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At what age did you first start to show the signs of interest in politics?

When I started paying taxes and watching it getting wasted..
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@Vin53 Are you even analysing what he said?
Vin53 · M
@DanielsASJ Can you rephrase the question to now where I might detect a clue as to what you are asking me
@Vin53 suddupp commie.. we didn’t fund your safe space back when.. just for starters
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Shortly after I began working and realised that society and the economy did not work quite as neatly as described in my text books 😐
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I grew up in a house filled with teachers, and my grandfather -- who lived with us -- was a retired History Professor, so I was kind of aware of politics as far back as I can remember.
About the time I started college
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@BizSuitStacy Sounds one of the most appropriate comments.
StraCat · 41-45, M
Very young. Like elementary. Not for the political back and forth though. More as it provides historical context. I find it interesting in the grand scheme of things as it goes back to socioeconomic inflences and the psychological factors influencing the people of the time.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
I would have been around 10. That's when I started reading at least one daily newspaper. I remember major political events prior to age 10, including the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Kennedy Assassination.
RopinTexan · 31-35, M
Define “interest.” If by “interest” you mean “enjoyment,” never. I hate politics. But I do care about politics because it affects me and the people around me. It’s basically a necessary evil.

As for when I first started paying attention, it was 9/11. I would have been 12. Since then, I’ve been trying to ignore politics, but with the extremism we have today on both sides, it’s impossible to ignore. It’s constantly shoved in my face.
Morvoren · F
I’ll let you know when it happens.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@Morvoren Should I wait in here?
Morvoren · F
@DanielsASJ Best take a seat and phone your family. Let them know you’ll be home late…
Julien · 36-40, M
14-15 , i had a Che Guevara poster in my room. I’m better now 😜
Approximately π²+π
Julien · 36-40, M
@ElwoodBlues 13 ish ?
@Julien Yep. My brother is two years older than me; when he began talking politics, I got interested.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Mid teens because that was the topic of conversation on weekends at my brother's inlaws.

Actually was apart of the model UN in highschool.
16. I used to believe politicians were interested in making a just and more even world then. How naive. How naive.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Around 17 or 18.
I found government, civil and criminal justice alot more interesting than I thought I would.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
16 after I started work
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