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WHO would hate America so much as to put the Democrats in charge, after all the damage they've caused?

Kamala Harris on standby as Democrats plunge into panic mode

WASHINGTON - President Joe Biden's stumbling debate performance on Thursday night has led to some calls from his party to step aside, leaving his campaign in peril just weeks before he accepts the Democratic nomination.

It's also got party wags wondering how Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor, would do if she were handed the torch and faced-off with Donald Trump, the first former president ever to be both charged and then convicted of a crime.

Never mind the country is in the WORST economy of all time. Never mind that the open borders are letting ISIS terrorists in. Never mind that the once peaceful Middle East (thanks to Trump) is about to erupt in major warfare.

The Democrats are only worried about losing the presidency.It's like those idiots are actually acting surprised that Trump kicked Biden's Nazi ass in that debate?

You gotta REALLY hate this country to vote for ANY Democrat. That party has given America the WORST economies and the WORST wars.
AbbeyRhode · F
And they do. Brainwashed liberal drones are programmed to hate everything.
@ron122 #strawmanning

You're in a cult, not me.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@BohemianBoo BooBoo's triggered again.
RipCord · 61-69, MNew
It certainly seems that Democrats at their worst have become leftist, fundamentally-transformed, Marxism-happy Progressives on their best day.

God only knows the depth of societal, cultural and moral rot that will manifest itself from a Progressive-ruled world on its worst day.

I hope I’m not around to have to live amongst it. Sad to witness.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@BohemianBoo WRONG.

Your side of the aisle, Fraulein.
AbbySvenz · F
Never mind the country is in the WORST economy of all time.
Citation needed
Adrift · 61-69, F
@AbbySvenz You must still live at home.
Vin53 · M
@AbbySvenz It wasn't MY position. I merely asked you to get a subpoena from someone in authority. The OP posted the "position".
ron122 · 41-45, M
Democrat voters aren't very smart. Just read some of BooBoo's comments.
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Vin53 · M
Every single utterance by trump was a lie. Every. Single. Word.
Vin53 · M
@IM5688 Yeah except you don't lie about hospital staff delivering a baby and then executing it do you...
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Vin53 Nope. EVERYTHING he said about UNELECTED JOE was documented fact.
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Ppl say Barry’s in his 3rd term..
where I can’t help but feel George jr in his 5th.
It’s always been about wars since the bushes…
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP gave us world peace, and peace in the MIDDLE EAST.
The war monger Democrats and RINO Republicans are STILL amazed that Trump was able to pull it off.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Republicans are no better. What we need is a libertarian...course they'd put themselves and the rest of the bureaucrats out of a job. Wait, how is that a bad thing?! lol
@SlaveEt Really? I never would have thought of that 🤔
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
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SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Why do you spend so much time agonising about what other people think? Place your trust in the strength (or otherwise) of your country's democratic system in determining the best outcome for the nation. And perhaps find the humility to accept that you may not always know all the answers all the time.
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Americans would. For three centuries Americans said they weren't a democracy, but somehow better.
No review? No considering my rights to live in a democracy? Nope.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Reason10 What would you do to improve the economy?
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@BohemianBoo You've already voted for the NAZIS who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Diotrephes Put Trump in for the next four years. He would govern like Reagan, take the hand cuffs off the American economy and it would SOAR.

Find someone with an education to read these sources and 'splain them to you.
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The problem is that they actually truly believe they're doing good by trying to get back to 60's and 70's ideals of utopia.
@NativePortlander1970 Democrats? With their pro war anti environmental and anti communist stance? Sure. They're the only left you need if you're a world dominator state providing nine tenths of Earth's weapons of mass destruction.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 Early libertarians were fond of saying "UTOPIA IS NOT AN OPTION."
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Vin53 · M
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M

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