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12 nillion say Violence is needed to put trump back in office. do any here agree?

Poll - Total Votes: 24
yes, we should take up arms and reinstate him
the elections was stolen regardless of what those investigations said
elections dont matter leadership is what I want
i dont like him but will vote for him anyway
no no no ,, no trump
I like how he talked.
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so many of my countrymen believe the election was stolen
Some wna to take up arms for their guy

I WANT to here from those that supported him, Not just those detractors

are any of you here? that into him?

lets NOT just call people names huh?
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
There is no evidence of a stolen election, as more than 60 failed lawsuits prove. He has just been indicted in a 37 count indictment which has maximum penalties of about 400 years. He has absolutely no business being in ANY federal, state, or local office, let alone the presidency.
@windinhishair @ChipmunkErnie

to be clear

Donald Trump lost re-election but refused to concede and instead claimed without basis that the election was stolen from him, then pushed state officials to change their tallies, hatched a plot to name fake electors, tried to persuade the vice-president to refuse to certify electoral college votes, sought access to voting-machine data and software, got his allies in Congress to agree to question the electoral votes and thereby shift the decision to the House of Representatives, and summoned his supporters to Washington on the day electoral votes were to be counted and urged them to march on the US Capitol, where they rioted.

This, my friends, is treason.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SatyrService It is treason, but that is an issue for another indictment following the January 6 investigation.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
He needs to be put in jail, not in office.
@ChipmunkErnie indeed but I am trying to see this,,as it is here
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@SatyrService The Cult of Personality is a scary thing. :(
trollslayer · 46-50, M
I am going to put myself in the shoes of the Trump supporters I know personally, because I doubt you will get an honest answer from anyone here.

To them, they not only believe, but "know" there is a conspiracy of powerful people pulling the strings behind the federal government, such as the "smoking man" on the show X files. With that in mind, they "know" those powers put Biden and most others in office, have rigged the election in such a way as to leave no hard evidence, and are actively working against Trump, who to them is somewhat of a "savior".

Their views are all rooted in their personal failures to get ahead or further ahead. They may have lost a family business because of competition from china. Lost their blue collar factory job to overseas manufacturing. Perhaps their "pride and joy" came home with another guy or wearing a dress. All this they pin on some kind of organized global agenda.

Because they "know" this is all true, they feel their vote and their voice has been silenced, and they may feel their only path to ensure future prosperity (or the return of things to the way they were) is though violence. This really is no different than other countries that have had violent overthrows (including nazi germany). Remember, to them it is the other side acting unlawfully, so such action is justified as a form of "Self defense".

I would be willing to bet that the majority of Trump's base feel that violence may be needed, or if it happens they would not be against it. I do doubt that there is enough organization or wherewithal from these folks to actually see much happen, but should something happen I think there are plenty that would try to join in.

When this happens in other countries, there usually is some kind of charismatic and intelligent opposition leader. Trump is a dumbass who basically keeps a loaded gun pointed at his feet.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@badminton basically the definition of a conspiracy. You cannot prove them wrong because any evidence or logic to the contrary is evidence of the conspiracy. Example: balloon that is part of top secret espionage program crashes in Roswell NM. Originally reported a "flying saucer" in order to distract public away from espionage program. Decades pass, conspiracy grows regarding lying government and coverup. Info is finally released, and the mere fact it took decades to release info is proof itself that government is lying and must still be lying.
@trollslayer i am glad you o9ssted as you did,
thanks for real conversation,
@trollslayer That is called a "circular argument". When one knows the exact conclusion the WANT to's easy to cherry pick events, twist them.....draw a line of supposed logic in whatever way they have come right back to the end point they knew there were headed for in the beginning.

Example.....The election was cheated. It had to be because trump had rallies and Biden didn't and billions and billions and trillions of people showed up at trump rallies. So if billions and billions and trillions of people showed up at trump rallies......and Biden never had any rallies......which means NO ONE showed up to support him.........then it is logical that the billions and billions and trillions of voters for trump was somehow disenfranchised by digital voting machines that was built by people we don't know............who logically must have been Biden supporters. So there you go.........proof that Biden cheated the election.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Violent revolution to install a king sounds very in the spirit of America and the constitution.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@CountScrofula Come on lads, get them muskets out.
They been gaslighting trump supporters for 6 years with 2 tiered justice system in an effort to goad them into the streets.
Seems like they’re not taking the bait…
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Just an honest election
Ynotisay · M
It's coming from weak, gutless dudes popping off online for attention from other weak, gutless dudes. They'll do nothing.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Ynotisay I hope that you are right. I fear otherwise.
Ynotisay · M
@windinhishair I'm sure I'm right. I also know 37 counts isn't a joke. Because they charged him with what they could prove. This shit needs to end now. Let the dregs cry and stomp their feet. If we're really a "nation of laws," then it's time to prove it.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Ynotisay I agree, even if there is violence. The Trump Cult bullshit needs to end.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@satyrservice] i am not american but this is a very dangerous step backwards in the united states trump wants too take his so called beloved country back one hundred and fifty years too the law of the gun and outlaws . what is this man thinking advocating anarchy because he lost an election fair and square . please wake up the people of america trumpster mainly do you want this man as your president really he is not your messiah as you make him out too be .he is using you as his personal puppets
Violent people are killing it in DC!
It's impossible to know if humanity can become non violent. Killers won't let us debate. They're the internet ownership.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I think when they say "violence is needed to bring back trump" is an excuse. They just want that blood because if one thinks about it, violence to bring back a president? That's a lame excuse... all for a president. No, they want that blood and for whatever reason have a need to be victims.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
You make a profound and wise point, @SatanBurger.

My god, I never realized how badly I needed to write that exact sentence until just now. 😆
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Support how?
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Ynotisay · M
@jshm2 Except about most everything of course.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
There are no names adequate to describe the insane deification that they have given to that grifting con artist.
Jan 6th is still locking up traitors who were stooges for the con man. If they have not seen thru him yet and feel like being stupid traitors to America what you gotta do. There's more jails yet to fill.
Budwick · 70-79, M
So, you want Trump supporters to advocate for violence on a public forum
KNOWING that the FBI and CIA are looking for people like that and nail their
asses just for thinking of it.

Yeah - I wouldn't expect much response.
@Budwick right.
Most I’m seeing is ppl vowing to write his name on the ballot themselves if they have to.. not shoot shoot bang bang
@Budwick we disagree on almost EVERYTING BUT
i draw no line to say past thiis? national security interes will not pass
they would even if it is laughable
I did not even consider that similarworlds, would even be on the radar of national security it seems preosterous, that they wold do so, and even more a stretch that they would deep dive into that post, or force th admins. to figure out who or what voted how
be sure i did not ask who would DO that thing, just who feel what 12 million Americans feel. i would think they would focus on the source of those numbers
Confined · 56-60, M
So all the anti Trumpers enjoy paying 6.00 a gallon for gas? Double food prices everywhere? 9% inflation? Multilating kids? Open boarders. Letting violent offenders go free?
America was in better place under Trump. I dont agree with all he did but i want the boarders closed. All land owned by china in the USA confiscated. I want gas at $1.50 like it was. I want violent offenders jailed. Doj and FBI have committed Treason a thousand times over. They deserve to be tried and put to death. Nuf said.
Of course. Violence is important. The police keep the public out so they can have the primary in private.
Americans are not citizens. Werkkkers.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Don't mind me...
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
No, there might just be enough fucking idiots for the votes to be counted in his favour, in my opinion. There have been in the past. Never underestimate the power of stupidity!

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