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How should Trump attack Kamala?

If you’re advising Trump. How would you advise Trump to attack Harris? Black woman former prosecutor. How should Trump attack Kamala on the campaign trail and in a debate?
By talking at length about dating a porn star and losing tens of millions over an alleged rape. An interlude where pussy grabbing is the topic would also be effective.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

I addressed that issue in my post.

When a kkkdem says someone is lying, that is a sure indication that the person is telling the truth. Everything you people say I know the opposite is true.

You blew your believability on Russian collusion and how DT was a traitor. For two and a half years.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F


Yeah, about your virtue-signaling:

Since we all know what happened in the mid ‘60s:

The trajectory of the RepubliKKKan party ever since?

Apparently at some point the Right Wing became the Reich-Wing, as seen at the insurrection, with both t-shirts referencing the Holocaust:

And the Charlottesville Hate Rally:

As for the rest of your statement?

Northwest · M
I addressed that issue in my post.

You should check your memory/
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Expose her accomplishments or lack there of
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

Subverting the democratic process through invading the Capitol building with the intention to kidnap and assassinate lawmakers to prevent them from certifying the electoral victory of the winning presidential candidate at the behest of the losing presidential candidate-who was involved in the plot to do so from mere days after losing the election so that he could replace them with a slate of false electors in order to stay in office beyond the length of his term is incitement of an insurrection.

Removing top secret classified documents from the White House, many of which contained sensitive information about multiple events of national security, keeping them in the bathroom of your private resort to which guests could have unfettered access, refusing to return them, then moving them around to prevent law enforcement from retrieving them in an active conspiracy with several of your employees is a crime of the highest order once that conspiracy to hide them from the government in an attempt to keep them in your possession is factored in.

You’re damn straight there’s not a single-tiered justice system,p. If there were, tRump would be locked up at a military base waiting to be tried for stealing those documents-normal,civilians have the book thrown at them with no bail before their trial. Normal citizens subject to a single-tiered justice system don't have federal justices they’ve appointed slow-walk the process, nor 3 Supreme Court justices they’ve appointed agree that sweeping immunity prevents him from being charged with anything he’s done as president, even illegal. He’s Ben gifted this by RepubliKKKans who’ve enabled him every step,of the way, and are the ones who are making a mockery of our justice system.

Oh, and before I forget, here’s a cartoon that perfectly undermines the thrust of your last paragraph:

ETA: Here’s your Orange Messiah, in a nutshell. No wonder your ilk so warmly embrace him:

TrashCat · M
@MarthannBann888 I have been watching this thread keeping quiet. You have literally been using standard catch phrases and words spoon fed to you by your overlords in the GOP. Thats sad and it's even sadder to see citizens in my country be manipulated. This rhetoric is mind control pure and simple. The GOP rules with fear and divisiveness.

Meanwhile, enjoy your cheaper medications, but knowing how it will be spun... you'll end up sympathising with big pharma, CEOs and billionaires because their Christmas bonuses will be smaller.

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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I don't think he should attack her at all.

He should attack the system. Make note that she was installed after the media lied and lied about Joe Biden's dementia.

Why should we trust the same people that tried to foist a senile old man on us until they couldn't lie about him anymore?

Call out Barack Obama. Make it about him. Note how much Obama is involved in all this. Call out the puppet master.

Make people see how they are being manipulated.

It's larger than whatever ethnic candidate they are running...
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@trollslayer You keep responding about Dem turnout. My point was appealing to Undecideds and Centrists. I'm saying to look behind the curtain, recognize you are being lied to and the person you think you are voting for is actually a cadre of shady insiders and Democrat power brokers.

The only ones moaning about it are Republicans, who seem to pe trying to paint some kind of picture that this is "unfair" for Trump.

The issue is the rank hypocrisy where the Democrats have made "Saving Democracy" a central tenet of their re-election bid.

It smells really bad that they are making such an issue about that...while simultaneously giving the finger to any semblance of "democracy" in determining their standard bearer.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@SumKindaMunster there are no "undecideds and centrists" in this polarized world. The "undecided" is whether to vote for Trump or Harris, or don't vote (or vote for 3rd party). "Undecided" does not mean you are undecided between Trump and Harris.

I can look behind the curtain enough to know that *both* major candidates are puppets and a vote for *either* is a vote for those puppet masters. That is nothing new. Are you capable of "looking behind the curtain" to see the same on both sides?

And there is *no* hypocrisy here. The democrat party is not a country or form of government. They can choose their candidate how they wish. That is not "anti democracy" because upset democrats are free to vote for Trump or another candidate of their choosing. The claim of the GOP being "anti democracy" means that you are free to vote for Harris, but the GOP/MAGA is working hard to make any vote for Harris not matter. Why do they think that? They tried it 4 years ago - to make *my* vote for Biden's electors not count because the GOP tried to force in different electors that I did not vote for.

Sorry, I want my vote to count, and therefore cannot in good conscious ever vote for Trump or anyone who supports Trump.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@trollslayer There are undecideds. I am one of them. So is my wife.

I can look behind the curtain enough to know that *both* major candidates are puppets and a vote for *either* is a vote for those puppet masters. That is nothing new. Are you capable of "looking behind the curtain" to see the same on both sides?

Yes I am quite capable of that. Are you saying Trump is being managed by a cadre of Republican insiders who could yank his candidacy at their discretion? Because I disagree. Trump seems very much in charge and he is calling the shots. I would find it surprising and likely propaganda if you disagreed.

And there is *no* hypocrisy here. The democrat party is not a country or form of government. They can choose their candidate how they wish. That is not "anti democracy" because upset democrats are free to vote for Trump or another candidate of their choosing

And the people that voted for Biden in the 2024 primaries....their vote doesn't count? They voted for Biden and he was forced out and now their choice is Harris if they want to vote Dem. Isn't this a similar situation to the one you describe in your next point?

They tried it 4 years ago - to make *my* vote for Biden's electors not count because the GOP tried to force in different electors that I did not vote for.

Yes. I actually respect you for making this point because this IS what happened. It was a lame legal attempt that went nowhere. This is different than saying he tried to overthrow the government.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
It's record as a prosecutor would be a good starting place
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@sunsporter1649 Yeah, the prosecutor against the felon; I would LOVE it if Trump took that line!!

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues You find any trials it actually prosecuted yet?
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Trying to answer this question honestly…

Normally I would say to act hopeful and forward rather than negative and dwell on the past. But that is not how Trump got to where he is.

I think Trump has maximized the number of his voters. At this point, those that plan to vote for him will do so no matter what, and it is unlikely he will attract new voters with his campaign strategy.

This election is probably more about the independents or moderates who are considering third party or “none of the above”. All Harris needs to do is show that she is strong and capable and that will contrast with Trump’s negativity. Nominate someone wildly appealable to moderates like Mark Kelly, and I think this won’t be much of a contest.

Im short, Trump has made his bed. What strategy he takes going forward is irrelevant. The strategy that matters is Harris’.
TrashCat · M
Here's a thought. Maybe Trump should stick to differences in policies. Like what are his policies and why are they better?
A better idea would be for trump to just hang up his rug and retire.
Start with her record as AG going back to the excessive sentencing of black males on drug charges. Or the murder case in which she withheld evidence that exonerated an innocent man. Voted most liberal senator. Abject failure as the border czar. Says she'll stop inflation, but plans to continue Bidenomics which caused it. Said she would ban fracking in 2019 has flip flopped to support fracking (a Trump policy). Cast the deciding vote for the IRS to go after tips...flip flopped to eliminate taxes on tips (a Trump policy).
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
How about just beating her with better policies? Or is America that much in the gutter that your first thought is to attack someone personally?
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Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@MaryJo1996 ok, how about Heels up harris
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Torsten · 36-40, M
Border control has to be number one
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
@Torsten You mean the bipartisan border control bill, drafted after intensive negotiations, that Trump then had killed in the MAGA-controlled House of Representatives, so he could use it as a cudgel during his campaign ? She’ll eat his lunch and Mike Johnson’s on this issue.
@SevIsPamprinYouAlways Yeah, the best thing the Republicans can do is avoid talking about the border. Biden couldn't make this point because brain no good, but Kamala can.
I think Trump should keep talking about how he's going to SUE Biden for dropping out of the race, and should keep ignoring Harris. That was his first instinct and your first instinct is usually your best.
@ElwoodBlues The Republicans are also talking about impeaching Kamala. I say go for it. 😝
@BohemianBabe Agreed! It'll be so much fun to watch them run into the fact that immigration policy is and always has been the responsibility of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who oversees all agencies in charge of the enforcement of immigration laws.

In fact, they ALREADY attempted to impeach Mayorkas over immigration back in April of this year. What short memories these repubs have, LOL!!!
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues And we all recall the dramatic impeachment trial in the senate, right?
Adrift · 61-69, F
I think he ought to keep it on track, professional and let her dig her own grave.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
If Trump were smart he would simply ignore her and her senseless cackle. Promote in clear concise sentences where he would take the country as president.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@hippyjoe1955 the problem is, trump isnt smart
TrashCat · M
@hippyjoe1955 Uh oh. Somebody gets their news from Sean Hannity 😅
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@trollslayer Smart is always relative. If smarts were speed Trump would be 3 times around the world before you get out of bed.
Grab her by... you know the rest.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

That’s only if he’s aiming for his daughter, who, in his own words, he considers to be his type.
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
@TrashCat Former president William Howard Trump
DocSavage · M
Go with the slogan “Real men wear diapers “
Remind the voters she’s a woman trying to do a man’s job.
Nanoose · 61-69, M
He should try attacking her with facts and his policy’s that will benefit all Americans. But he has none of that so he will stick to name calling and conspiracy theorys. Cheers!
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
she is always defaming him. so I recommend he promotes some fake stories about her also.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

Too bad there’s incontrovertible evidence backing up those assertions. Kind of undercuts that whole “grounds for defamation” tangent you seem to be on.

Also, LOL at TDS. Here’s the real TDS:

TrashCat · M
@pancakeslam How dare Kamala speak the truth! MY GOD!😂
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
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Torsten · 36-40, M
@JSul3 how deluded can you actually be to believe that?

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