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Trump Announces Company Will Invest $25 billion for US Infrastructure

President Donald Trump announced a game-changing development for America’s shipping industry. French shipping giant CMA CGM will invest a staggering $20 billion into U.S. shipping logistics and infrastructure. This massive investment comes directly “because of the election,” according to Trump. Another promise kept. Another win delivered.

“This massive investment will go toward building out shipping, logistics infrastructure terminals, which will create an estimated 10,000 new jobs in America. It’s so important because it’s about shipping,” the president continued.” You know, we lost our way for many years. We haven’t done anything. We used to build a ship a day, and now we essentially don’t build ships. We’re going to start that, and we’re going to be announcing next week, or the week after, a massive new program for building very, larger, larger ships in the world.”

The announcement came after Trump met with CMA CGM Chairman Rodophe Sade at the White House. Not just talk. Not just promises. Real investment. Real jobs. Real American renewal. Remember when “experts” said manufacturing jobs wouldn’t come back?

Wrong again.
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Khenpal1 · M
manufacturing jobs ???
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
If Trump succeeds in his isolationist economic policy, you're not going to have a great deal of use for those ships ⚓

$20bn or $25bn? . . What's a few billion between imaginary friends! 😅
If you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you!!

Convivial · 26-30, F
Right next to that big beautiful wall that Mexico is paying for🤣
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
The Democrats hate America. They don't want us manufacturing anything here anymore.

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