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President of Panama is dismissive of Trump.

He won't be dismissive of the USS Ronald Reagan (Seventh Fleet) and the USS George Washington (Fourth Fleet). Our blue water navy rules the seas on both ends of the Panama Canal. Jose Raul Mulino needs a lesson in history from the perspective of the USA.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Yes considering we built it and many lost their lives doing so. And the treaty had The US and Panama with equal oversight.
Like2play · M
@Gibbon until it didn’t.
You believe that bullying and threatening are only permissible if Trump does it. If this were Biden you’d be shrieking about the “dims” trying to start world war 3.

Its extremely concerning the amount of things you’re clearly prepared to overlook in the name of Trump.
sree251 · 41-45, M
So what? Are you seriously telling me you want racial inequality?

It's not a matter of what I want. No race is anymore equal to another than you are equal to me or to anyone for the matter. Every sand grain or snowflake is different. Every face is different. Africans are better runners than white people. Germans are more capable than French is making cars. Chinese are industrious while we are lazy. And woke people are full of themselves.

The United States sure as hell isn't above anything. Especially not with the іԁіоts you people put in charge of it. And at the right we're going, the only way we'll be a rogue nation is when, not if, our allies all turn their backs on us for being the worst friend ever.

What allies? Wake up, man. America has no more allies than you have friends.It's a dog eat dog world where each man is for himself. Try looking for help when you are down on your luck. You see the homeless guy hanging out at the street corner or the woke public library? Does he have allies?
@sree251 wow. You don’t even disguise your racism. You also think “woke” is a race, and you want to be referred to as Hitler.

No wonder you’re MAGA through and through. You are beyond help
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@sree251 Jesus Christ. You really do live in a horror show of a world. If that's the world we share, then I've made a life decision today that I'm sticking with.
Renkon · 41-45, M
The United States is a bully, as history will show. That period is coming to an end. Look at how many countries are lining up to join BRICS. This includes some NATO nations. There is a power shift occurring. I hope this does not result in wars.
sree251 · 41-45, M
The one in Germany implemented by your hero, Chancellor Hitler.

I don't know what you are talking about. I don't read woke history. As a matter of fact, I don't read history at all. I only deal with what is in my memory of personal experiences.

Your mother.

I have no mother, nor do I have a father. I do not have a conventional mindset.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@sree251 Of course not. In order to have a conventional mindset, it is necessary to have a mind.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Of course not. In order to have a conventional mindset, it is necessary to have a mind.

Good point. I don't have a mind.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
As long as all US shipping doesnt mind going around the bottom of South America from now on things will be fine..It wont take more than an hour to jam a few good sized cargo ships across the canal, and jam up the locks..😷
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Good for the President of Panama.
"Trump Canal"? The 51st state "North Trump"? Iceland "Trumpland"? China "Hear me Roar 🦁"
Make Trump great again, "MTGA".

"It all started with a small loan of $1M after that everything I touched turned to gold" DJT
jehova · 31-35, M
Lets try to play nice we annexed the land for the canal legally? Did the u.s. buy it (land rights) to construct the canal through?
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
I thought you lot were angry with Democrats for being warmongers. Is this one of those things that are only permissible from your side?
sree251 · 41-45, M
I thought you lot were angry with Democrats for being warmongers. Is this one of those things that are only permissible from your side?

Who says anything about war? It's not war when there is only one party asserting authority. A lion tamer is not at war with the animals in his circus ring.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Cool. Quite a few countries are impossing against the dictator. About time
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
Mexico is building a high speed rail to compete with the Panama Canal. Once this happens Panama will easy to deal with.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Kenworth4954 Is that going to sit next to the wall that Mexico was also going to build and pay for?
Like2play · M
@Kenworth4954 I take it you haven’t visited Mexico and had a look at their construction and how long it takes. I am sure that would be finished before 2150.
@Like2play Mexico, the 52nd State, "South Trump" MTGA
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
plankter979 · 51-55, M
You mean like Nixon was dismissive of the North Vietnamese?
Jokersswild · 22-25VIP
Panamanian president should call up Putin and Xi and let them build a base near the Panama canal.
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Jokersswild · 22-25VIP
@sree251 At the moment, there's a huge debate over how the US missed out on developing hypersonic weapons, choosing instead to focus on stealth fighters. While the US has the most advanced air force in the world and superior stealth fighters, "disgraced" ex-Representative Matt Gaetz pointed out, hypersonic weapons could make these fighters obsolete. China and Russia have the capability to destroy our aircraft carriers, and we currently have no effective countermeasure.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Jokersswild Hypersonic weapons are for doomsday wars. The US military doctrine is for projection of power across the world and domination of contested domains. There is no payback investing in Armageddon. China and Russia are just thumping their chests and baring their fangs.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
You just love following a bully, don't you? You love to watch him push people around, because you're a scared little bitсһ.
justanothername · 51-55, M
MAGAs and hypocrisy are like peas in a pod.
I'm actually surprised we didn't reacquire Panama in 1989 after we arrested Noriega for running cocaine from Columbia and Peru.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@NativePortlander1970 It's not that difficult to reacquire Panama. The CIA can easily start an uprising, and we can send in helicopter gunships to "restore order" and protect freedom of navigation thru the Canal.

CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@NativePortlander1970 I was positively impressed that the United States didn't attempt to reacquire it. Particularly as @sree251 is correct with regards to how easy it would be.
@CorvusBlackthorne I remember a lot of conservatives were super pissed at Papa Bushstain 41 for not reacquiring, specially Flush and Lizard.
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@jshm2 [This profile may contain inappropriate content]
sree251 · 41-45, M
Many of the US militaries own top brass have taxable income squirreled away there, and would prevent the USA getting it.

US military top brass? Trump can have them placed under house arrest after they are fired. They will all face a general court-martial.
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22Michelle · 61-69, T
@sree251 Way more difficult, and z canal is eady to block, to sabotage. The ships travelling through also probide easy targets.
And as for Americans Trump is all the proof you need on how easy it is to control them.
sree251 · 41-45, M
And as for Americans Trump is all the proof you need on how easy it is to control them.

You hate social order because it doesn't work for you. You reject social harmony because it doesn't work for you. Trump hates disorder and we need him to clean up America.
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