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Why are you, as an American, voting for Trump?

He’s the first former or serving US president to be found guilty of a crime, and he’s the first presumptive major-party nominee to become a convicted felon as well.

While Trump plans his appeal in the hush-money case, and awaits a sentence in November that could in theory include prison time and a hefty fine. But if he does become President, it will be his way out of avoiding prison - so why vote for him?

Is it because while it’s not a great thing to be convicted of a crime, what voters will be thinking more about in November is inflation, the southern border, competition with China and Russia and the money that is being spent on Israel and Ukraine.
... So doesn't it matter that he is such a dishonest human being?
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
The convictions were all a farce, no real laws were even broken. He was accused of the same things Bill Clinton did, nothing happened there. The country was so much better off four years ago than it is now. That's why our family and friends are voting for him.
SeaGlass · F
I wouldn't vote for Trump even if I was threatened with prison time. Can't wait until he's gone forever
SeaGlass · F
@Crazychick Same. He's just not a good person
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@SeaGlass He's obnoxious.
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DonJuan · 41-45, M
im voting for Harris
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

*dumber, which you, without a trace of irony, misspelled..
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@Patriot96 But isn’t America about freedom of speech? Why call a fellow American dumb when all they are doing is exercising their right as a citizen?
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Jack Smith and a stacked jury in NY casts doubt over the legitimacy of that trial. A conviction on 30+ felony charges over a bookkeeping snafu beyond the statute of limitations?

The leftist's job is to make you hate Trump as much as possible so you forget the Biden and Harris disaster over the last 4 years.

Everyone in America was better off 4 years ago except for illegal aliens.
AbbeyRhode · F
Because I love my country, as does our true President. The traitor currently occupying our White House, and his VP, who slept her way into politics, hate this country and its citizens.
🤷 Nelson Mandela was a "convicted felon".
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
@SeaGlass Both are victims of political lawfare...
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@SeaGlass funny how you said this is not Africa .
@easterniowegin Funny how the Democrats are using "convicted felon" as a detriment, yet they all adored Mandela.
Liberal double standards and hypocrisy knows no bounds.
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
Trump for many reasons economically and safety and sanity. How about freedom of speech too
boudinMan · 61-69, M
because he stands up to the demented left, understands the economy much better than any lifelong politician ever could, puts americans ahead of illegals, can distinguish between an immigrant and an illegal alien, believes in the first and second amendments, realizes that he is/will be president of the united states, not the world, wants to keep us out of unnecessary wars, knows the difference between male and female, doesn't want men competing against women in sports, etc.

and i find it somewhat ironic that trump was never charged with any of these ridiculous crimes until after he became president. he was actually adored by the media and celebrities until he decided to run for president as a republican.
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
Irony is that even the cartoon is biased. Lol

- judge is associated with DNC via his daughter
- the attorney campaigned on a "I'll get him" platform
- NY changed the law in order to even allow this case to move forward
- there was no victim of a crime...both parties were completely satisfied with the transaction and the outcome...he borrowed money and repaid it with interest
- there was NOT a unanimous jury decision
- this is an example of government overreach...meddling in a private business interaction.

It's all politics...a weaponization of the judiciary.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Very biased question but I will answer with, because it is my right to do so.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@NerdyPotato Still your fault.
@Adrift could you explain how it would be my fault? 😅
Adrift · 61-69, F
@GrannyWeatherwax I have the same question about Kamala. I mean before her popularity was is the toilet but now that the media has pumped her up, she is suddenly different.
The emperor has no clothes.
Jackrules · 56-60
The democrat party in no way is using democracy this time around yet again. Never before in history has this happened when a sitting president was forced out AFTER the primary, and another person was INSTALLED who didn't go through a primary, didn't receive any votes, and wasn't challenged by anyone for the position.
This mirrors COMMUNISM! Having delegates install her at the convention without fair competition is COMMUNISM!
How do you get a Democrat to shut up? Just ask them to list Kamala’s achievements.

IM5688 · 61-69, M
Many politicians are criminals and have committed crimes, the difference is that they weren't caught and/or had it swept under the rug and/or paid someone to make it all go away.
Biden still hasn't explained away his payouts received from Ukraine, his shell companies, or his making millions off of his dirty political doings, etc.
Pelosi and others have made millions in stock trading with their inside information.
Hillary Clinton, never got what she deserved because she destroyed the evidence and when she did have to testify, she couldn't remember anything.
You don't have to be an Einstein to see and know that everything from the Russian collusion hoax to his sexual misconduct charges, (which all happened decades ago,) and the classified document fiasco were all politically motivated attacks to keep Trump out of the White House.

I would never support Harris as she is just a dumber version of Joe Biden. Their agenda and executive ordering everything they want despite whether or not we the people want it, is not doing any good for the country or the American people. Plus, Harris has flipped-flopped so much, you can't believe, (let alone understand,) what she is actually saying/doing.

I may not like Trump as a person. He is egotistical, insulting, crass and brash, but I did like the majority of his agenda and what he was trying to do nationally and internationally. The world was more at peace, US inflation was down, prices were down, unemployment was down too with the exception of the covid pandemic.
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
@IM5688 so what your admitting is that all of those folks are far and away smarter than the self proclaimed stable genus.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
You should be old enough to know better.
TexChik · F
The communist left is using the legal system to attack their political foes . All of Trump's charges, convictions, and fines will be ultimately resolved and his record expunged.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
I think America needs and deserves Trump! Don't let those commie cowards fool you! This is a classic Chicom plot to subvert our freedoms! God bless the USA!!
meJess · F
Why are you, as an American,attempting to influence an election?
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@meJess Good one! 😄
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Crazychick · 36-40, F
If I was American, the last person I would vote for would be Trump.
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
Haven't done it yet, and won't EVER
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I’m not defending him. He is no more corrupt than any other politico.
@BritishFailedAesthetic Nobody likes Kamala, she isn't clever, she isn't a savor, she is hated for everything that has happened over the last four years. She is about as liked as Guy Fawkes is in the UK.
@Theophrastus Actually, by the numbers, Kamala has better rally attendance than Trump. And polling also proves all your numbers wrong.
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
@Theophrastus Guy Fawkes is soaring in the polls right now
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@Theophrastus Actually, the documents convicted Trump. This sheet of notes and the testimony of Jeffrey S. McConney proved that tRump falsified business documents.

In New York State, it's against the law to falsify business records. Has been since the 1960s.

"The law under which Ms. James sued, known by its shorthand 63(12), requires the plaintiff to show a defendant’s conduct was deceptive. If that standard is met, a judge can impose severe punishment, including forfeiting the money obtained through fraud. Ms. James has also used this law against the oil company ExxonMobil, the tobacco brand Juul and the pharma executive Martin Shkreli."

Among the documents Trump falsified were SFCs (Statements of Financial Condition). He did that partly by feeding false info to and concealing liabilities from his accounting firm, Mazars. That's why Mazars dumped Trump back in Feb 2022.

Trump falsified business records involving:
Trump Tower triplex apartment
40 Wall St
Vornado Realty Trust
Trump Park Ave
Seven Springs
Trump National Golf Club LA
Aberdeen Golf Course

Trump is thus required by law to disgorge profits made from these falsifications.

For complete details, see
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
@Theophrastus I'm beginning to think you're not the real Theophrastus...
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GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I'm not persecuting him at all, it's a question I wanted to ask, and as for the rest of the post, this is what US newspapers were writing about him.

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