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So....Trump is now a convicted felon. How you say....WOMP WOMP? lmaoooo!

Now i am happy to see the great Trumpanzee convicted for at least some of his crimes but i very much doubt he'll serve any jail time for them.

What do y'all think? Will the man who can no longer legally vote for himself in many states nor enter several countries actually face justice or will the penalties mostly be to his bloated ego?
beckyromero · 36-40, F
With 34 felony convictions, and assuming he doesn't win on appeal, he WILL serve time.

His only way out now is to either win the presidency or hope the New York governor pardons him after Biden wins a second term.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Because the judge strongly hinted that if Trump violated the gag order after the previous warning and fines, jail time would be a strong possibility.

“I do not want to impose a jail sanction and have done everything I can to avoid doing so. But I will if necessary,” Merchan said at the start of the trial's 12th day before the jury entered.


Well maybe...but i still doubt it.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Pikachu Progressive discipline
redredred · M
And yet, he’s going to be the next president
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Elessar why so, did he have almost 50% of the population in support of him?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@samueltyler2 Yup. It was a cult. We had trumpism long before Trump ran in politics.

The dynamics you're seeing now are pretty much identical
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Elessar are we doomed the way Germany was in the 1930s? that didn't end well.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
They are currently working on tRump’s pre-sentencing report. There are only two applicable mitigating circumstances. His age and lack of a criminal record.

However, that lack of a criminal record isn’t exactly a blank slate. Included will be: his civil record including his being an adjudicated sexual assault perpetrator (digital rape), his defamation convictions, his shady business deals (tRump University, his fake charity, that the Colorado Supreme Court has upheld his Insurrection conviction…), his violations of his gag orders, his obstruction of his trials by his surrogates, and much, much more including the contempt he had for his trial.

He will have to meet with his probation officer (and there’s a very high probability that it will be a woman of color) and—Gawd forbid!—he’s dumb enough to mouth off to her! 🤯

He will be drug tested (Adderall is not a drug that is typically included in illicit drug screens, but given his history they may think to include it).

I seriously doubt that his pre-sentencing report will do him any favors. 😝

Consider in what sense?
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Pikachu They have/are doing jail time for tRump.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@KunsanVeteran Trump is railing against his criminal conviction in a contemptuous rant where he dog whistles violence to court staff, witnesses, and jurors. This will not bode well for his sentencing. If he continues in this vein or if additional violence results, he could face pre-sentencing confinement. Also, the elected Republican officials who are making violent posts they, too, could face charges.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Well, he's already been adjudged a rapist, slanderer, ran a fraudulent university, ran a fraudulent charity, and probably a lot of stuff we've forgotten about.
Which one of us is without sin?
@Pikachu are you not aware that America’s influence in the world is diminishing.

It will survive of course but it will become isolationist.
My own country sadly, is now a third world state. It made a very bad decision a few years back to leave the EU. It’s underclass is growing.

True or not, that's really not a counter argument to Trump's demonstrated ignorance of world affairs or how to effectively run foreign policy.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
tRump for RIKERS 2024!
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
He hasn't arrived in prison yet has he?
Given his age and obvious frailty of mind, he could fake an illness and get house arrest instead...
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Thevy29 Given his age, morbid obesity, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, abnormal gait and a host of other factors pointing to poor health, he will probably have to undergo an extensive physical examination to determine if he is healthy enough to survive prison. He’s a setup for a stroke or heart attack and appears to be well on his way in his dementia. He will undergo a mental health evaluation, although I suspect that that exam will only consist of an interview rather than the extensive neurological and psychiatric exam he really needs.

Frankly if he eventually is imprisoned it’s doubtful he could survive it very long. I’m not trying to generate sympathy for him (Gawd forbid!); just making an honest assessment.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@Thevy29 sentencing isn't until July. It's very possible he gets probation instead of prison.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@KunsanVeteran if that should happen, and he be given any length of incarceration, it will probably be in a separate super wide in a prison, living in it by himself. He wil subjected to all the prison.tuord, food, bedtime, no golf!.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
the question is how to fit the penalty to the crime? If he is allowed to have open access to speak his vile rhetoric, he will continue to be a serious threat!

This is a man who attempted to overturn the results of a democratic election and there are too many Americans who still lick his boots. He is for sure still a threat.

If we're following the rule of law then i think his punishment should fit the crimes of which he was convicted. $ years maximum for each count but no minimum sentence. But at what, 34 crimes found guilty? it seems he should spend some time in jail.
But i'd be shocked if he does.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
Given his egregious conduct throughout this trial, not just limited to multiple violations of his legal gag order, and his contempt of his trial, and that Cohen & Weisselberg have/are serving prison time for tRump’s crimes, I cannot see Judge Merchan not giving him prison time.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I'm surprised there aren't more of the usual subjects making a big stink about it. I mean there a few. Guess Putin hasn't had a chance to get new talking points ordered up yet.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@ViciDraco Putin is grinning from ear to ear. He started the division by interfering t in the 2016 election, that started the slippery slope that went through an attempt at interfering with the transfer of power after a totally legal election, now the attack on the legal system.
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Yeah it is a pretty low day for American democracy. This is the man that one of the parties thinks should be leader of the country.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Pikachu i agree with your sentiment, although I c=am glad, relieved, that he was found guilty of all counts, i am upset that such a large number of people still think that he is the victim, while the entire country is the victim! I am embarrassed that our country had to go through all of this. We now join so many other countries that have had to deal with their corrupt leaders, i was raised thinking such a thing could never happen here.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@samueltyler2 he has at least 2 other ways to prove his innocence, one in Florida, one in DC. he and his lawyers are preventing those trials from progressing. Now it is even more important to his defense for those cases to progress!

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