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My prediction for the current Donald Trump trial.....

Unfortunately,I see around a ,%70 chance he will be convicted.Look,the jurors,although hopelessly biased ,are not stupid.They consist of teachers,lawyers etc.They know right well the entire affair is a farce,but they probably won't care .It will be like the O.J Simpson trial;they knew what they were going to do before the first witness was called.But there is a small chance ,about %3O in my estimation,that it could turn into a "12 angry men "situation.One juror might have personal integrity and realize that,while he/she might hate Donald Trump,the trial is a farce and that it's not acceptable to convict people -even ones who they may personally despise -on manufactured charges in what amounts to the American version of a Soviet show trial.Not likely,but not totally outside the realm of possiblity.
😁 He's going to be convicted because he's guilty 😁
Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@ron122 AdianKenny is obviously a kid. Probably a college kid who’s been programmed by some liberal college.
dale74 · M
@SW-User is Trump whether he wins or loses the lawsuit if he's re-elected would you be nice enough to leave the country..
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Confined · 56-60, M
Remember the Russia hoax? The phone call hoax? Many others? The prosecutor in the documents hoax has admitted he faked and tampered with evidence....the case is now on hold.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
If he is convicted, the trial will be easily overturned, since the judge acted improperly. (Allowed hearsay testimony, for example)

He never should have been put on trial. When he wins back the presidency and takes the oath of office, first thing he has to do is reform the Department of Justice and have that Banana Republic judge disbarred.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Reason10 If convicted,the trial SHOULD be easily overturned(actually,the case should have been thrown out and the D.A subject to an ethics review for even attempting to file it)but since the New York legal system has clearly been corrupted,I suspect there won't be a chance of winning on appeal untill the case gets into Federal Court.
I disagree with you, I think the best Bragg can hope for is a hung jury, so far I haven't heard any evidence that Trump did anything illegal.
Personally I do think Trump is guilty, and hope he is convicted, but there has been no proof as of yet.
@DavidT8899 Scrap the judicial system and try something that isn't so political but actually tries actual crimes
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@independentone You'll have to be more specific.
@DavidT8899 I don't get paid to figure out a new system. I just know I will never serve on any jury, it think the entire system is corrupt. In my opinion, most judges are on the take.
Alter4Ego · 56-60, M
Read and think about the evidence.
OliRos · 18-21, F
@Alter4Ego I do think you are asking rather a lot!
dale74 · M
First of all it's accounting errors is always being charged with which is not a felony it's barely even a misdemeanor. And if they do charge him with this then that means they can charge almost every large company for the same error because technically that is always classified as illegal expense which is how it was classified.
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DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Essentially,it's election interference.
@DavidT8899 everyone knows it..
we’re just not expecting the FBI/DOJ/RINOS to do anything..

Same ppl who protecting epstien clients 4 years later and said Bidens laptop was bunk and made Anthony weirners laptop vanish altogether..

If trumps so bad…
Why don’t he have 7 aliases, 20 shell companies.. and none of his whistleblowers die suddenly?

He just goes thru the process. And at the end. No evidence, media driven hysteria over nothing..


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