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If your country was in a state of crisis or being torn apart by war and you wanted to save your family from that suffering...

...would you wait the years it may take to get into America by legal measures or would you do whatever you had to in order to keep your family safe?

Is the response that you have to these terrible, illegal immigrants the one you would want for you and your family if your fortunes were reveresed?
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Doesn't matter what I would want as a hypothetical, what matters is what the host country wants. Since this is thinly veiled at the US, I would point out that immigration policy isn't set by self serving billionaires donating to Presidential Candidates constitutionally, but by the US Congress.

Most of these countries have a safe area, and the people who are leaving are causing a brain and tax and draft drain on these countries. They will have to be returned to invest their savings locally, to form a new tax base and enact local laws that get their countries out of the trouble they are in. Liberals can't unilaterally to the Hitler Salute and push this crap on everyone else. We have a constitutional order, and it isn't superceded by the liberal crosseyed order that listens to scam the richest 1% tries to push on the rest of us. We need to give these other countries a chance to heal themselves with the best of their best, and not make everyone in the US underemployed with suppressed wages because a massive amount of illegals are here stealing everyone's jobs. For those who are deserving of amnesty dur to torture and persecution, we have a process for that. It needs strict scrutiny and skepticism. I better see whip scars and mutilated fingers from someone applying for that, or a fulan gong member screaming they broke out of a live organ harvesting clinic in China. Those are deserving. Guatamala having alot of people and gangs is not deserving. Haiti has a stable north, so it is not deserving.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Canada did it as much as the US, if not more, I'm uncertain which country had more conflicts, Canada or the US, I've been reading up on the wars in Canada for years and you guys had alot of local conflicts. Might outnumber the US.

First people to be rounded up and shot are not fighting aged males. You shoot them, the local recruits and economy completely collapses. You round up the local intellectuals and shoot them. That's what the Muslims did in Persia with the Zoroastrians. They would gather everyone in a crowd, and ask who was learned and understood iranian religion and history. They went to the side, thinking they would be selected for government roles, and were instead massacred.

You just only recently discovered liberalism came out kf the enlightenment, and that it was bloody. I'd recommend you study up on it for a few years and then come back and have opinions. Right now you don't know anything. It is reaolvable, but it is through study, not the interjection of your ignorant opinion.
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OldBrit · 61-69, M
So in the UK "illegal migration" is a hot topic. But of those that cross the channel illegally to enter the country when their asylum claims are processed the majority are granted asylum. So I don't understand how it was illegal migration they were actually fleeing oppression, violence etc.

The number of asylum seekers is tiny compared to the number the government gladly give worker etc visas to. It's all a smoke and mirrors exercise to avoid people realising we have an economic model that doesn't function without immigrants currently.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@OldBrit There are definitely similarities between the UK and the US, then.
Wouldn't they qualify for asylum and not be considered illegal in that type of situation?

I think in a lot of cases, yes....but how long does that take? What if the red tape is delaying things?
How long would you wait to save your family?
@Pikachu My understanding was if they make it to the US we have to allow them in. The process for asylum can take months or years. It is supposed to be within 6 months but due to backlogs of cases it is taking much longer. They are supposed to be allowed to stay while their case is pending, unless for some reason their asylum status is revoked.

I guess Trump put into place some deals with other countries to prevent many from coming to the US by making it a rule they had to seek safety in a closer country. I think Biden undid those rules but is doing something similar now due to the number of people coming through the border. He's put a cap on the number allowed in each day at the border. The amount of people that are seeking asylum are much greater than they used to be. One figure stated with backlogs we are up to 1.1 million.

My answer though is I would do whatever I could to protect my family. I would try legal routes first but if that took too long and I was in imminent danger I would do what I had to do. I can definitely sympathize with those who find themselves in this circumstance. I don't think it's an easy thing to deal with on either side. I would hate to be the bad guy who has to turn people away.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@midnightrose They just need to approach an American embassy in their country, apply for asylum, and wait their turn. It's as simple as that.
You do what you have to do. And it is also idiotic to expect people to stop to make sure they have all the proper documents on them and that the death squads will wait for them to get their documents before fleeing.

The very idea of it speaks to out of touch people speaking from a position of privilege and safety for whom this will always just be an intellectual exercise and never something they have real stakes in.

I also think some of the people obsessed with procedure if they were in that position might be like people my friend from Croatia told me about.

Some of them were still waiting for a government bureaucrat to save them while they were been loaded on to buses to the refugee camps.

I think that is so right.

I can't imagine being in the position that many of these people are and i don't think the RA RA anti-immigration people have even stopped to consider the actual real life people in this scenario.
@Pikachu Well from climate change alone there are already estimates that in the next 30 years the US could find itself with up to 2 million internally displaced refugees. Should be interesting how things go when it is no longer a hypothetical.
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dale74 · M
How come men ages 17 to 35 make up roughly 80% of those crossing our border illegally?

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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Bumbles · 51-55, M
I don’t blame them, and know that without them LA would collapse. I also support border enforcement.
jehova · 31-35, M
Id definitely take any means necessary to keep my family safe.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
That is a good and thought-provoking question.

Too bad it won't provoke thoughts in those people who need to think. They're just done thinking for themselves.

It's a question i've been privileged never to consider before.

I think a lot of the people who are so rabidly against this immigration are in the same position.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Pikachu Even Elon Musk, awful as he is, has said that the process of legally immigrating to the US needs to be improved upon. When a gatekeeping racist POS like that can even recognize the problem, it's pretty big.
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