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Why would Americans be so STUPID as to want ANY DemoNazi to be president, considering the damage the last four created?

AbbeyRhode · F
It seems a lot of people are still under the influence of brainwashing, and possibly demonic possession. What normal human being laughs and makes jokes about an attempt on a man's life that leaves him wounded, and a good man dead?
Who ever thought this country would be so divided
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@AbbeyRhode The Mockingbird Media just reinforced the brainwashing
It's a single narrative
Northwest · M
the damage the last four created?

On the heels of the most crippling worldwide health crisis in more than a century, and the near financial collapse, costing more than 20 Million American jobs, and an insurrection that nearly did away with our democracy, the US economy is the strongest in the world, and thanks to an investment in the future of clean technology, and reclaiming the US leadership in manufacturing semiconductors.

It's a bummer all of it is going over your head.

An aside, here's the percentage of deadly drugs smuggled through illegal border crossers: 0.0004%. And that bi-partisan immigration bill? GOP rejected it, because it looks better to Convicted Felon Trump if it did not pass.
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It's men like Trump and Musk that exhibit Nazi behavior.
PatKirby · M
@BizSuitStacy @carpediem

She does Not See who the real Nazis are!
@PatKirby like every other turnip-brain liberal
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Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Hey, Boo-Boo!
You brought your sugar daddy! 🤭
@Thinkerbell My sugar daddy is even hotter than Jonah Jameson.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Hot, schmot... your sugar daddy is anyone who pays your rent for you, Boo-Boo. 😂😂😂
This is a clear cut case of Stockholm syndrome…
I pray you get help one day
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I don't understand why they want old people for president.

You think they would want someone that don't support any political parties at all and be unbiased
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
This will be debated for generations to come.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
Which ones are you referring to?
Again, you don't know your facts.

DJT tanked the economy.
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@SomeMichGuy no, he didn't. china did, by releasing a virus on the world. why hasn't biden investigated the origins of COVID? i think we know the answer to that.
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@Jimbo1 said no one with a functioning brain...ever
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@DocSavage it's awful, right? He secured the border...made us energy independent and a net exporter of petroleum, low inflation, lowered tax rates, but brought in more tax revenue, repatriated businesses back to the US, grew the manufacturing sector, lowest unemployment rates for blacks, Hispanics and women in our history.

Oh the horror 🤣🤣🤣

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