pdockal DEI isn't fair
is fair because you know as well as I do the amount of CVs that are tossed casually into the bin because someone has a foreign sounding name, even if they are the best qualified candidate. There's been mountains of studies done that have shown this time and time again. And THAT is not fair.
But, that aside, let's just remember that you've said, on this thread:
So you don't want the best of the best irregardless of their skin color etc ?????
If they don't hire people who are qualified i won't use their products
You are clearly in favour of a meritocratic economy where only those who are the most qualified and experienced should be hired. Fair enought.
But you also believe that better qualified candidates are routinely passed over because they are White. Frankly that's BS: the opposite is true 99% of the time.
You want the best of the best? Well, I've got news for you. Your government no longer has the best of the best. It is fast becoming a hive of unqualified, inexperienced mindless drones, hand-picked by President Musk because they will do HIS bidding.
Musk getting rid of DEI is a MASSIVE distraction, because he hopes that people aren't noticing that he is essentially eviscerating the Federal government and replacing highly experienced, supremely competent government workers with unqualified loyalists who are barely out of school. And that's also why he's furious that judges are exposing him. He's trying to cover his tracks.
You should have a real problem with this. It's concerning that you clearly don't.