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I haven’t done one of these for a long time!

Leave a comment and I’ll reply with something positive about you. If I don’t know you (which is very possible since there are a lot of new people around and I don’t get on here that often any more), I’ll find something positive… or just make something up. 😂
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Back when I was in school a philosophy professor stood up before our class with a large empty mayonnaise jar. He filled the jar to the top with large rocks and asked us students if the jar was full.

Then we all agreed the jar was full.

He then added small pebbles to the jar, and gave the jar a bit of a shake so the pebbles could disperse themselves among the larger rocks. Then he asked again, “Is the jar full now?”

Then all agreed that the jar was still full.

The professor then poured sand into the jar to fill up all the remaining empty space.

Again we still agreed again that the jar was full.

The Metaphor:

The jar represents your life and the rocks, pebbles, and sand are the things that fill up your life.

The rocks represent the most important projects and things you have going on, such as spending time with your family and maintaining proper health. This means that if the pebbles and the sand were lost, the jar would still be full and your life would still have meaning.

The pebbles represent the things in your life that matter, but that you could live without.

The pebbles are certainly things that give your life meaning (such as your job, house, hobbies, and friendships), but they are not critical for you to have a meaningful life.

These things often come and go, and are not permanent or essential to your overall well-being.

Finally, the sand represents the remaining filler things in your life, and material possessions. This could be small things such as watching television, browsing through your favorite social media site, or running errands.

These things don't mean much to your life as a whole, and are likely only done to waste time or get small tasks accomplished.
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@HumanEarth I’ve read this before and love it! Fill your jar with stones— the big, important things, and you’ll need less “sand” to feel fulfilled. ❤
Thank you for sharing!
bookerdana · M
Ya don't have to comment ...just good to see ya
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@bookerdana I love the late night corny jokes! You’ve always been a genuinely nice guy, and one of the few people who react to my music posts. Lol. ❤
bookerdana · M
@QueenOfTheNerds People..who respond to music post are sadly few and far between....and plenty of corn here🌽🌽🌽➡😀
496sbc · 36-40, M
Omg it’s like a car post miss Queen 🫅. I do like your posts to. And I love your pic
496sbc · 36-40, M
@QueenOfTheNerds lol it’s part of a head and some times I do use a engine block but I didn’t remember msging you but I have a bad memory so
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496sbc · 36-40, M
@QueenOfTheNerds ohh ok well lol anytime if you want we can chat. And ur pic you look 20
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
Nuh uh!!! Me first! You're amazing and if nothing else positive ever comes from me being here, it was worth it because I know you. I just love ya lady!
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@SarahAndSamantha My talented friend… you know I just love ya. ❤
You have saved me more times than you know… by always being your kind, supportive, AMAZING self.
@QueenOfTheNerds nice to see you again...you were always very pleasant to me and we've had some great conversations...hope you're doing well 🤗
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@beermeplease Hey! Glad to see you’re still around! You always ask fun questions and seem like you’re a pretty laid back kind of guy with a good sense of humor. ❤
@QueenOfTheNerds aw...you're too kind...thank you 🤗
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
Funny. I just replaced my car battery 10 minutes ago
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@caPnAhab Heeyyyyyy, Cap’n! You know I’m going to say that you have excellent taste in music. ❤
You’re also a genuinely nice guy. Always positive and always kind. 😊
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@QueenOfTheNerds haha, thanks I saw that coming too. We share quite a bit musical interest

It's good to read from you, you're always nice
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Hi Queen🪻 How's it been?
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@QueenOfTheNerds Thank you so much..that means a lot🐞🤗
You are such a warm and really genuine person..I am glad you are here😃🌻
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Coralmist Aww. Thank you! That made my night. ❤
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@QueenOfTheNerds No prob 🫂🌈🦋
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
Hello there
Very sweet of you😊
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@JRVanguard You’re always fun and supportive. You seem like you’re probably a very lighthearted and easygoing person. ❤
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@QueenOfTheNerds Thank you🥰🤗
Only the positive please. Lol
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Sojournersoul You are always kind in your replies. No matter the topic or the poster. ❤
@QueenOfTheNerds Thank you. So sweet.
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Justafantasy I don’t think we’ve had a lot of interaction on here, but it seems like you have good taste in music (I had to read your “about me”). ❤
@QueenOfTheNerds I know I've seen you around on occasion, I'll agree with you on interactions. I think we've had a few. Is my song still "alone" in my about me? I listen to a wide variety of music
@QueenOfTheNerds I got the band right, different song
Coldplay · 61-69, M
Well it’s worth a try!
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Coldplay You've always been very kind to me, the little bit that we’ve interacted. ❤
Coldplay · 61-69, M
@QueenOfTheNerds thanks! I couldn’t ask for more than this!!
DHggmu · 31-35, M
I could do with some positivity, even if its made up 😅
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
Go right ahead 😊
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@JesseInTX Heyyyy, Jesse! I always appreciate how complimentary you are and how you never fail to defend others on here. ❤
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
@QueenOfTheNerds that’s the best I could expect! Thank you so much and it’s good to see you around again! Holler at me any time! 😊
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
This is an awesome idea
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@biandlargeny Thanks! I used to do them fairly often, but I think it’s been a couple of YEARS since I’ve done one!
I’m pretty certain that we haven’t ever interacted, and it looks like we run in some different circles on here. Your profile picture is really interesting! Looks like a lot of symbolism packed into one image. ❤
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I hope you are well 😊
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@WaryWitchWandering Heyyy, WWW! I love how real and genuine you are. I hope you are well, too! ❤
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Jenny1234 I don’t remember having any interactions with you— unless you have changed your name or made a new account. You seem like you like to have fun, and I’d like a reading from your pendulum the next time you’re doing it! It’s very interesting! ❤
Hello from Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@GunFinger Howdy! 👋🏻
We haven’t interacted a whole lot, but you’ve always been very real. A rarity online. ❤
GunFinger · F
@QueenOfTheNerds thank you.❤
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Wallflow3r You’ve got me stumped. Lol. I know I’ve seen you around on posts, but never really interacted. Your profile is blank. Like blank, blank. 😐

The kitty in your profile picture is beautiful, though, and that’s about all I have to go on. ❤
Wallflow3r · F
@QueenOfTheNerds I usually have posts but I delete them after awhile you must have missed all of them when I was regularly posting :p the nerve! Jk 😂
Fieldmaster · 46-50, MNew
Positive Terminal, Positive charge, stay positive and keep the negtive charge away.
Ferric67 · M
I'm not new, but you might not know me anyhow
(I am low key)
dale74 · M
I put my daughter first
Spumoni · 46-50, M
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Hello! Great to see you!
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@uncalled4 Hey there, friend!
You’ve always been a kind person and I’ve enjoyed conversations we’ve had about music and life in general. ❤
I hope all is well with you!
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@QueenOfTheNerds And the same with you! ❤
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Donotfolowme I’m not sure that we’ve interacted much on here, but after looking at your posts, I’m not sure why. You ask great questions and you seem like you are a sincere person who likes to have fun. ❤
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@QueenOfTheNerds OMG! that's so true thanks
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
You’re the sweetest. I hope you’re doing well, I haven’t seen you around much.
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@iamonfire696 Hey, lady! I haven’t been around much. 3D life has kept me busy! 😂

You’re always fun and uplifting, but never afraid to stand up for what’s right. I love that about you! ❤
Hope you’re feeling well. I think the last time I knew you were battling a pretty tenuous infection.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@QueenOfTheNerds That’s so kind of you to say. I hope that you get a moment to take a break for yourself.

I am still dealing with sinus infections and now I have been diagnosed with Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT and will need a cardiac ablation to correct it.

I hope your store is doing well and the kids are good🩷.
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Hey long time no see!
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
🤔 let the sparks fly
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