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Question for democrats

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I know many democrats are "vote blue no matter who". However, do you feel that the Harris/Walz ticket was forced down your throat? What i mean by that due to the clear and evident lack of a primary you do you fell that you were told this is the candidate and screw your opinion?
And do you feel that this is a threat to the democratic process in America?
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Carla · 61-69, F
I voted for a biden/harris ticket. There always lies the chance that a vp must take over. That could happen at any moment, to any potus. I don't feel cheated at all. And quite honestly, with an influx of small donations from the general public, im not alone.
This is in no way a threat. She gained the delegates needed.
What if biden had died? It would have been handled in the same manner. But harris would be running as an incumbent.

As for vote blue, no matter who?
Yes. Until all of the bootlicking, trumpian sycophants are washed away, any republican is suspect.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
@Carla yes this!!
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@Carla And that’s sad, Carla, and I think you’ll agree with me that there are a lot of Republicans who voted for Trump simply because they were Republicans and he was that Party’s nominee. With time, those voters saw their Party erode into a vicious, delusional [b]Cult[/b] but now they are abandoning tRUMP. They may not be voting for Democrats, but they are abandoning tRUMP & Vance, and to a lesser extent the GQP down ballot.

And that’s fine! Better late than never! And if they’re up to actually voting again, I am certain that Harris & Walz will welcome their votes, deal with them honestly, and they can be part of bringing a bright future to our children and grandchildren!
No-one wanted a primary, least of all any of the potential candidates who could have stood against Kamala in a primary.

The Dems are united behind Kamala and Walz.

I know you don't like it, but we all do!

Deal with it :)
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@SW-User i can care less with the dems do it was just an honest question
@Ozuye502 And I answered that stupidly loaded question. No-one feels this ticket has been forced down our throats. Oh, and I guess you don't care who wins or loses, am I right?
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
@Ozuye502 you can always identify the hive-minded people....they use words like "all" or ""no one" along with blanket assertions to reiterate the idea that what they are doing is accepted by the powers that be. Go along to get along.

The group who blindly accept this is shrinking. There is evidence of this daily, if anyone looks beyond their close associations.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Excellent question.

I have never registered as a Democrat, nor have I ever voted in a Democrat primary (makes no sense because I live in a pretty red area and usually the democrat primaries are uncontested). But my wife and her family are mostly lifelong Democrats.

That said, I think the opposite is true, and that most Democrats felt like Biden was "forced down their throats" and longed for another choice.

They all knew Biden was old and questioned whether he should run again, and many were disappointed that the Democrat party seemed to shut down any other challengers. And face it, unless you are a complete idiot, you knew a vote for Biden had a good chance of being a vote for Harris anyway, because at 80+ years old, the chance of Biden not finishing another 4 years was high. I also think most Democrats know that had Biden made the decision last year, the chance that Harris would have won the nomination anyway is pretty high.

Also consider that it is only relatively recently in US history that party voters had the opportunity to choose their party's candidate. Prior to that, it was party delegates, and who those delegates voted for at the convention was only minimally influenced by voter input. Parties set their own rules. Do libertarians have a primary? Green Party? "We the people" party? Reform party?

Having a major candidate drop out so late is new; but a party choosing a candidate without a primary is not. The party sets their rules, and from the looks of it the vast majority of Democrats seem quite okay with how things worked out. The only ones complaining are Republicans, basically making excuses for the fact they are now behind in the polls.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
@trollslayer Well said.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
No, we celebrated Biden stepping down. I haven’t heard anyone complain, except Republicans. 🫢
@Bumbles I would characterize the Apricot Antichrist as more whining than complaining.

It’s really irritating to hear someone whine the exact same hate filled LIES day in and day out.
DailyFlash · 56-60, M
They're handling it textbook according to procedure. Harris is VP in the elected incumbent administration which also won the primaries. Presidential candidates have the choice of VP. I'm not sure how it could have been handled otherwise considering time constraints
@samueltyler2 the wettest dreams remark
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@KunsanVeteran oh, okay.
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Northwest · M
This is an entirely internal issue for the Democrat party. Each party sets up its own system, and it has nothing to do with the actual elections.

The process goes as follows: delegates are selected, usually by the public, through elections or caucus. I've participated in both in my state (we moved away from public caucuses).

Delegates then meet, and select a candidate to represent the party in the general elections.

When the candidate the delegates initially pledged for, they are free to select someone else. These are the rules for this party. Rules may be different for other parties.

Many people do not belong to a party but when they select a candidate, they are also trusting that this delegate is their surrogate.

There was nothing untoward when the delegates elected another candidate when the initial candidate bowed out.
No Democrats are complaining about this. All I hear is concern trolling from Republicans.

Anyone who voted for Biden and didn’t realize Harris is the VP is free to register their displeasure by voting for someone else. But considering the rise in support for Harris, I don’t think anyone like that exists. More people are excited about Harris than they were about Biden.
“No” to all your “questions.”

Now, let’s talk Vance:

JD sure did a big flip flop on tRUMP from the many remarks he said on record in 2016.

Vance has said that unlike former Vice President Mike Pence, he would have used the VP’s role to contest the outcome of the 2020 election, which he said was “stolen” from Trump. Of course when asked for evidence of this stolen election absolutely no credible evidence was ever provided—just lies and deceptions from the usual suspects beginning with the draft dodging, insurrectionist CONVICTED FELON and ADJUDICATED SEXUAL ASSAILANT all the way down to drunken disgraced & disbarred former lawyer Rudy The Red Nosed. All of their frivolous lawsuits re: the 2020 election being “stolen” were thrown out. What should that tell JD? Maybe that he’s just another gullible cultist who’s been brainwashed by idiot tRUMP?

Now with new stories breaking about tRUMP crimes including a $ 10 MILLION BRIBE BY EGYPT and new evidence that tRUMP and Epstein sexually assaulted minors (shades of Matt Gaetz!)

Clean up your house, GQP—all you are now is a party of brainwashed hypocrites who run felons for the highest office in our country.

You have ruined The Party of Lincoln and turned it into a den of thieves, cheaters, liars, and hate mongers.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I don't really like the WAY the Democrats used public pressure to influence Joe Biden while self-congratulating themselves on encouraging voters and doners to doubt his capabilities under the premise they were "having a family discussion" (in public). I still think he could have won with most voters choosing Biden/Harris to vanquish Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump.

With that being said, I don't feel this is a "forced down your throat" option. In the end, Joe Biden made the decision. It's clear his age was holding him back, and it would have been a lot to be president and to campaign. Again, I think the Democrats could have handled the situation with much more finesse and dignity. But, Harris isn't a backroom selection. She was part of the primary ticket and the transition was expertly handled in large part thanks to Joe Biden and the graceful way he handled the situation. Harris was graceful and respectful too. It's what leadership is supposed to look and feel like. It would have been far worse, if someone outside the ticket was "forced" into place. And, a second primary would not have been productive or practical.

Finally, the approving and energized reaction of the voting public suggests the outcome is a good choice. This is democracy in action in all of its messiness. I love it.
I'm registered as a Democrat, but I don't have loyalty to either party. I vote Democrat as long as they're better than the Republicans. If the parties ever switch again, then I'll start voting Republican.

That being said, this is a ridiculous argument. We all knew that Harris was going to be Biden's veep, we all knew that a vote for Biden, who is a thousand years old, was a vote for Harris. Same thing with the Republican ticket. If you vote for Trump, you vote for the possibility that Vance becomes president.

And no, this isn't a threat to the democratic process. The parties are private companies, they can nominate whoever they want. They should have primaries, but they don't have to. What really matters is the general election, which Trump tried to steal last time because he's fascist.
@samueltyler2 Like I said, Trump tried to steal the last election because he's fascist. Of course he would sign off on Project 2025, as it gives him unchecked power. Trump would easily take the chance to become a dictator. We all see how he practically worships people like Putin and Xi.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@BohemianBabe Actually, SCOTUS has already given him the greenlight! Once re-elected, he is free to commit any crime as long as it is during his presidency! It is very similar to what happened in Germany in 1939.
@samueltyler2 True, which is really fucking bad, no question. But Project 2025 would make things even worse because it would give Trump the ability to pass legislation without congress. So in addition to him being able to break any law he wants, he'll also be able to get anything he wants done. It's a terrifying situation. It's how the Nazis took over Germany, it's also how Putin took over Russia. The Project 2025 strategy has been used to end checks and balances in a bunch of countries.
So yeah, it's extremely important that we do anything we can to keep Trump and Vance from winning in November.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
As an outside observer, the Democrats seem far happier with Harris than they did with Biden. Also she was his VP it's literally her one job to step up if required its how your system works.
@CountScrofula Joe gave us the leadership our country desperately needed to recover from the disastrous failed tRUMP administration that ballooned the national debt, lost more jobs than any other modern administration, raised prices on everything with his stupid tariff war, criminally mishandled COVID, obstructed the peaceful transfer of power, orchestrated a deadly riotous insurrection which left over 140 Capitol Police injured, committed to the disastrous pull out to the Afghanistan war, etc.

Joe led an economic recovery that led the world, passed much needed infrastructure improvements, even led to a bipartisan border security bill which tRUMP himself and his brainwashed cult tanked. Record numbers of new, well paying jobs were created every month, and our foreign defense treaties were shored up despite strong GQP opposition.

Now Harris and Walz are ready to usher in a new era of opportunity, advancement, and empowerment to the American people.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
You do realize that for most of US history, there were no primaries, right? The first time they were used was in 1972 when both parties used them. That said, people who voted in the primaries selected the ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, knowing that Harris would take over if Joe could not. And the party is united behind Harris. The only people who find this problematic are Republicans, because they can't beat Harris.
@windinhishair No, he did not realize that.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@windinhishair Exactly. I think people think primaries are the same as elections for office. Political parties are private entities covered by the Right to Assemble.
Ynotisay · M
A threat to the Democratic process? Yeah. That's the desperate line that's getting tossed out there. But what it mean exactly? What would be the alternative when a politician decides not to run relatively near the nomination process?
Others could have run for the position. But they didn't.
What you're seeing is an extension of Biden's very successful administration and policies. That's logical when the VP, who was closely involved with those policies decisions, takes the helm. You're also seeing Democratic cohesion. Grown ups understand what's at stake. Even the screaming kids on the far left get that.
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deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Not a registered Democrat but I generally am with the left on various things. I do not feel like they were forced down my throat. She was his VP. Given Biden's declining state, people who were voting Biden were essentially voting for Harris for president assuming he had to step down if they won.

There is no legit issue here and strangely 99% of people squawking about this as if it was an issue are conservatives
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I made a comment about a week or so before Biden stepping down how she was a divisive candidate in California. That's a state she has to win wholesale.

Personally I think Buttigieg is the better candidate but the democratic party have united behind Kamala Harris so it seems she has the best shot.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I'm not a democrat or American and I'm here to read the comments.

Well done for posting a question to find out about the other side thinks though.
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@Burnley123 i think they are just happy its not Biden to be honest with you. This ticket may give them a chance against Trump but it should be interesting to see.
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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Jimbo1 I'll take that, if you invest in some humility and some reading glasses.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I'm more than fine with it.
RedBaron · M
No, but I think Trump is dangerous and being forced down the country’s collective throat by what used to be the Republican Party.

I don’t care how Harris and Walz came to be on the Democratic ticket, nor what they say or don’t say about policy.

What I care about is Trump being defeated and going away.

Done, finished, completed, end of story.
James25 · 61-69, M
There should have been a primary for the voters to choose their candidate. But I am excited about the Harris/Walz ticket. They are an excellent team for president.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
There were times I felt the republicans ran a better candidate, so i don't vote blue just because it is the blue ticket. I really can't figure out WHY ANYONE in a right state of mind, can be so bamboozled by trumpism!
@samueltyler2 This didn’t happen overnight. tRUMP started with “smaller and easily concealed” high crimes and misdemeanors and put people in key positions to run interference for him. He identified vulnerable groups of easily corrupted people (e.g. evangelical pseudo Christians) and utilized “FAUX and friends” to corrupt them. He made up outlandish lies and repeated them ad nauseam until he had drummed his lies into their subconscious. He chose good, honest people and projected hate and lies at them making them the obvious targets for the hatred of his supporters. And along the way they were brainwashed. Look at how he now humiliates his own supporters who previously stood up to him or at least made that effort.

Whatever “success” tRUMP has enjoyed is entirely due to his ability to avoid the consequences of his crimes, lies, racism, hatred, treason (what rational person can look at January 6th or his theft of TS/NDI documents and come away believing he is anything but a criminal/traitor/pathologic liar?)—tRUMP’s success is his ability to corrupt almost all of those around him.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@KunsanVeteran we need to get out the vote, We Vote, We Win!
@samueltyler2 Absolutely! And it appears Harris & Walz are laser focused on this truth!

That had fallen by the wayside and was distracting voters—just like tRUMP useless drama has always done.
The election has been undermined by media coverage of the two parties for many decades.
Consistently running coverage of the two parties and the race between them has been the way US media serves the military industrial complex and robs the population of democracy.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Roundandroundwego please explain this! how does coverage of both parties support the military-industrial complex?
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samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Roundandroundwego what are you saying?
And.. do they think Kamala and white guy are going to still be the dream team in November?

and will Theyl be forced into the mental gymnastics of accepting another dynamic duo, While convincing themselves they were involved in the process the whole way…
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MethDozer · M
Im not a registered Democrat. However if I do vote this election I will be voting their ticket due to the pure wickedness of the current Trump/GOP platform.

That said, primaries are kind of a luxury and privilege afforded by the parties, not a legal mechanism. Even during a normal primary season, the parties are not obligated to nominate the people's choices and the votes are merely suggestions to the parties on who to pick. It has always ultimately been left to the parties to pick whoever the hell they want in the end. Hell most third parties don't even hold any sort of primary to choose their nomination.

So really the whole lack of primary in this odd case is pretty much a nothing burger being used by the GOP and it's supporters as bad faith and ingenuous argument how they are the more democratic and egalitarian of the two parties. Despite a policy record that clearly shows otherwise
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
@MethDozer but but but...
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Jimbo1 you mean like johnson
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