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The irony and blatant disrespect of the corrupt Department of Injustice!

The law was changed in 1968, to protect all Presidential candidates, after the assassination of his father.

To support this and all criminal lawlessness, is proof positive of a heartless, soulless, conviction less, and braindead, Demonic Zombie!

This is why they are so hated, throughout the entire World!!! The day of reckoning is near!!!
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bookerdana · M
I'd probably extend him protection simply because you know someone will go for the hat trick but they are only obligated to protect major presidential and vice presidential candidates and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election.
Oster1 · M
@bookerdana I knew what was said and am searching for exclusions and exceptions. Did you see the free speech hearings? He is obviously a threat. His request was not handled properly! I will stand by what I said.
bookerdana · M
@Oster1 I don't think there are exclusions ;guys like DeSantis get State protection as governor,Scott from the Captitol police
@bookerdana Exactly
The head of the Department of Homeland Security makes those decisions and they have the 120 day rule. The DOJ does not make the decisions regarding Secret Service protection for candidates or their families.
@Oster1 You are wrong. All you did was repeat RFK, Jr’s error filled rant. As always, he never gets anything correct.
Oster1 · M
@KunsanVeteran It's not only him saying this. In all respect, I can peacefully agree to disagree, with anyone. To say he always never gets anything correct, is outlandishly over the top, IMO.
@Oster1 Yes, that’s your opinion. And it is incorrect. And you have that in common with RFK, Jr as well!

Thanks for giving us all a good laugh at your expense!
@Oster1 You seem to have a real inferiority complex as well as an anger management problem.

Have a nice, misinformed day!
@Oster1 Thanks for proving my point!
Oster1 · M
@KunsanVeteran Once again, nice try. I never take the bait. I'm very confident in my place here.

You can't say that or match me in any way. I've built many relationships and contributions here.

Perhaps it's best to stay in your own league, next time! 😉
How come you’re not mad that Marianne Williamson isn’t getting Secret Service protection? Why does RFK deserve it but not her?
@Oster1 RFK Jr. is polling at 10%. He's not relevant either. I am hoping that someone asks RFK why he picked the numbers 14 and 88, just to see him squirm as he claims he didn't know what they refer to.

Trying harder while debating you would be a waste of energy.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom Bidens "people" knew full and well when the "denial"'s delay was sent on day 88.

Imagine being able to accuse a Kennedy of anti semitism. Imagine being able to bait a Kennedy into looking like a prejudiced person.

Democrats. Authors of the civil war and every terrible thing this country had ever put up with.

You don't know this but I gotta say. The mickeys hozeys and jamals fount we gets along real good in beantown as long as none of us pays the brutes with the sticks.

We're all pirates. And they serve the torys.
@SteelHands Except it wasn't sent on day 88. According to RFK's own website, it was sent on day 56. Why would he lie and say it was 88 days?

RFK's last name might be "Kennedy," but the rest of his family denounces him. His father was murdered by a Palestinian who was upset about his support for Israel. It's possible that RFK harbors some resentment toward Jews if he feels they indirectly caused his father's death. It's also possible that he's an example of the truth that every conspiracy theorist eventually settles on conspiracies involving Jews. Or maybe after apologizing for his hot mike moment when he was caught saying COVID was designed to not kill Jews, he wanted to signal to the neo-Nazis that he's still on their side. Or maybe a staffer stuck those numbers in there, like one of DeSatan's staffers stuck a Sonnenrad into one of his videos. To his credit, DeSatan fired the staffer.

RFK needs to come clean and explain what the hell he meant if he doesn't want people jumping to conclusions.
Oster1 · M
@OrionInTheNight Another one! You're so cool. I hope you score!
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Some people would say it's not surprising that the same political party that assassinated their own president won't assign Secret Service protection for his grand nephew.

Maybe. But then you'd need to believe that a racist Texan that stole a Senate seat would conspire to do something so heinous.

And we all know that only tinfoil believes in such things as political conspiracies.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@SteelHands The guy could be the sacrificial goat. It's pretty nasty, this monstrous system that we all take pride in as the USA. Why do we still elect lowlifers to Congress boggles my mind.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@sree251 To give even our totally useless people something to do, of course.

Somewhere along the way the population forgot that like kings, anyone can do government jobs because government work is always hands down most often poorly and overly planned unindustrially commenced and if completed, a clutter*uck.

As for government workers, from dog catchers to the president himself anyone who can sit upright in a chair, climb a stair and pray god not shit their underwear, honesty preferred, can fill the opening, can always be replaced, and is actually just a useless welfare recipient with a fancy job title.

But now we forgot and not only elect convincing psychopaths like Obama and the Clintons, but the morons in colleges and universities actually considering them as intelligent good examples of humanity, teach our kids to look up to the unholy antagons like them.

Is it actually a surprise we have coke baggies laying around the most hypocritical house in the country? I mean we should be spared the worse of their perversions, but now they're shoving it right in our face.

2012 there was 6 billion pissed away.
In 2024 I'll bet they got that number up to 50. They're only experts at one thing. And that thing is being an idiot. And that's mostly true of all kinds of government but it's supposed to be least true of ours.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@SteelHands Yes, we are supposed to be the golden standard of a good society. How can I not believe that to be true. I grew up with all the defenders of goodness that only America has. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Rambo, Jason Bourne, and now Donald J Trump.

How did the USA become the evil empire right under our noses? And every four years come November, we eagerly trotted off to vote for goodness, the kind of goodness that has been bombing foreign enemies and maiming Americans in the defense of democracy since Korea and Vietnam. And now we are told that we have to go after China? All the affordable good stuff - DeWalt power drills, Milwaukee saws, Rigid shop vacs - in my tool shed are all made in China, our main supplier. And this is on top of our warfighting agenda against Russia in Ukraine. We need to arm all the fools of both parties in Congress plus the President and his cabinet, and ship them all off to fight our damn wars.
TrashCat · M
He doesn't need it. They have vaccines for assassinations now😂
Oster1 · M
@TrashCat Oh? Maybe others will have the last laugh, you very foolish and insensitive one!
TrashCat · M
@Oster1 I suppose I could put myself in your shoes
Oster1 · M
@TrashCat No, I'm so sure, you couldn't afford my shoes! 😉
Goodluckwiththat · 61-69, M
The only person with the same or better protection than POTUS is Putin..
sree251 · 41-45, M
The US Secret Service provides protection?
@sree251 Your response is the reason why I thought and now know it would be beneficial for you to take a class or two. Your theatrical education was never in question.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@SW-User Who do you work for? Department for public indoctrination?
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He gunna drag a lot of dem voters with him as orange mans VP…
Obama wants micheal in there…
Oster1 · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout You damn right he is! The Nuclear Bomb scenerio, hasn't played out yet. You can see the eventual pairing, for the win!
Normally, minor candidates don’t get Secret Service protection at this stage of the campaign.

What I want to know is if he’s aware of the significance of saying the average request takes 14 days and he’s been waiting 88 days. 14 is used by neo-Nazis to refer to the “14 words,” and they use 88 to mean “heil Hitler.” After his COVID comment the other day, is he signaling to the neo-Nazis that he’s one of them? I’m not big on conspiracies but this is quite a coincidence.
Oster1 · M
Oh, Kunsan! Leaves a reply and blocks. Yep, it figures. I guess I smoked out another! Sad.
4meAndyou · F
RFK Jr. requested protection from President Biden, (it has to be approved by him), and they are slow walking it). Obviously hoping RFK Jr. will get killed before he can challenge Biden.
Oster1 · M
@4meAndyou Thank you, for your comment. I'm reading for exclusions/exceptions and saw that. You are absolutely correct and breathtakingly mesmerizing!!! 😊🥰🤗😘🌹
He needs protection from Marjorie Taylor Greene's Jewish space lasers 🤭
Presidential candidates who become the nominee of their party become eligible for secret service protection. Relax. The black sheep of the Kennedy family is doing just fine. He doesn't need taxpayer funded security.

[image/video deleted]
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
And yet the clown bullschiffing his way to prosecuting President Trump, and his band of merry elektion interferers, gets Secret Service protection. Go figure
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Whatever, cultist. Go drink some bleach and take some horse dewormers for the virus you think doesn't exist, but yet was genetically engineered to attack white people.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Oster1 It's not an opinion. It's objective fact. He is insane. He literally publicly stated that COVID was genetically engineered by the Jews to attack white people.
Oster1 · M
@LordShadowfire Read some freaking real science on targeted ethnic bio-weapons, based on genetic DNA genome. Have you ever heard of Crispr?
@LordShadowfire Technically, he said it was engineered to affect Black and white people more than Jews and Asians. I guess RFK subscribes to Benjamin Franklin's belief that Jews are "Asiatics."

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