Well, we confirmed to the rest of the world that racism and sexism were not deal-breakers in our choice of a president. And it's looking more and more like Russia helped Trump get elected, so he's their pawn, too. He's calling any news source that tells the truth about him "fake news" and blocking access to any that don't flatter him. He chose a segregationist as his Attorney General, and has a white supremacist as his key advisor. So to the racist alt-right in our nation, guess we're just humming along. 😠
BemyValentine · F
Considering the constant negative backlash, he's doing his job.

For me, it's clearly shown the kind of people around me.
Jazzy · 26-30, F
Don't say we because I didn't vote for him. Don't be hard on yourself. We all make mistakes.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
if you wanted your country to become a second rate dictatorship then you did right
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Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Lol that's a trump quote, I was making a joke...calm down. If you don't understand how this job creation will be scrapped come next president, I'm sorry for you ☹️
redredred · M
I have no doubt that some future president with a "progressive" agenda can and will destroy jobs. That's what the left does. If you need an example, see Venezuela. And if you don't like my tone, I'll try to be nicer if you try to be smarter.
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
I am good with it. We needed a change and finally elected someone that was not a career politician. Someone who has run a business and is very good at building things. We need the USA back to work building USA made products.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
It's quite the train wreck. Horrifying, but at the same time so entrancing that you can't bear to look away. Definitely a symptom of the overall state of US and global society at the moment.
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
LOL, wow, to hear you tell it, Trump has accomplished a lot in the little over two months he has been in office. Did you actually think that he would assume office and all of the previous issues would be immediately dealt with and the slate wiped clean? He is cleaning up some big messes while trying to get people back to work. I could address all these talking points you brought up but the laughter I had when you are talking about mining asteroids made for some side splitting pain. Just lasso that asteroid and send a crew up with a big bucket!!!
Your side never wants to talk about all the things the previous President did to increase all of the problems you lined out. Especially the national debt and the "toxic assets" you speak of.
And people in Wyoming would disagree with you on the coal industry. The Dems wanted it shut down because they think it destroys the ozone and enviroment. There is enough coal there to supply the coal fired electric plants for another 100 years or more. That does not count the other coal rich states.
At least you are a liberal giving Trump some credit, although way to much for 2 months.
Go back and graduate from your liberal arts college. You are still wet behind the ears. And take what your liberal profs say with a grain of salt.
Your side never wants to talk about all the things the previous President did to increase all of the problems you lined out. Especially the national debt and the "toxic assets" you speak of.
And people in Wyoming would disagree with you on the coal industry. The Dems wanted it shut down because they think it destroys the ozone and enviroment. There is enough coal there to supply the coal fired electric plants for another 100 years or more. That does not count the other coal rich states.
At least you are a liberal giving Trump some credit, although way to much for 2 months.
Go back and graduate from your liberal arts college. You are still wet behind the ears. And take what your liberal profs say with a grain of salt.
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
You will excuse me if I don't follow this topic anymore. I need to go build a space truck to catch me one of them asteroids so I can get me some space palladium. Not sure what I will do with it but I am sure someone needs some somewhere.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
More empty insults directed at something I am not. You really need to learn to debate like an adult rather than a child throwing a temper tantrum.
Edit: Wow, you don't know what palladium is for or how incredibly important it is? That's. Fucking. Hilarious.
Edit: Wow, you don't know what palladium is for or how incredibly important it is? That's. Fucking. Hilarious.
redredred · M
I think so. I voted for him because I wanted him to destroy the entrenched ruling class of privileged politicians of both parties. The more he upsets the DC establishment and the sycophantic media, the better. I hope he continues to f@#% things up for the establishment politicians and cut taxes. the US corporate tax rate is currently the highest in the industrial world. It's time to change that, secure the border and bring overseas earnings home.
katielass · F
Very well said!
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Flenflyys · 31-35, F
He has accomplished quite a bit thus far
Laughable · M
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
[image/video deleted]
Firespirit · 26-30, M
Well between the reality star and the chick who took money from Saudi Arabia and lies in a rape case. Ill take the reality star
katielass · F
Since the democrats took real choice away from us, we did the right thing in electing trump over that lying, money grubbing , power hungry, corrupt, hypocritical bitch.