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Griner is free....Democrats kicking Republicans in the ass...but why ? 🐘 🐴

I'm not gonna say too much more.
It's quite obvious that the Republicans are getting their butts kicked right now.
They are losing the culture wars badly.
Do you know why. What's your perspective on this SW. I'm listening. 😊🌞

Eternity · 26-30, M
I dont like the republicans nor the democrats.

But the reason why I tend to vote democrat is because the republican party just flat out refuses to make the working class an offer.

They arent trying to do anything for us. Their whole platform is based on deprivation; what they want to deny "the other"

No student loan debt forgiveness, no affordable Healthcare, no unions, no legalized marijuana, no law enforcement reform, no no no no no.

All the working class hears from the republican party is NO.

The democrats may be full of shit and wont actually back up half the offers they make, but at least they're making fucking offers

Why the hell would we vote for you when all you want to do is deny us.
Eternity · 26-30, M
@redredred yes, and a government that is big enough to give you everything you want, yet refuses to even give you half of what you need, is exploitative and insulting.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
The dems @Eternity
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@jackjjackson No. You didnt prove anything because if I were to drop this video on the actual evidence I would win.
Simple. 👩‍🦲
BlueVeins · 22-25
Republicans control the Supreme Court, roughly half of Congress, and roughly half of high positions in states (population-adjusted). YouTube has a far-right bias. FaceBook has a far-right bias. Twitter was just taken over by a neocon. The vast majority of our school textbooks come from a conservative publishing company, and DeSantis is using the levers of state power to turn the entire Florida education system into a radically conservative indoctrination machine. That same politician just won an overwhelming victory in the 2022 election.

It's always nice to see Biden scoring rhetorical points. Not sure the whole Griner thing was a slam dunk politically, but I don't know that it's not, either. My point is, while Democrats have spent the past few years appealing to the public and trying to revive their image, the Republicans have been aggressively grabbing all the power they can get, and it's been outstandingly effective.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Zonuss You're delusional.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@BlueVeins No. I'm a realist. They have lost power. We can go from culture wars to the last election. The red wave didn't happen. Please put the kool aid down kid. 🙂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@BlueVeins Liberals run YouTube.
They run NBC, ABC,. CBS. CNN, MSNBC News.
They run Hollywood.
They run sports.
They run social media overall.
So as long as the Democrats continue public service announcements through these outlets....the Republicans are doomed..🙂
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Republicans operate on the principal of the least social change the better.

This is contradictory to reality.
Life is change.
@DeWayfarer you might want to clean that up a little.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Ryderbike not certain why? Is there a site problem with that? Like it being hidden?
@DeWayfarer never mind .it’s fine
The "culture war" is nothing more than opposition to abortion and LGBT rights. Since at least two-thirds of Americans are pro-choice and even more support LGBT rights (I believe 90% support same-sex marriage), these are losing issues. Republicans are doubling down on anti-trans since acceptance of trans people is a more recent development and compared to gay people, there aren't many of them, but this is a losing issue as well.

The only consistent position of the GOP is cutting taxes for the wealthy, and they've been successful at this.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@LeopoldBloom Successful. How 🙄
@Zonuss About the only legislation passed by the Republican Congress under Trump was a massive tax cut for the wealthy.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
My opinion is that the Republicans have made a deal with the devil, when McCain chose stoopid Sarah as his running mate and the Republicans allowed the Tea Party bunch to take over and make their loony take on things the standard for the Republicans. Can you really see people like MTG, Boebert, Cruz and Gaetz running/ruining our Country??? The Democrats are far from perfect but at least they don't have a bunch of liars running things or telling us lunatic conspiracies like the Election was stolen or causing insurrections and wanting to take down a legally elected Government or turn us into a non-secular Fundamentalist Christian Nation. Most of us are fairly moderate and Centrist in our views and neither the far Right or the far Left are where we want to go, ever...
@jackjjackson Maybe, but would we ever have had Biden if we'd had McCain?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Lieberman, McCain and Biden (3 musketeers for 4 decades) combined don’t equal one good President. McCain would have been as bad as Biden. The Republicans must do us on someone new in his or her 50’s. Maybe Tim Scott. At least he seems like a good person (whether or not one agrees or disagrees with anyone all his positions). We are currently in trouble as a country and Biden’s reflection my push us over the cliff into possible permanent trouble. This is true even if he had an R instead of a D after his name. The more we get to know him it seems at his core Biden is a bad person. @MistyCee
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@jackjjackson lol, sorry but stoopid Sarah wasn't no Mary Magdalene but your point is a fair one 😃
Culture generally moves to the Left in a Democracy because people are able to speak and present evidence freely. Plus, so much of the modern culture war is about trying to bring back things that were already debunked. After gay marriage became recognized and it didn't cause any new problems, opposition to gay marriage became a losing issue. But the Right is still obsessing over homophobia.
I think the Conservatards would be losing the culture war regardless, but the reason they're getting beaten so badly now is because they're repackaging old talking-points.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@BohemianBabe Old talking points. And still allowing their personal prejudices to distort their sense of reality.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
After gay marriage became recognized and it didn't cause any new problems, opposition to gay marriage became a losing issue. But the Right is still obsessing over homophobia.

Honestly this is 100% true.
Imo, its mostly likely the Republican (and Democratic) part(ies)'s imperfect and slow reaction to political forces like votes and money.

The culture war shtick, my guess, is likely on the wane at the moment (not to say it's dead by any means), but this morning's amateur thought from yours truly is that a lot of both Republicans and Democrats want to focus on other issues getting ready for 2024, and Griner is not really the hill anyone wants to attack or defend.

I really don't think there's a sudden monumental shift on lesbian African American or marijuana at play here, any more than abortion, the Second Amendment, immigration, racial purity as much as what's going on is politicians picking and choosing issues like them, amongst others.

As I write this, I can't help but think this is a perfect setup for Biden in 2024, and he's got a host of other issues in his way, but my guess is the Biden camp would rather run a seemingly moderate campaign on culture wars, keep the left wing in tow for fear of Trump II, and be facing a dysfunctional Republican party that it can cast as lunatic opposition not ready to lead in 2024, no matter who they run.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
The way I see it, conservatives are in opposition to a lot of things that I support and probably the majority too like LGBTQ+ rights, abortion and other things. There's also other worries too, like the majority of nationalists who say worrying things like inciting violence or domestic terrorism are typically conservative. Even the recent LGBT club shooter had a relative that was pro MAGA and the like, so he was probably influenced by that and his mom which has a dirty history of her own.

So it's not that people are "all" Democrat, it's probably more like they just choose the best of what the situation allows for which is how I see it. Most people don't want to go back to the dark ages but I hear some far righters praising the Taliban and I think to myself, what can I do to prevent their power?

Then, if you want to go further you can look at right winged Poland treats its gay people. That's actually scary to me, that there's people that are so conservative they'll kill others who are different from them. It's just one of those things I think, it's way too much at this point.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Even the recent LGBT club shooter had a relative that was pro MAGA and the like, so he was probably influenced by that

Ha! That's nothing - he also considered adopting a dog from the place where Adam Schiff 's neighbor brought his dog to be euthanized!
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Budwick Have no idea what you just said.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
It's level of extremism the Republican Party has bent over to appeal to that is causing them to touch their breaking point. Whether it was real or not, Reagan's call for "a big tent" has been taken up by Democrats as Republicans are busy appealing to a dwindling base whose only interest is in scoring rhetorical points that make them feel powerful.

Consider the gauze-over-the-camera-lens Kari Lake who never even tried to reach out beyond the angry mob of "the base." The frightening thing is, if she had she most likely could have/would have won the governorship in Arizona. But, she was only interested in keeping the mob (I mean "the base") enthralled.

The Republican Party is literally boxing themselves into obsolescence over the thrill of getting "the dwindling base" to embrace them. They are basically operating on an intoxicated level of stupidity as they flaunt Kari Lake, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, and the like as their face to the public.
@MarkPaul Aww, but they're still trying to reach out:

MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@MistyCee Yeah, they are still reaching out which is what seems to be appealing to "the base:" going through the motions regardless of the results and declaring themselves as poor victims because the world is against them... and that's unfair.
This might be a reason those of us who identify as Republicans/ conservatives are losing or have lost faith in the Republican Party. That said, this can also apply to Democrats and Independents. Look at this on the web, the attachment, go to
[image/video deleted]
“oinker awards” then it’s not hard to see whybthecSmerican people of all political affiliations have/, are losing faith in our Government .
redredred · M
@soar2newhighs Look into the Libertarian party. It’s got the freedom snd love of the Constitution the other parties lie about having and it really pisses off progressives.
@redredred Thanks. I’ll ponder your suggest.
redredred · M
Just when Russia is running short of weapons in the Ukraine we trade one of the biggest arms trader on the planet for a ball player. Anybody see a problem?
redredred · M
Okay, they’re both guilty. Why the one and not the other? Russia is desperate for weapons and the arms trader likely still has lots of contacts so essentially Joe Stupid gave the Russians a weapons supplier and we got a basketball player.

I only spent thirty-five years negotiating contracts for Fortune 100 companies so perhaps I don’t understand but given Russia’s desperation a competent negotiator could have gotten them both for a “prize” like the arms dealer. Joe Stupid likely couldn’t entertain the complexity of two-for-one.@Zonuss
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@redredred I understand this.
But he may be released soon.
It's not over yet.
redredred · M
@Zonuss Sure, fuck him, he can wait. At least we can watch her throw a ball through a hoop. Nothing Spurs Russian cooperation better than giving them the prize first.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Democrats atleast make efforts on some of the promises and do something republicans dont because they dont care about people
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@JohnOinger Very true.
Nothing says authoritarianism like forcing women to birth against their will.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Ryderbike But, butt, it's not against their will, don't you know all these women want to submit to such real men, it's in their nature to want to submit to their man! 🤪
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Ryderbike Are you Democrat or Republican .
Or neither. 🤔
@Zonuss Canadian ..so neither
Driver2 · M
The leftist will lose just as the slaveholder democrats lost
They have no soul
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Driver2 The Leftist will lose what.
Because you guys look really weak right now.
And I do mean weak. 🙂
Driver2 · M
@Zonuss just disorganized and out gunned
Nothing new ,
It could be that the Republicans have on their rear ends, signs that read, (metaphorically) “ kick me, I’m stupid!”
And the democrats do. IMO if the mid terms didn’t open their eyes, who knows what will?
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@soar2newhighs I agree.
Perhaps the GOP will finally disown Trumpism.
We shall see. Happy Holidays. 🙂❄️
@Zonuss Same to you!
Well it might be something to do with the GOP wanting to make American circa 1918 again.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Ha. 1918 ....hahahaha 😂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow This was funny.
@Zonuss It is actually kind of scary if you think about it.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Democrats are Fake
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
It was a terrible deal.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@Zonuss Things go in cycles. The same was said of Democrats not long ago.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@HoraceGreenley Yeah yeah. We are talking present time. Not the past. You need to start making changes in your party today.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@Zonuss I'm sure the RNC is hanging on your every word.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I'm listening.

Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Budwick Yes it is isn't it. It's funny how you keep losing. 😂
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Zonuss And, I haven't even played!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Latest update: Whelan's brother just started on live television this. Donald Trump denied his brother and refused to pardon him in 2020.
You can't make this stuff up folks. 🙂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
☺️ Feel free to respond.

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