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Convicted Felon Trump Declares Big Win

SCOTUS said that presidents have immunity for official acts but not all acts are official, and lower courts must decide which acts qualify for each.

Convicted Felon Trump declared the decision a big win and makes Jack Smith's case null and void. In fact, it doesn't because the SCOTUS decision sends the case back to the same court that ruled he has no immunity, as it relates to the Jan 6th attempted coup.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
America shouldn't be another Third Reich.
Northwest · M
you mentioned exterminating an entire group of people

I definitely did not.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Northwest oops my bad dude. Meant to send that to someone else who mentioned it .
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@AthrillatheHunt That's because they didn't exist in the 30's and 40's.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Will Biden bother to check with the lawyers first, or just send seal team 6 six down to Marlumbago to coincide with the July 4th fireworks.?😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@AthrillatheHunt You like it? Its yours...😉
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Lets face it.. Even if the legal whizz kids decide its a criminal act, based of past experience Biden will be 103 before they get around to indicting him..😷

Once you get started, why would you stop? If someone says something critical, just take them out.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Diotrephes Sadly I agree with you. But thats how conspiracy theories work. They real thing takes small baby steps and no one gets upset, because there is almost no change. All it really needs is the right people in place and a thousand armed militia to detain Congress the senate and the Supreme court and for a few people to say they have it under control.. And Bannons boys will be running the place. But thats a coup. This will look "normal"😷
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
This decision will be interpreted by many. So it remained to be seen. But, everyone must stop and really pay attention to this decision. If it really declared the president to have such strong core immunity, we all need to pay very careful attention to what the candidate says he will do as soon as he gets elected.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Northwest what do you really expect if a lower court decides he is in violation, that case would go up to SCOTUS and turn?
Northwest · M
@samueltyler2 It's not going back to SCOTUS. The latter already ruled today.

When SCOTUS accepted the hearing, it was game over. The delay it introduced, guaranteed that the case was not going to trial prior to the elections. This is why I don't understand why the claim that this is a huge win for Convicted Felon Trump. He already won with the delay. His only goal was to delay the trial.

You could say that if he becomes President, he will no longer hesitate to commit treason, and call it an official act.

When he was President, he met with Putin, and then announced to the world, that he believes Putin's assertion that he's not spying on the US or engaging in cyber warfare. He also wanted to invite Putin's security people, to "clean up" the FBI cyber systems and "remove" threats.

This could be an official act. Most of us will consider it as an act of treason, but you will not see a single MAGA batting an eye.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Northwest from m what I heard, they left individual decisions as to is an activity related to the president's job or not to the lower court, if challenged in a lawsuit. The DC d is straight CT court already was clear on that issue and the lot decisions n challenged by SCOTUS which is where we were today.

Then convicted felon, former president, has already committed several acts that in 1776 would likely have resulted in a trial for treason.
No doubt its a big win for Trump, but, also, when you add it to this week's decision getting rid of Chevron Deference, its a huge shift in Constitutional law.
@whowasthatmaskedman I hear you, but how stable is a one man dictatorship with an old guy in charge, no plan for succession, or even a plan to re-elect a new dictator every few years?

Even assuming there's an elite that figured out this arrangement is cheaper than letting the masses think they have a say and a stake, it seems like a bad plan to me.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@MistyCee believe me he has a plan! He wants the succession to be along his family line!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MistyCee I completely agree.. Now finish that thought. This is just about how we get from here, to there. I am not advocating the Chinese model here. But in effect the money that controls America now will simply have a more direct imput and hold the reins tighter, without all this protest BS and under the table money. On the upside, Lobbyists will disappear.. Possibly literally..😷
The goal was to delay the trial until after the election, and they succeeded. That counts as a win for Trump.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@LeopoldBloom but a potential from daster for democracy! The ruling isn't just trump!
@samueltyler2 So Biden could order Seal Team Six to take out Thomas and Alito, and the only remedy is impeachment.

What if Biden orders them to take out all the Republican members of Congress? I guess the Democrats could impeach him in that case.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@LeopoldBloom I laugh, but it really isn't funny.
Northwest · M
"I have been harassed by the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, Obama and their thugs, fascists and communists for years," Convicted Felon Trump told Fox News Digital. "And now the courts have spoken."

Yes, the courts spoke, and he is a Convicted Felon.
@LamontCranston Do you get a hard on when you say “dementia?”
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VisionQuest · 51-55, M
The courts have enabled fascism. Maybe we can finally collapse and start over. The grrat reset isn't what the Right thinks that it is.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
You don’t think he considers this a big win for him ?
Northwest · M
I take it you’d find an issue w him if he found the cure for cancer .

I see the problem. You think he was robbed of the credit he deserves for curing Covid, through Clorox injections. You've got a point.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Northwest I don’t think he cured anything dude. Every news outlet is calling it a win for Orange . I agree with their assessment .
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Biden is going to have to win the old fashioned way now...the ballot box.

Trump was right again.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@NoThanksLeon his appointees did a terrible thing to the democracy, not just for Trump, but fur every president to follow, of there are any.
@samueltyler2 Blame Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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