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Why are Democrats yelling "River to the Sea" at the DNC

I have seen the start of massive riots in Chicago. Businesses are boarding up getting ready
for massive looting and arson by mostly peaceful protestors, while pushing anti-Semitism.

What is their major malfunction?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
So many things wrong with this post. As others have pointed out, its the protesters outside the DNC, which is not the same thing as the Democratic Party.

Also, that chant is a call for Palestinian freedom. It's not about anti-Semitism.


Meanwhile, an actual genocide and actual ethnic cleansing are being called out in Gaza. What Israel defenders disengenuously claim that the chant is a hypothetical call for, is literally being done by the IDF as we speak.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@graphite Would you defend yourself from military occupation by a non-christian religious etho state?
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@Burnley123 You say that you value all lives equally. Does that mean if your daughter had been
at the music festival in Israel, and was raped and murdered by Hamas, you would value Hamas
the same as your daughter? Hamas does not care about civilian lives. They were not taking
care of Palestinians before they attacked Israel, and started the current war.

Tell me something, are the caring Democrats speaking out telling Iran, and Lebanon to stop
firing rockets into Israel? NO! they are not. Think about that for a minute.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Because they are hamas terrorists
they mostly made up of soros funded professional activists..
they know this. but theyve seen what the mob does to anyone who speaks out.. so like cowards they allow this marxist rabble to hijack their entire party...

just like their convention requires ID for entry and they putting up fences to block the protestors.

but the border gets no fence.
no ID required to vote.....
Vin53 · M
DogMan · 61-69, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Great point! A border to protect Dems from their constituents,
but southern border. ID required to get in the DNC, but not to vote.

This is a perfect example of the left.

Let me add one more. It's ok to kill a baby, even after birth, but it's not OK to execute
a child rapist/murderer.
ron122 · 41-45, M
Democrats are afraid of people in their own party.🤣 Such a sorry group of people.
4meAndyou · F
Iranian money. The Democrats failed to keep Iran in an impoverished state, and they are using their billions to sow discord and try to destroy the only bastion of freedom in the middle east...Israel.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
They love destroying things. It's their plan for the country.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@Gibbon I have had people like that too. They get notifications as soon as I post
something, so they can attack it immediately. I'm wondering how many of them are
paid to do that. Someone by the name Northwest would always be the first to respond
and attack. as if he HAS to do it. He is the latest person/troll I blocked.

If he just responded once in a while, it would be fine, but it was immediate, on every post
I made. It was clear that he was following me and getting notifications, but when
I mentioned it to him/her, he said to not flatter myself, so I waited until it was
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PatKirby · M
Major malfunction = perpetual adolescence.
joe438 · 61-69, M
I expect it will be fiery, but mostly peaceful. The DNC is pissing of half the the country by being too left, and a part of what’s left by not being radical and left enough. The far left is seriously planning on trashing Chicago. I hope they’re ready for it.
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Adrift · 61-69, F
From some of the interviews I have seen on YouTube, they dont even really know.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Northwest · M
Weird. The DNC Convention doesn't start until this evening.

But it's not like you understand the issues in the Middle East, or the DNC.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Northwest The activities, not the chants. The chants were Defund the Police, while burning
and looting businesses. They don't really care what the issue is, they just need an excuse.
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@DogMan Most of the violence in the summer of 2020 was from right wing groups, unaffiliated people taking advantage of the unrest, and the cops themselves, who were caught coordinating with the Proud Boys.
496sbc · 36-40, M
Maybe they wana be thrown in the sea lol
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Richard65 So....genocide huh? Like we did to the Germans and Japanese?

It's actually called winning a war that Palestinians started.
Richard65 · M
@DogMan nah, it's a designated war crime. Facts don't care about your feelings
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Patriot96 · 56-60, C
What is their major malfunction?

They are liberals, the ideology of collective consciousness. They work as one mind.
I don't get the context. Sure, rivers flow into the sea. So what!
@DogMan How odd. Are Jews typically thrown in rivers and flushed out to sea?
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Richard65 · M
Netanyahu and Likud politicians have said the same thing. What is their major malfunction?
while pushing anti-Semitism.

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Richard65 · M
@DogMan 😄 there you go with more disinformation. I know what Harris said and I'm calling out your disingenuous garbage. See, we're in the post-truth world of alternative facts now, the one Donnie created. The truth is just how you see it, facts depend on how you can spin them. Enjoy it, this is Trump's political universe of nobody really knows and proof doesn't mean anything.
Dip your toes in the water. How are you enjoying it...?
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@Richard65 Talk about the pot and kettle. Good Lord Man! The lies coming from the left
far out weighs lies from the right. You just believe everything the MSM and DNC tells you.

I personally question both.
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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@graphite I guess I could but there is no airport in Gaza because the Israeli military destroyed it twenty years ago.

Americans are being killed

If you care much about that, Israel has killed plenty of American citizens.

Meanwhile, 40,000 Palestinian bodies are buried under the rubble due to this #NotAGenicide.
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