Christian teaching on the question of sexuality.In a culture that is deeply confused about human sexuality, it is time to examine the question of right relationship. The beauty and coherence of divine order is our light in the face of an aggressive and all-consuming pagan and secular worldview.
Can you cast demons out of yourself? Yes!YOU CAN DRIVE THE DEMONS OUT YOURSELF! 1) can you pray at least two hours every day for cast out demons out of your soul and deliverance from darkness? 2) can you spread the gospel or Christian teaching Youtube channels on the Internet? 3) can you... See More »
Bible verse for todayPsalm 14:1-3 King James Version 14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God…
I Was On The 'Experience Project'A couple of years, I think (?!) before it ended. Met some lovely people. I lied about my age - I was around 13 or 14, maybe...maybe older - and loved chatting to all manner of people. My big sister was on there too, @SammyJo, and I think some people... See More »
Want to see the supernatural?A great point from my pastor at the Wednesday Bible Study- good, biblical preaching is a miracle in and of itself, a supernatural work! People that aren't satisfied in Christ always have to look for miracles or emphasise them for worship- Bethel,... See More »