@MasterLee: Master, don't forget, the left has lost touch with reality so naturally, they're going to say he's not a politician therefore not qualified to be president and then turn around and complain because he is a politician. You should be used to this, they flip flop like a fish just out of water.
@TexChik But liberals believe in free market capitalism, and zero regulation, and the non-aggression principle, and small government. I believe in...none of those things. So how am I even remotely liberal?
The left was defeated? When and where was the left ever defeated? In your wet dreams, maybe, but if you haven't noticed, pretty much every socialist nation on Earth right now is doing much better than you are. Or do you not think free healthcare, free college, modernized infrastructure, high quality education, living wages, and low debt are good things?
@BlueMetalChick not the libs of today ... as you well know ... they despise capitalism, free markets , and big governments . And spare me the socialist propaganda
@TexChik No, they don't despise capitalism. They make money off of capitalism. They're corporatists. That's how they get rich. The establishment democratic party, for example, would be neo-liberals. Just like the right wing's neocons, they make all their millions serving their corporate donors. Instead of implementing legislature that benefits the populace, it benefits their big fat fucking corporate backing. That isn't big government or small government. It's government owned by big business.
@TexChik But I'm not a liberal. I keep telling you that. I don't believe in any of the core principles of liberalism, like an unregulated economy, small government, or the NAP.
Prove it? Oh for fuck's sake...here, try Googling simple phrases like "Trump drone strikes" or "Obama drone strikes" to read about how both of them (and Bush as well) are guilty of breaking Constitutional law by violating the War Powers Act. You can also look up "Trump Saudi Arabia businesses" and find that he is in violation of the Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution as well. Have you ever actually read your own legal documents?
You can also try searching "Obama/Trump weapons Israel" for information about that, or about the violation of the Geneva Convention by selling white phosphorous and cluster munitions to the Saudis. That shit was outlawed after World War One.