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From the " I wish I was making this up" department...

Donald Trump over the weekend told supporters of his campaign for a second presidency that his Democratic opponents want to ban cows and windows in buildings, inviting another round of questions about his mental fitness.

No more needs to be said😜
@HootyTheNightOwl Thank you for the Best Comment 🙂🙂🙂
Convivial · 26-30, F
@HootyTheNightOwl you earnt it😜

bookerdana · M
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@bookerdana Man I wish I had the talent and, mostly the patients to do something like this.. LOL
Kudos to the guy who put this together and the guy who posted it. :-)
bookerdana · M
@Dainbramadge I actually think you could do it just noodling around with yer instruments🤷‍♂
TheBannibalOne · 61-69, M
At least he did not allow millions of illegals to come in and give money to 2 wars.😕
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
“Almost 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions globally come from livestock (and everything involved in raising it); 61 percent of those emissions can be traced back to beef. Cows are 20 times less efficient to raise than beans and roughly three times less efficient than poultry and pork.”

In other words, we could drop global greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 10% – a gigantic drop – if we ban beef. Even if we replace all that beef with chicken, it would still be a huge win. And this is an important point: this proposal is not asking anyone to become vegetarian or to stop eating meat. The proposal here is that humanity stops eating just a single type of meat: beef from cattle.

Why beef specifically? There are at least four good reasons to ban beef:

Beef cattle are an inefficient way to create meat compared to something like chicken or fish. Therefore, cattle can consume a huge amount of feed per pound of meat produced compared to the alternatives. We will explore how inefficient beef is in a moment.

A large percentage of the feed for all these inefficient beef cattle, especially Chinese beef, is coming by burning down the Amazon rainforest and converting the rainforest into agricultural fields.

Beef cattle also consume a large amount of fresh water during their lives.

Beef cattle and their manure can produce a huge amount of methane. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that is 25X more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@sunsporter1649 all very true... But that's not what he said
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Convivial Green New Deal proposes eliminating “farting cows”

Agriculturalists work to share the facts about beef sustainability following Rep. Alexandria Osacio-Cortez’s introduction of the Green New Deal, which proposes eliminating farting cows.
It's about time someone stood up to big window.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@BohemianBabe couldn't agree more... We need more transparency on the subject!
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MommyLucy · 36-40, F
I would NEVER in a million years vote Republican because they are WAY too right wing! 😔😔😔 I'm a Bernie Sandars and AOC supporter myself because I believe in compassion and empathy for others less fortunate so I believe in the welfare state and universal healthcare and other programs that helps others! 😇😇😇 Luckily there are not too many Trump supporters in the small town I live at as I live in quite a Liberal area! 🤸‍♀🤸‍♀🤸‍♀
Bill1372 · 51-55, M
That’s ok. We put Biden in office in far worse shape and at least we have a VP under Trump we don’t have to fear being President unlike Biden’s choice … a hyena
Mooed78 · F
Why do 🐄 cows get blamed for everything lol
Convivial · 26-30, F
@Mooed78 buggered if I know🤔
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
He has really gone over the deep end!
Convivial · 26-30, F
@samueltyler2 as if there were any doubts😜
Back in the late 90's there was a cali carpetbagger running for the Oregon State House, his platform was literally to ban all cows from the state because their flatulence was contributing greenhouse gasses, he of course lost big time, his repub opponent won like 95%. One year later he was arrested for shooting and deliberately wounding dairy cows with a shotgun on a coastal farm that is part of the Tillamook creamery coop, he was sentenced for a very long time without elegibility for parole.
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@HumanEarth It's Trump... Can you trust anything that he says or does???
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