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Do u believe Black History Month should be celebrated in 2025 ? πŸ§… πŸ«‘ 🍞 πŸ— ✊

Especially with what you see going on in the United States of America right now today.
This is a nation of immigrants.
This is a nation of different races.
This is a nation of Liberty.
But what about justice for all.
Do you believe that Black History Month should be celebrated in the year 2025.
Best answer wins. β˜ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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fun4us2b Β· M Best Comment
It's important that we celebrate each other....the most coolest thing I have noticed is when I see Black people on the subway wearing Green ☘ on St Patrick's day - I have seen it for years and think it is so awesome. It's the best thing we can do for each other and it costs no money!
fun4us2b Β· M
@Zonuss Agreed. Seeing this in person really changed me.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@fun4us2b Yeah. Because we don't give a f ... That's why. ☺
fun4us2b Β· M
@Zonuss Thanks for BC !!

NeuroticByNature Β· 41-45, F
Yes. We shouldn't forget how we got to where we are as a nation. It is a shame though that we dont celebrate the other cultures that made us and continue to shape us.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@NeuroticByNature Well said.
NeuroticByNature Β· 41-45, F
@Zonuss thank you.
BohemianBabe Β· M
Not really. I always thought that important figures should be taught about regardless of the month. People like MLK and Ruby Bridges should be taught in schools at some point during the year, but they don't need to contain all of the black people in February. They also don't need to only teach about black people in February. It's just such a weird concept.
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Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@BohemianBabe Nobody is talking about Black History from March to December. Lucky to have MLK Day.☺
SunshineGirl Β· 36-40, F
@BohemianBabe Black History month in the UK is in October. Yes, it can seem a bit strange restricting memories to a specific timeframe, but I guess that is what history does with all those dates, anniversaries, etc πŸ˜…
JPWhoo Β· 36-40, M
Of course it should be. On a related note, my company has a policy of celebrating Juneteenth as a holiday. I wonder if we still get that day off since Trump canceled it for this year?
Moneyonmymind Β· 31-35, M
@Zonuss there’s a rumor trump will try to eliminate Juneteenth, he better not.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Moneyonmymind He cannot. It's a Congress implemented holiday.
Moneyonmymind Β· 31-35, M
@Zonuss he seems to do whatever he wants so we shall see.
DeWayfarer Β· 61-69, M
Celebrate most certainly.

Yet imagine how many national holidays there would be if all cultures where celebrated.

AI generated...
There are at least 3,800 distinct cultures recognized by anthropologists, but the actual number is likely much higher due to the many variations and subcultures that exist globally. Each culture reflects unique beliefs, practices, and traditions.
fun4us2b Β· M
@DeWayfarer June 6th will be National Donut day - so that's already taken...πŸ˜…
DeWayfarer Β· 61-69, M
@fun4us2b see added edit for more.
SunshineGirl Β· 36-40, F
The more history, the more learning and thinking, the better!

Whether it should or should not be "celebrated" is a decision for those who write and teach history. It must not be politicised and it must not be in the gift of a single man to decide.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@SunshineGirl It's politicized because the media chooses to do so. That in itself is not the fault of the Black community. This worldy system likes to pervert and taint things that hold value. Especially things that pertain to them. I think we are starting to see this now. πŸ€”
AthrillatheHunt Β· 51-55, M
I’ve already done read alouds for my class and we had a Black History Month assembly this week, so yea . Haha
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@AthrillatheHunt Cool. ☺
ElwoodBlues Β· M
Yep. And we should also observe

National Hispanic Heritage Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month
kodiac Β· 22-25, M
Why not ?
MrSmooTh Β· 31-35, M
I'm kind of for getting rid of black history month if it isolates black history to February. Black history is American History.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@MrSmooTh Yes. Let's just cancel Black History Month because nothing else will be said for the rest of the year about Black accomplishments at all. πŸ™„
Moneyonmymind Β· 31-35, M
I’ll go on a limb here to say WE are not appreciated enough. So absolutely. πŸ’―
ViciDraco Β· 41-45, M
It's not like it's hurting anyone. If it makes people happy to celebrate it, then let them have it.
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AthrillatheHunt Β· 51-55, M
@Zonuss so in 1492 Columbus DIDNT sail the ocean blue ? It’s all about perspective . I didn’t call him a hero . I said he was a source of pride for Italians . He was flawed . As are ALL men.
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@AthrillatheHunt Lots of people sailed the ocean blue. Way before he did. πŸ˜‚
AthrillatheHunt Β· 51-55, M
@Zonuss agreed.
Diotrephes Β· 70-79, M
@Zonuss Remember, the only two races wanted in America were White western Europeans and Black Africans. So, why shouldn't Blacks get a month dedicated to Black history?
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@Diotrephes I agree.
oldguy73 Β· 70-79, M
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@oldguy73 Why is that. I am listening 🎧
MethDozer Β· M
Zonuss Β· 46-50, M
@NativePortlander1970 Oh I forgot. You let other people speak for you. ☺
@Zonuss They speak for themselves.

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