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Lukeman · M
President Trump for sure since the cheaters got caught on camera the last time.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@SW-User Trump was not thrashed. He won in a landslide on election night and the the VOTER FRAUD and fake ballots stole that election from him.

And that's why this happened.

Dead voters - Confirmed

Corrupted Tabulation Software - Confirmed

DOMINION Exec part of Biden's team - Confirmed

Observers Illegally Removed - Confirmed

Mathemetical Imposibillities [sic] - Confirmed

15,000+ Ballots Missing In Georgia - Confirmed

More Voters Than People In A County - Confirmed

Fake Signatures Accepted - Confirmed

Whistleblowers alleging wrongdoing - Confirmed

Hundreds of Sworn Affidavits - Confirmed

Voting System Processing Parts From China - Confirmed
Irrelevant, but source?

Voting Machines Vulnerable to Hacks - Confirmed

I'll wait.
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
The Green Bay Packers!!!
Keir Starmer. Oh, did you mean the Murrican election? 🤔 😏
@Notsimilarreally Well I know nothing about the polls in America but I struggle to see how Joe Biden can be president for another 4 more weeks, let alone 4 years. So unless there is another candidate who is somewhat popular then I can't see much else but Trump winning.

This is my totally uninformed opinion.
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
@FishBotDimwit there's s a good possiblity that happens if the Dems don't replace Biden
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Despite the polls I kinda think Biden but I would not be surprised at all if Trump won.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Between the felon and the mentally tottering man? The totterer tottered all over the place during their debate, so the felon has the best chance right now
@StevetheSleeve Hehe oh dear this has not aged well (and I'm not talking about the only old, senile candidate left in the race (i.e. Trump))
4meAndyou · F
I fear that it might be a close race. The Democrat/Socialist/Marxists usually cook up some sort of crooked scheme to cook the books.
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ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Probably a party that will disappoint every citizen.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Notsimilarreally 🤔british or american are you talking about
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Ducky · 31-35, F
Which country’s? 🤔
Which one?
MethDozer · M
Not sure but I think it is going to be close. The right is very energetic in its support of Trump. They are very mobilized even if a minority. The Dem and Biden supporters are a typically much less enthusiastic over the candidate and it mostly comes down to opposition for Trumpism over support for Biden. Taking that into consideration with EC map its going to be a tough call. Also despite all the claims how great the economy is supposedly doing, very,very few Americans are actaully feeling any of it or doing well economically and that always hurts an incumbant despite the President in office at tje time having very little to do or power over the economy.
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