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Boris Johnson don't run away stand and fight

So Boris has been found guilty of misleading parliament multiple times; mislead the committee and intimidated the committee

he was given the report a week ahead and deiced to resign and run away and call them (in typical trump words) kangaroo court, fix up, labour fix, etc

it turns out there were drink fridays for all staff, no restrictions at all for a year inside number 10 and staff were ordered to elave one by one to hide it all , parties were held for birthdays and leaving dos all done under boris watch

he stood on camera most evenings telling us the rules and not to break them which many did

many people like teachers, GPS, NHS, shop workers, buss drivers, sorry if ive missed any other profession off

people couldnt go to be with loved ones when they passed or to thier funerals

surly if we want politics, people who we vote for to be held to account it has to start now if boris is allwoed to get away with this then it will set the president for all mps to just do the same

so what are your thoughts on it all

please be respectful
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Philth · 46-50, M
Isn't it a bit strange that whilst a forensic examination of 'mAn Of ThE pEoPlE' Boris has established despite being the most popularly elected PM in recent years he's a sociopathic liar, but at the same time... 'eNeMy Of ThE sTAtE' Corbyn, despite being the subject of the most concerted mudslinging campaign one individual has ever experienced in the history of politics, remains with an absolutely clear name?

Oh. Wait. The British Establishment and their media chums don't want anyone who's actually going to stick up for the average citizen. They're all out to protect the interests of the wealthy elite.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Philth I would assume he's so popular because he's a sociopathic liar. People love sociopathic liars. They judge politicians by the same standards they apply to rock stars. Politicians are seen as TV celebrities, which is why TV celebrities are very popular politicians. Politicians have to entertain the masses, and in the UK, BoJo understood that point earlier and better than others who still think politics is a sober affair. How boring, hey we want to be entertained!
Philth · 46-50, M
@helenS nail head hit.
Further reading on exactly the situation you describe is available in 'The Psychopath Test' by Jon Ronson' and 'The Sociopath Next Door' by Dr Martha Stout.
I thank the Lords that I'm autistic and not (often) taken in by 'life and soul of the party' sorts.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Philth That's part of the problem of not having a complexity free press and that most are owned by Tory party doners

Hopefully people will start to realise what they vote for does have actions that affects us normal people
helenS · 36-40, F
I'd assume he will play the victim card now. He, the Tribune of the People, the last hope of real English people, has been ousted by a conspiracy of elitist cosmopolitans; but the "real people" will stand by him. He'll be back, stronger than ever.
In other words, he will keep trying to convert the UK into another Trumpistan.
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@helenS Trump's lovechild? .... now wouldn't that explain a thing or 3!! 🤣
helenS · 36-40, F
@PSuss1 Poor old New York City 🤭
@PSuss1 All quite sad.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
The double standards of behaviour during the pandemic are one thing. His persistent lying and attempts to discredit the work of a parliamentary committee are even worse. MPs will have a free vote on the findings on Monday. I think there will be few Conservative MPs who would now be comfortable with their constituents knowing that they supported the Great Man.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@milkymum1 It's a completely free vote and it is expected that there will be abstentions than votes for or against . . which in itself is a bit disrespectful of democracy 😕
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@SunshineGirl make a note of the ones that abstain ...and then make sure they get voted out at the next GE. People who are prepared to support a lying narcissist over law and order have no place representing the public in Parliament.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SunshineGirl thats not good if they are allowe to abstain

If they reqlly want to show they are tidying up politics evrryone should vote yes or no
Philth · 46-50, M
Christ, this thread is pulling the nutters out of the woodwork.
"bRiNg BaCk BoRiS!!!! mAn Of ThE pEoPlE!!!!“
It's his Brexit lies (and his other other lies) which have landed is in the shit state we're in today, and STILL there's folk who think he gives a single toss about them.
Philth · 46-50, M
@helenS have you figured that those glory days when Britain was at the peak of it's economic strength, we're actually a time of extreme hardship & suffering for the workers creating that wealth, and that the wealth was held by a tiny minority of the elite who were hell-bent on maintaining their control, not even allowing women the vote?
Or did you believe all the sunlit uplands bull in the bxt promotions, not figuring out who would be holding the 'control' we're taking back?
Still, now that pesky red tape has gone, we've got beaches and rivers of shit, just like the good old days, huh?
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Philth hes never been the man of the people, even of the elite, boris is in it all for himself

I have no idea why people like him as hed throw them under the buss first and leave them to starve before helping them
AnnaU · 26-30
@milkymum1 If you throw Boris under a bus, make sure it's got "Give £350 Million to our NHS" written on the side please! x
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Everyone's known he's been lying, it's not hard to see, though the parliamentary process has been long and complicated to ensure that it's all done thoroughly. He and his pals don't seem to have much respect for that. The High Court ruled that their pro-rogueing parliament previously was illegal, and there was no consequence for that. Other "illegal" incidents also seem to have gone with nothing but a label. The sooner he's out and anyone who would have known and didn't speak out, the better, in my opinion.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@PhilDeep hi, that was extremely well put, 100% agree with you

But for me he needs to be handed punishments otherwise any mp or pm will do the same again
lol...those policies were only introduced because that was the "expert advice" at the time, which the government seemingly thought they were obligated to listen to. If he hadn't locked the UK down and told people to stay indoors, the media would've accused him of being irresponsible and he perhaps would've been ousted for that reason. He met with people because that is what humans do and anyone with a capacity to decide for themselves would have used the opportunity to do the same *if* they could have gotten away with it.

If you want to blame anyone, you should look at the global response to covid and consider how profoundly misguided and unfair it ALL was.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User he was the ones making the rules, standing in front of a camera everyday reading out the rules, so he knew the rules and to turn around and say " no one told me" , " i didnt know the rules" , etc is an absolute lie and for you to stand up for him shows how you dont care about the people who made the sacrifices or the people who died from it as he and his mates partied;

as to blame human nature thats an even bigger cop out just basic humanity you help others not just yourself
@milkymum1 "the rules"...all rules that many people blindly supported and were, as I said, created by experts employed by the government to advise and influence covid policy.

You need to pay more attention lol
mangomonkey · 41-45, F
I agree with you but sadly just don't see there being an true consequence for him.
Just feels like some people are above the law and sadly in the UK it feels like so long as you have crazy amounts of money you will remain above the law.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@mangomonkey I know
, im hoping parliment throw the book at him but i just have this feeling the tories will rally behind him as they are all whimps and self serving
nacnud · 36-40, M
Incandescent with rage knowing what I went through to follow rules, attend/ not attend funerals and weddings and wider impact this had. Glad MPs voted in favour of the report tonight is all I will say.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@nacnud i feel let down as yes about 100 tories voted for it , 7 against but the rest absained

To me abstaining shows the absolute disconnect they have for our democracy
nacnud · 36-40, M
@gol979 I know a number in the medical field and were looking at the scientific data. I also had to shield as I was more vulnerable to covid (particularly the early strains) It was them I listened to. I did follow the restrictions as they were needed.

IMO the restrictions should of been implemented a lot quicker. I suspect a lot of findings will come out of the public inquiry now underway.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@nacnud fair enough, you do you. No restrictions should ever have been imposed, these decisions have destroyed not just those few years but also many peoples future and all for a bug that is pretty much the same as flu.

That "public" enquiry is going to be a whitewash of epic proportions. They are even asking attendants to take a bogus covid test. Its ghoulish theatre at best.
Convivial · 26-30, F
The rules don't apply to him and his ilk.... They create the rules, never ever follow them
Spectre128 · 51-55, M
Let's hope he just goes quietly now, but I doubt he will
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Spectre128 he hasnt yet
gol979 · 41-45, M
It wasnt only boris who "broke the rules". Many examples of the people who were dishing out lockdowns etc didnt follow the "rules" and not just in the uk. Why would they do this if the threat was so incredible that even going outside unless it was for food or an hours exercise (prison language) was considered a massive risk and also morally wrong (it wasnt btw). Its because they knew that there was no risk.

Next time these people and institutions try and impose their will on millions of people (and they will, whether its under the guise of a statistically fraudulent and massively propagandised "virus" or "climate change") hopefully the many will just say no and stop forelock tugging for well known, professional liars
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@gol979 No it wasn't only Boris who broke the laws but plenty of people were arrested charged fined and some were served 10K fines or more

Boris set the rules, said them everyday on camera to everyone so he MUST take the responsibility

I'm so fed up with politicians saying one thing and doing another.

This has to be the beginning of the end and time to make MPs aware enough is enough and what they say MUST have actions taken against them
gol979 · 41-45, M
@milkymum1 they were fake laws and anyone who appealed those fines won in court. Remember that story of the 2 ladies who "got fines/arrested" because they were sitting on a bench having a coffee? Tyrannical insanity.

Its a politicians job to lie and pretend to "serve the people". The scam of representative democracy.

Anyhoo, hopefully these last few years have shown more people that the party(ies) and politicians many vote for are complete frauds and maybe voting isnt the way forward. Imo time to garner local community and make these parasitic politicians irrelevant
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milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Gangstress yes they have completely ruined the Union
Philth · 46-50, M
Interesting comments in this thread about the Royals.
Of course, it has already been established that he lied to the Queen in his illegal proroguing of Parliament. I'm not especially a fan of the Royal Family BUT... the one thing which could have changed that would be if the Queen had hauled the lying little trickster up for what is an extremely serious offence. Royalists all say, "ohh, but without the Royal Family we could end up with a Putin"... Guys, we already have had one, and the Royal Family didn't hold him to account.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Philth thank you

yes he did lie to the Queen as well as Parliment on more than one occasion

thats such a good point about what royalists say and yes she did fail us that way by not summing him or even dissolved parliament but didnt and the same now with Charles

to me if people want real democracy then we need to have an elected Head of State, elected members for the House of Lords and go to PR as first past the post is a joke
The Parliamentary Committee who judged him should be ashamed of themselves.

He nearly died of covid, and handled the crisis brilliantly.

Dismissed over a few pieces of cake!

What has Rishi done for the Country!
And who elected him?
@milkymum1 I bet it is. It’s certainly not about morality.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User thats because Boris doesnt have any
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@SW-User The idea of furlough was primarily to stop people from starving or loding their homes during lockdown. 80% of an average wage is not exactly lavish. The main abuses occured where companies fraudulently claimed for employees when their normal operations were largely unaffected by emergency measures.

Boris experimented with another model right at the start of the pandemic when he favoured 'herd immunity' over mass vaccination. That may have put us on the backfoot from the start and cost lives.

The tax increase you can thank Liz Truss and her lunatic economic experimentation for.
I don’t know much about politics over there. However I can’t ever get the image of the queen sitting alone at her husband’s funeral out of my head. Meanwhile those twats having drinks together, I think he deserves what he gets. That’s not leadership.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Notladylike Yes im not a fan of the royals but that was heart breaking for the queen to sit there alone and they were all getting pissed

exactly not leadership and i hope he gets full punishment
val70 · 51-55
No, I can't stay respectful because he's not worth it 🤬 and I find some of the stupid comments on here equally 🤬 Utterances like the people like liars and such like... But yes, lets calm down. Somehow the man who got to be a lying journalist, a lying husband and a lying politician. Fine. It's all there. Now blaming the people is also too stupid for words. Somehow blue labour appeared and that's not the work of only the one man either. Wouldn't it be more fairer to start blaming the information flow coming out of the various media formats these days? Take James O'Brien's decent point of having a BBC QT with only a brexit voters audience as being pointless and misleading yet again. Over and over again these stupid people behind the wheel of the car are blaming the actual passengers for the rough ride. It's this rough because both people like Rupert Murdoch and so-called experts or members of think tanks are actually treated as the most knowledgeable people around. They're not. They're selfish and greedy, and they don't make good indicators where to go as a country and nation
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@val70 The object of the game is to keep people stupid and take as much from them as possible without revolution coming about.
Stupid politicians,stupid tv shows all with the aim of keeping the population stupid and passive
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@val70 the reason we had Brexit, the chaos of the Tories is lack of education, lack of common sense , far too many people just believing what they are told, the newspapers owned by Tory donners so spread Tory propaganda

But I do find it so hard to comprehend how everything just goes back to Brexit, this thread is nothing to do with it at all

The problem is someone who's lied to anyone and everyone got where he was and was accepted which shows our political parties need sorting out and need to be held accountable
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@milkymum1 Johnson lied over and over again about Brexit..along with nearly everything else he says.
That's the link to Brexit with this topic.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
He was the perfect leader of the Tory party. He represents everything they stand for, self serving, apathetic, classist, incompetent, dishonest, corrupt and greedy.

If I could afford to I would have left this country and started anew. It will take generations to recover from the last 13 years, hell even since Thatchers stink that still lingers.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Ryannnnnn Let's not focus on failures. Where there's a will there's a way.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@helenS lol easy for you to say
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Ryannnnnn We are still suffering with the same problems we had under Thaccher

the question is why ?

the last 13 years I've never seen a country go bakwards
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@milkymum1] in a way this is fair warning to all politicians lie at your peril as it will come back to bite you on the bum as johnson can testify
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@smiler2012 yes it is and this is why its extremly importnant on Monday Parliament votes yes to apply the punishment and maybe amend it to make it even worse
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
A spoiled brat who thinks the rules don't apply to him. As far as I'm concerned I've seen and heard far more of him in the last 10 years than I ever wanted to. The man is a leach who poisons everything he touches. I hope he now f*cks off as far as he can and then f*cks off some more.

As respectful as I can get where that selfish, entitled boorish clown is concerned, apologies
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@PSuss1 yes he is a spoilt brat and thinks nothing applies to him

yes hes been aroudn far too long now and for all the wrong reasons

maybe we should set up a campaign for boris to be on the first flight to mars
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@milkymum1 or Rwanda?
Entwistle · 56-60, M
They just do what they want anyway.
Johnson is a total arsehole...a horrible person. A racist,a liar,a serial philanderer.
An educated idiot.
Someone would have to be stupid to support him.
helenS · 36-40, F
Johnson is a total arsehole...a horrible person. A racist,a liar,a serial philanderer.An educated idiot.
I think you compiles a good list of reasons why people love their hero.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@helenS That is only a quarter of the list.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
After Boris was Caught partying maskless along with the other Elites while forcing Society to stay home. Wear a mask. Get the poison shot.

He was worse as our Governor Newsom with Heavy Restrictions.

Screw that crazy hair Moron.

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