hell.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

So we have two senile octogenarians running for president.

If that is the choice in November, I'll leave the presidential line on my ballot blank again, to indicate neither is acceptable, as I did in 2016 and 2020.
This is one of his many 'well, anyway' moments

Do you really think losing track of your thoughts is a sign of dementia?
It sounds like you've just repeated this talking-point for so long that now you don't want to admit it's wrong.

Better world...? Talk about hardcore grasping at straws

Do you not think fighting against racism is a step towards a better world?

What 'progressives'? Well, you, for example.

WTF? When did I freak out over RFK? I think it's good that he's running because he's going to take more votes away from Trump.

Yep. The 'actual socialists' have been around for the better part of 200 years.
But they'll get it right this time. Wokeism to the rescue.

I don't know what any of this means.
This is one of the reasons Republicans keep losing. The Right is becoming so weirdly insular, to the point where normies don't understand what they're talking about anymore. I follow politics, so I get a lot of the right-wing dog whistles, and even I don't get what you mean here.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
All male patrons form a circle of "mutual support" and reassure each other that they really arent deplorable. Just misunderstood. This is followed by a group w@nk...And several collections are taken..😷
tindrummer · M
@sunsporter1649 This is at the church of trump? - cool 😅
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@sunsporter1649 worship the wimp😂
TrashCat · M
@sunsporter1649 Joe Biden is the true Christ.
Thanks for being a believer and posting this positive picture
We could ask Republican Jesus:

[image/video deleted]
tindrummer · M
@SW-User And they wonder why so many people don't want anything to do with their "loving" sects.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i worship one God...and it is not Trump. however, i admire and respect and hope he wins so he can get us out of the mess created by the idiot in office
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@SW-User an insurrection without weapons 🤣🤣🤣
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Nanoose · 61-69, M
The church would be totally dark except for a spotlight shinning down on Trump while he reads verses from the book of Trump. Cheers
better than your boi..

maskedbandit · 61-69, M
@SW-User We have a speller on hand, thanks for bring that to my attention. 👍No word salad from you. 🤣
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maskedbandit · 61-69, M
@SW-User Thanks again. 🙂👍
Lock Her Up !!!

Uniquesara · 41-45, F
Uniquesara · 41-45, F
@needsmilk808 honey i wasn't speaking of that but to each their own
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Uniquesara · 41-45, F
@SW-User nothing is wrong you'll end up in heaven too
HeidiA · 41-45, F
I hear it’s looking likely he’s going to be your next president. Tough times ahead.
Well, it starts out with this…..
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
My wife watches the Handmaids Tale. I find it somewhat dreary but she’s convinced it’s a glimpse at the future. America she says is desperate to become a Christian Saudi Arabia. She isn’t happy about the idea but in a morbid fascination she can’t help but watch. I hope she’s wrong.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
He will only jerk off with left hand
DDaverde · 61-69, M
He’s not a church and wake up
You liberal brainwashed twit!
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TrashCat · M
@DDaverde You wanna lick his neck

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