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Who was, and right now is, running the USA if, as everyone with a brain suspected, Joe Biden is senile?

And the fact was covered up by his masters in the ironically-named Democratic Party. The man with his finger hovering above the big, red nuclear button has dementia, and yet the people who worked with and for the man, and those who pulled the strings, didn't have an issue with that apparently.
Now we have a cackling hyena who is even more dangerous in the top job. What is wrong with you Yanks? The entire world is laughing at this ridiculous charade, this tragi-comedy of corruption and stupidity, and we're wondering if any of us will live to see 2025, because the psychopaths in Washington can't accept the fact that the American Empire is done for.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
He is 81 years old for goodness sake. He might not be as mentally sharp as he was 20 years ago, but this does not mean he has dementia. If I had half his energy when I reach that age I would consider myself to be fortunate.

Now we have a cackling hyena

Yep, a woman is running for office, try to get over it 🤷‍♀️
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SunshineGirl You can tell they don't have any truly good reason for hating her, because all they come up with is birther lies, BS about her sleeping her way to the top, and complaining about the fact that she laughs.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@LordShadowfire No "truly good reason" to hate her? How about the fact that, when confronted with her sordid past (like trying to keep people in prison in order to exploit their cheap labour), she simply denies it?

Now, perhaps 'The Daily Beast' is some sort of controversial tabloid that likes sensational stories, so I'll provide something else.

Okay, now perhaps that one is far too "right wing", so...

The one above will be more to your liking. It basically disagrees with the other two, and portrays her in a better light.
But then there's this.

But critics say that Harris’ record as a prosecutor, first as the district attorney in San Francisco and later as the California attorney general, reveals a political chameleon rather than a tough-on-crime top cop, according to interviews with current and former law enforcement leaders across the state, civil rights advocates and politicians.

More TDS from the same people.

Just below that paragraph:

In a statement, Harris campaign spokesperson James Singer said, “During her career in law enforcement, Kamala Harris was a pragmatic prosecutor who successfully took on predators, fraudsters, and cheaters like Donald Trump.”
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Bellatrix2024 From that last article, I found this:
Four months after Harris was sworn in, a gang member shot and killed police Officer Isaac Espinoza in April 2004. She declined to charge the gunman with a capital offense, sparing him from the death penalty. Harris’ decision rankled California’s political leadership.
Sounds downright merciful to me. But what do I know? Let's keep reading.
Throughout her tenure as district attorney, Harris focused on securing convictions.
Well, no sһit, Sherlock. She was a prosecuting attorney.
She pushed for the prosecution of truancy cases — which resulted in the parents of children who were habitually absent from school being prosecuted and forced to pay fines of up $2,500 and potentially serving up to a year in jail.
Oh, no! Say it ain't so! Kamala wanted kids to attend school, and didn't hesitate to punish parents who weren't sending them?
Harris clashed with San Francisco City Council policy regarding undocumented immigrants.
And you're presenting that as a bad thing? Now I'm confused.
Harris also implemented the Back on Track program, which provided nonviolent offenders — many of whom were low-level drug dealers — with the chance to receive a high school diploma, job training and access to available work, instead of prison sentences.
Oh, is that the part you don't like about her? Helping nonviolent offenders escape the cycle of crime? Yeah, I can see how you would get upset about that, since you'd prefer the lowest classes of America be kept down.
Biden is slowing down. That doesn't make him in any way senile. Biden is a moral good-hearted man who sets the tone and the goals. EVERY US president depends on his cabinet secretaries to do the day-to-day work of managing the government.

It's called "delegating," Maybe you should look into it!
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CultOfPersonality · 36-40, M
The same person who controls the white house when trump wins!! One world government baby!!!
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@TrashCat Wanna bet? Trump will be in the White House again, and not only that, but he and his family will, God willing, STAY there for the rest of eternity! He should establish a family dynasty, one that never ends. I've always been a monarchist, never a republican, so that would work for me. 😊
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
@Bellatrix2024 I will vote for Trump and even I disagree with this. 😂
TrashCat · M
@Bellatrix2024 Oh...he may end up in the office as Kamala's rug 😂
TrashCat · M
Biden is still President and the us has a very capable VP, Kamala Harris. By "kackling" you mean she laughed.. like Donald and JD BOWMAN never laughed. LOL
I can't imagine an elderly, obese felon with Frontolobal Dementia ever in office...
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@TrashCat Trump's frototemporal dementia, illustrated

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Like with every administration, the presidential cabinet is running the country. The president is mostly just a figurehead. Who the president is matters, but only in terms of what kind of people they hire, and how they mobilize the public through speeches.
Trump and Biden both have soup for brains, but their admins have been drastically different because of the people they surround themselves with.
@JustDJ76 If you ignore the mannerisms and just focus on what they said, Trump did much worse. However, Trump comes off as energetic, so he looked healthy in comparison to Biden.

The lefts (media and politicians) view of Biden changed only after the debate.

This is what happens when you only watch right-wing media. The Left have been saying for years that Biden should only serve one term.
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
@BohemianBabe Trump is not the best public speaker but he’s been consistent. He’s not gotten any better or worse from the times I’ve watched him.

I honestly felt sorry for Biden during the debate. I guess I saw him as a human instead of a politician. I was angry at his family and handlers. They know he’s not well.

I do not stay glued to the news. I stopped that during covid when I realized they are nothing more than peddlers of fear and agendas.
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SDavis · 56-60, F
Reading comments on your thread and listening to the people who support Trump, they want his dictatorship - even Trump himself said they want it...... When this happens because it will, if not under Trump, then under someone just like him and probably worse, Trump open the door - America will become a communist country - America might even usher in the One world government. Well it'll be tough for honest people but they will overcome
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
@SDavis I’m not saying you’re wrong but I don’t believe he will. I do believe, like you, there will eventually be a one world government.
SDavis · 56-60, F
@JustDJ76 I'm just writing what I have heard him say - seen him do - and what I feel concerning him. In our conversation you have done the same only expressing what you believe, you've never said I was wrong. Then who knows he may not try to amend the Constitution and eliminate term limits but his actions indicate strongly that he will.

Nice chat thank you 👍
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
@SDavis Yes. Thank you for the civil chat.
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Seriously could not have said it any better myself!
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
There is really no clinical evidence of his suffering from dementia. Further, he is surrounded by probably the best administration in decades, to help him if needed
Could be one of the Lizard People Deep Staters are doing it huh? Or maybe JFK Jr. did dig himself up and he's doing it???
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Okay, first of all, no. Everybody didn't suspect it. That is some stuріԁ аss buӏӏsһіt put forth by the objectively sеnіӏе Trump.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@LordShadowfire Never. But you might be.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@LordShadowfire I deleted those comments because they were vulgar and insulting.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Bellatrix2024 Well, I've got no room to talk there. I do the same when a comment has no value and is only posted to attack me.
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WonderGirl · 36-40
@SW-User Like Hannibal Lecter.
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Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Vin53 Hey! We have a wannabe comedian over here! 😂
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