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Fear of change and progress

Necessary upheavals blocked by fear.
This has always been a weakness of human beings, which must now be overcome in particular in order to be able to tackle the challenges of today

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Cierzo · M
Equalising tradition with nightmare is the exact opposition to my political thought.
Gloomy · F
@Cierzo It is a nightmare when it is used in a way to argue against necessary progress.
Cierzo · M
@Gloomy Progress is an empty word. Progress always needs a goal. Marx's and mine do not agree.
You use the word 'necessary'. It means there is no other way, so those who oppose marxist 'progress' must be defeated/exterminated.
Gloomy · F
@Cierzo No I mean that if certain progress isn't made problems that are not fixed keep getting worse until living conditions are a complete nightmare.
JSul3 · 70-79
Change is sadly, very difficult.
Fear is the road block. Fear sells. Fear ignites the worst in mankind.
Fear gets votes.
redredred · M
I’ve never understood the eagerness to abandon what works for centuries for what simply sounds good.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Gloomy Ok, it's a pity that Red won't be reasonable.
redredred · M
@sree251 if leftists understood economics they wouldn’t be leftists.
redredred · M
@Gloomy The extant and now extinguished examples of communism are the best descriptions of hellholes humans have yet devised.
I'm tempted to heart this but Karl Marx is getting in the way!

Oh well better than the tshirt and poster mass murderer 🤭
Gloomy · F
@sree251 social policies within a capitalist society implemented by soc dems, socialist or communist parties can be traced back to marxism obviously
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Gloomy Ownership of the means of production, as suggested by Marx, is another way of stating government by the people (US democracy). America is a mess.
Spotpot · 46-50, M
@sree251 Marx form of communism rejects the state money and classes.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@gloomy] yes alas some get into a sort of mind set where they are happy with things in there world and accept there lot . progress tends too upset the feng shui and change to what they are use too you get in a sort of comfort zone
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Fix your own life. Stop pretending to know all the solutions.

You don't even have a clue what a problem actually is. If you keep going the way you think, you'll be in a gulag before you realize how wrong you are.
Gloomy · F
@SteelHands I guess I have found myself a creepy SW stalker... lucky me
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
change is not always a good thing.
JSul3 · 70-79
@darkmere1983 Change for the betterment of all, not just a select few.
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Gloomy · F
@ViciDraco Capitalists in positions of power obviously oppose change because it threatens the status quo but your average conservatives and working class people are often too afraid of change either due to lack of information or due to fearmongering or because they seek comfort in outdated and romanticised memories and ideals of the past.
It's especially hard to imagine reality or change in a dying killer empire.

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