wtf did I do to you?"Betrayal" - Fin (me) I thought you were my friend, but now you speak shit about me. I tried talking to you, but you don't seem to care you call me names, it seems lie you hate me what did I do to you? I've only been nice. you broke my trust,... See More ยป
I'm confused, hurt, and anxious.How do I confront my father about his infidelity? Honestly, my mother and I don't care much anymore as long as we're provided for. The real problem is the ego of the third party, who thinks she's the original. I hate both my father and his mistress,... See More ยป
She put me in my place I guessNew housemate has appointment to see place, 6 days in planning, today her "phone breaks cant talk" message comes at one PM, appointment is for 5 then she never shows or calls or returns an email. Last time on the phone "her (grown) daughter is... See More ยป
"Cheating" gerund or present participle of verb "Cheat"It's when your Indomie is missing one of the seasoning packs so you don't get the flavour you were craving