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What happened Russia

Patriot missle defense systems intercepted about 85% of your hypersonic missils fired into Ukraine. Turns out your unstoppable hypersonic missils are not what you think they are... also your bomber piolts actually brains and turned back before being engaged by Patriot? Guessing they didn't want to be taken out by a telephone pole traveling at mach 2 (unclassified)
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Sorry but Russia is winning this war quite handily. Only liberals and people who believe NATO propaganda think Russia is losing
@Stargazer89 Wonder where THAT opinion came from 🙄

Oh, wait…..
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gol979 · 41-45, M
@SW-User "my parasite is much better than your parasite!!!!!"
kentex35 · 100+, M
@Stargazer89 wanna bet?
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@ozuye502] 🤔think it time putin understood he is losing this military operation/ war very badly . he his giving the russian people bum information and misleading the russian people . it is time you went too the table too broker a deal before your are defeated and humiliated you have no choice bt to get out of ukraine
Careful! You'll get the butthurt, deranged Pro-Putin people on here threatening you! 🤪
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic i told one of them bragging about being on some Russian war ship to meet me on beach in Atlantic city he was too pussy to show up also told him to not forget to bring me an ak and makarov. Fucker never showed up.
Longleggedlady · 31-35, F
The stupidity of this all is that the Ukraine is rapidly being turned into the biggest testing ground for military equipment, for both sides now. Each time one side ups the equipment the other side responds in kind.
kentex35 · 100+, M
@Longleggedlady but who will outlast the other. I'm afraid pain will get to the point of using nukes to save face. I hope his cronies stop him. I believe you are correct on the testing of weapons. I think in the beginning the US did not send top of the line stuff not knowing the heart of Ukrainians and did not know how poorly the Russians would fare afraid Russia would capture sensitive tech. But now w must have some faith sense Biden is now trading pilots on the F-16. The screams tank was a huge deal this is bigger. Worse comes to worse Putin is a very wealthy man. I guarantee he has a place of exile set up already. He's KGB he knows how to sneak out.
Longleggedlady · 31-35, F
@kentex35 I don't think sending more and more stuff in is going to get anywhere it is going to cause the whole thing to constantly be escalated.
Nobody is going un-seat Putin.
The sanctions are not working and never will work the way the western governments want them to work.
The F16 is a very good plane but A) how long is it going to take to train pilots that have never flown it and B) how good are they going to be in combat in them when they are facing a very capable SU 35, SU 57 that are both faster and more agile and have pilots that know the aircraft and have flown them in combat, then there is the MIG 31 interceptor, I have been in a Mig 29 believe me what that plane can do is awesome and it wasn't what they are using in their air force those have had upgrades.
kentex35 · 100+, M
@Longleggedlady it seems crazy to some but if you look back to when Kissinger took his ball and went home from Nam we left lots of equipment we trained them on his to use it but we took off suddenly and what ammo that we left at that time was end of the for. No more resupply or money to pay the troops there o was sitting about a mile off the coast of DaNang about a mile out when the captain of the ship announce that the Paris peace accords was now in effect. Man 27,1973And with what we left them they hung on another 2 years .. we still had an embassy there until April 75 that's when you saw people being evacuated from the roof to. Some south Vietnamese took helicopters and family l and learned to fly right then they made most of them get away from the ship and land in the ocean then picked them up. They were pushing helicopter odds the flight deck straight into the drink. But in Afghanistan the Taliban just rolled over everyone and their army didn't even try
We watched 20 years disappear like it never happened on a month poof.
In both cases we got our troops out those last 13,11 Marines, 1 corpsman, 1 Army Sargent that died by suicide bomber made me sick but there were 3 Marines left behind in Vietnam well a little island where they thought they were taking the Mayaguez crew(spy boat) orders came all the way from Washington to leave those boys behind. One survived on the run for about 3 days before the hacked him to death with machetes like the other two. They are last three names on "the wall". Anyway this ammo is keeping it yep it of harms way, it's giving Ukraine a fighting chance to save their country it obvious they are fighting to the end for their flag and family do they are pro NATO, EU freedom and trustworthy. The thing with the F16s is that platform can do damage to Su-?s from twice as far away the Russian aircraft will never see the F16s before they are blown out of the air. Russians can spot other aircraft ten miles away and shoot them the F16S can see from 100 miles away. That why Putin is scared. People like him always judge others by themselves. He thinks everyone is out to get him because he would be and is . Russia is taking a lot of Ukraine down with them but not as many or as fast . Waiting on this big offensive everyone is talking about is revving up the paranoia in the Russians. The mercenaries are keeping the recruits in front of themselves as bullet catchers. I look for them to quit one night and just sneak off somewhere maybe Africa. Putin will not reach in his deep pockets for no one or will the oligarchs . Every man for him self. Putin has to stop. If we can help and keep our hands clean, he needs to go. Hell never be satisfied. I've never seen so many generals killed in battle until this war. This were not good tactics in WW2 even worst today. That's a reason for sending a few Abrams battle tanks the Ukrainians use western style tactics you have infantry working alongside the tank n you can't see shit from inside a tank that's why the Russians get ambushed so easily. Plus we tell them where the Russians are hiding. With satellite pictures. LOOK OUT HE'S BEHIND THE TREE!! with Sweden and Finland joining NATO and Ukraine as soon as they are not in a conflict will join them Russia will start to behave when their borders are solid NATO. America is the the only country that doesn't take land from winning a war. Not since the native Americans. We may occupy until it's safe to leave but we rebuilt Japan and Germany with our money and their labor that's fair. Sorry it's so long winded
Is this Bidens burner account?
Nobody.. NOBODY believes this garbage.

kentex35 · 100+, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout you left out Steven Segal. If you can't believe Steven Segal who can you believe
Tres13 · 51-55, M
The Ukraine army is Kaput
Donbass is Russian control

Kiev surrenders or the Clown dies

Those hypersonics they shot down were spades
kentex35 · 100+, M
Anybody wanna bet? I'll take Ukraine I'll give ya 5-2 odds Russia gets it's stinking ass handed to them. And I'll bet straight up most Russians will run away. Any takers?
Tres13 · 51-55, M
I be your Huckleberry @kentex35
kentex35 · 100+, M
@Tres13 🤔✌️

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