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1954zebedee · 70-79, M
In the UK I used to watch BBC news but they are so lefty biased I am now in limbo trying to find a decent source for unbiased news. Unfortunately in 2023 this is almost impossible. Each broadcaster has an agenda. I nowadays tend to watch the actual news (this fire, that accident, that event etc) but ignore politics as this is where the bias tends to be.
@LordShadowfire Conservatives call anything that isn't far-right enough "far-left." It's just a way to move the overton window. Really, the BBC is pretty moderate.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@BohemianBoo if you don’t gobble up Trumps poo with a fork and knife you must be a liberal marxist rino pinko. At least according to Sunstroker.
1954zebedee · 70-79, M
@LordShadowfire they tend to lead the political correctness brigade and are so "woke" it's ridiculous.

Ynotisay · M
I'm fact-based, and don't form my opinions via the opinions of others, which is why I'm a Democrat. I was a hardcore liberal for years but grievance isn't my lane. I dig solutions.

But there is one guy I do watch on occasion. Probably qualifies as liberal but only when the facts bare it out. His name is David Pakman. His You Tube channel alone has like 2 million subscribers. Crazy smart on a myriad of issues, even-keeled and has a great way of drilling down to get to the truth. I actually learn stuff from him. He's on vacation now, and has a fill in, and I find myself kind of missing his take on things. Does lean in to Trump a little too much at times but he almost has to.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I typically source information from the least biased sources I can find, ideally Associated Press and Reuters. In terms of left-leaning media personalities, I like to watch Vaush's content on YouTube, but you should always fact check anything a personality tells you. They're just not as reliable as journalists are, no matter where you go.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
No, why would I want to follow someone just to confirm my political leanings or biases? I read The Economist because of its sustained and informed coverage of foreign affairs. I don't particularly agree with its free market economic sentiments, but the quality of journalism is almost unsurpassed and I refine my own values and beliefs in relation to the diverse and varied opinions of the columnists.

I also love the BBC, but its ability to report widely and dispassionately is sometimes undermined by unfair attacks from politicians and privately owned media outlets, and the freezing of the licence fee.
Graylight · 51-55, F
I’m progressive and check in by default with CNN. That said, I haven’t been happy with a network or cable news source in years. It’s all spin and it’s all ratings.

I end up checking the worst of the right and left media for temperature. I will say this - CNN is not factually incorrect, nor do they simply fail to cover hard stories.

I end up with Reuters, AP or more independent sources. And longform print articles, because they are the most sourced and vetted.

Where I never go? YouTube, any social media, things colleagues told me, bars or any sketchy source that only echoes what I already believe.
I don't really follow anyone religiously any more, but I do try and sample all kinds of stuff, left, right and in between.

For awhile I was subscribing to a lot of RSS feeds, I seem to be narrowing that down over time for various site specific reasons and time and attention span.

As far as TV goes, I tape PBS Newshour, Frontline, and some other stuff, but often don't watch it and nowadays only usually tune into national news when something happens, and then I flip back and forth to see how reality is interpreted differently.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
No I watch the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) I try to get as "straight" news as I can.
firefall · 61-69, M
Most of my info I get from the BBC and the various UK papers (only for news on the USA, they're useless about local stuff generally). But 'opinion' ? no, I never bother with opinion from commercial sites, where the profit motive will underlie what they write - except for Paul Krugman, who is very solid on economics (as you'd expect from a Nobel winner), and mercifully he mostly avoids other topics.

Also, CNN? not left leaning, for quite a long time now, so I'm told
I used to hear more NPR due to my schedule, and still catch some of that, but more PBS NewsHour, ABC evening news for a network take, GMA for what's been happening overnight, then the talking heads shows Sunday AM (ThisWeek on ABC, Meet the Press on NBC; sometimes: the national PBS show (Washington Week), the new Firing Line, a more local PBS show about Michigan politics from WKAR (public stations at Michigan State University).

But I have read original documents, watched live video reporting, looked up national and state laws & regulations, Canadian, EU and international law, bills before Congress, etc.

I have looked at some links to editorials, stories, videos, podcasts here, read flurries of opinions...but mostly only heeded informed ones, in my not-so-humble opinion.

Oh, and I follow news organizations, not commentators (though I liked Eric Sevareid and John Chancellor), I know the difference between comments about the news v. the news, and I catch errors in reporting, translating, etc.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I'm a leftist. PBS News Hour is solid. Al Jazeera is good for international news.

If you want lefty stuff check out "Democracy Now!". Jim Hightower has a daily two minute program. He may sound like an East Texas dirt farmer but he has 2 doctorates in agricultural economics.
Ynotisay · M
@Crazywaterspring PBS Newshour is EXCELLENT. They do such a good job. But it's dry and made for people with reason. Couldn't take that route on network or cable.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Ynotisay Remember when the Cons all bent up when Gwen Ifill moderated a debate back in 2012? They assumed she would be biased because of skin color not really knowing anything about her reporting. News Hour is about the most unbiased TV news program in the USA.
Ynotisay · M
@trollslayer I totally agree with you. And what gets me is you see people yelling that there's no 'hard news' reporting and "the media" is just out to manipulate. And they have access to what they say they want but don't take advantage of it.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Interesting replies. I can't say I have ever watched any of the major cable news outlets except as background when I am waiting in some public place. Haven't watched local TV news in decades, same goes for national news. For awhile I liked watching Meet the Press on NBC Sundays until Tim Russert passed away. I also used to watch PBS news hour pretty regularly until about 10 years ago, mainly because I liked Shields and Brooks. Frontline was a regular of mine as well. But now I am tired of it all and would rather watch something else than news/current events.

I'm just surprised I am often accused of reading huffington post or watching MSNBC, the former I had to look up to see what it was. I'm also accused of not expanding beyond "liberal news sources". My understanding is that to those folks, any news source is "liberal" and "not liberal" to them means highly opinionated and biased to the right.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I don't even own a TV. I get all my news from SW!
NPR and my local newsradio.
I never watch any cable news at all, never get anything from skewed internet sources.
If something big is happening I'll watch the coverage on my local TV news.
originnone · 61-69, M
No...they all p!ss me off tbh...right and left. I watch CNN and listen to NPR. I don't really like NPR. The radio is just set to it.
jehova · 31-35, M
I do not follow anyone news, celebrities, even friends. In terms of opinion "news" I avoid it I do watch CNN I avoid fox. Only have antenna TV and I also prefer not and those European public news sources. Nice to get the full picture
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
I don’t watch any news cast where people share their opinion. I try to watch/read simple news casts like headline news where they just report what’s happening. As soon as there is more than one person on the screen I change it..
JSul3 · 70-79
AP, Reuters, The Guardian, NPR/PBS, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN.

A great source for news is a web site run by Ed Wallace.

The home page has daily oil prices, and links to news articles around the world from many sources. Give it a try.
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
i dont listen to public broadcasting but i know that most people in my neighborhood listen to it on the radio. i used to use twitter to get news, but now i just find it randomly. i dont pay attention to the talking heads on MSNBC. i like michael moore films.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I’ve intentionally made my subscription feed a mishmash of left and right news sources, but even then it gets cumbersome. Both can’t just.. report events without inserting their commentary and opinions. 🙄
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I view news occasionally but I don’t use it as a source, I source information from a lawyer and a historian that both present factual information but don’t express opinions.
sarahcupcake · 36-40, F
I don't watch or follow any left (or right) leaning news or opinions to get my information. I don't really want some biased point of view.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
I have limited basic cable so I can't get any of the cable news networks. So I just watch local tv news and NPR/PBS.
I watch the national news on either NBC or ABC, also France 24, DW, Reuters, and the AP.
If I got used to following Tucker on Fox, you can listen to Lee Camp on YouTube.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
No. We actually don't care about Liberalism as much as you so called
Conservatives care about your ideology. This is not a religion . We have lives. Which means we watch less tv and listen to less radio and so on and so on. 🙂
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
You really think NPR isn't left wing biased?
JSul3 · 70-79
insideautomotive com
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
My general source of information tends to be pretty neutral, like AP News and Reuters.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, etc., but mostly I get my news from other people who are watching the news.

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