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Lead poisoning and the GOP.

I posted this earlier on another thread, and also as a joke a few times, but seriously...

People that shoot guns have higher lead exposures than those that don't. This is a known fact that you are welcome to look up.

Lead exposure has been linked to all kinds of health problems, including neurological disorders. Some studies have correlated lead exposure from gasoline to violent crime. That is up for debate, but the correlations are very interesting.

Because Republicans, especially far right republicans, tend to be avid gun enthusiasts more than the country as a whole, one could hypothesize that far-right republicans have had more lead exposure in their lives than those on the left.

Lead exposure is linked to delirium and hallucinations.

Serious question: Is it possible the wacky conspiracy theories that are rampant on the right these days are a result of lead poisoning?
That would explain way too much.
I actually really hope that's not the reason they're so stupid. With America sliding into Fascism, I think it's important that people buy guns to defend themselves. I don't know, maybe wear a mask when you're firing.
@SumKindaMunster Well yeah, you knew it after you Googled it.
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Sounds like you’ve eaten way to many paint chips
Nanori · F
People who have been breathing for a longer period of time are likely to die earlier than people who have just started.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
First, many bullets have copper jackets so there is no lead exposure there. The only lead exposure danger, as far as shooting goes, is at indoor ranges with poor ventilation. And as for gasoline, it has not contained lead for many years!
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@fanuc2013 I was addressing shooting, specifically. I know lead has been out of gasoline for 30+ years. As for "indoors with poor ventilation" - think about smoking. Someone can be outdoors smoking a cigarette 50 feet away from you and you can still smell it. Firing a rifle while looking through a scope I am sure you breathe in plenty of fumes.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@trollslayer or standing near you we would smell your body odor. Probably more noxious than Sulphur.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@trollslayer @trollslayer They are not lead fumes. They are fumes from the POWDER in the shell. The lead is traveling AWAY from the shooter.
The only way for ANY lead to land on a shooter would be if the gun jammed and blew up in the shooter's face. At that point, lead is the LEAST of the shooter's worries.
redredred · M
And don’t forget the leading cause of lead poisoning is exposure to lead paint in the kinds of buildings in the inner cities. I’m sure you’ll stand up and proudly claim that all those mental defects you list are overly present in the African-American population.

That is what you’re claiming, right? I mean intellectual consistency is important to you, right? You’d have to be making that claim as well, right?
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Ben Shapiro is one of the finest minds in America. And he wasn't the only source I quoted.
But I understand why you goose steppers have a problem with him. He's a Jew. And his family escaped your last little party with Jews.

Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues I provided reliable links that showed FDR's policies made the Great Depression WORSE and prolonged it. And FDR had to LIE to get America into World War Two because his programs were failing so much.
@Reason10 You provided OPINIONS. Do you understand that there's a difference between opinions and data?

BTW, two of my great grandparents, Jewish citizens of Holland, were killed in the Nazi death camps. Another irrelevant attack by you. You'll do ANYTHING to avoid debating what I actually said, won't you, LOL!!!

And here's the point you are trying so hard to evade:

Actually, the single program that did the most to eliminate poverty was Social Security. Go ahead, try and deny it. Old folks in the US were literally STARVING TO DEATH when FDR introduced Social Security. It works so well that almost every republican admin - especially Reagan - has tried to strengthen SS and share credit for it.

Go ahead, try to deny it!!
This could explain the multiple IQ studies that have found a statistically significant correlation between lower IQ and more conservative political affiliation.

Conservatism, and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand? Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right-wing ideology.

Liberals and atheists smarter? Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history, study finds.
Young adults who subjectively identify themselves as "very liberal" have an average IQ of 106 during adolescence while those who identify themselves as "very conservative" have an average IQ of 95 during adolescence.
@Reason10 LOL!!! You can't deny the facts, so you launch an ad hominem fallacy! I've proved that more highly educated people tend to vote more liberal, and you've proved that you can't counter the facts!

Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues It's not ad hominem if it is factual.
It's not ad hominem if it is factual.

Ever heard of William Shockley? He was a terrible racist and eugenicist. You can attack him all you like for those horrible things, but his invention, the transistor, still works. Attacking the messenger is an idiotic way to avoid countering the message.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
No, and for you to actually found out the answer to this question, you might have to stop regurgitating everything your social media contacts tell you and do some actual research.

But we both know you aren't going to do that, this is all condescending piffle to make you feel superior.

Serious question

You don't ask serious questions. You pose proactive propaganda as reality and only listen to those that agree with you.
Iwillwait · M
Isn't gasoline "Unleaded?"
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Iwillwait just a troll he is
Reason10 · 70-79, M
By the way, boys and girls (and the liberals here have the mentality of Florida kindergarteners) why is this thread about Republican lead poisoning? Does this assume that only REPUBLICANS fire guns?
The Democrats are the ones who started and maintained the bloodiest wars in the country's history. Democrat politicians are protected by gun toting Secret Service agents or private bodyguards. Do you DemoNazis actually think those agents are using slingshots?

I didn't hear any worries about lead poisoning for the MILLIONS of Americans DRAFTED to fight in the Vietnam War, (started and escalated by Democrats.)

This is why I occasionally call a liberal a child. Adults usually don't make such stupid statements.
@Reason10 First of all, you lose ALL credibility when you try to dismiss data by impugning the source. Attacking the messenger has ALWAYS been an idiotic approach to establishing facts.

Anybody with an IQ above room temp would easily find

and go shooting and hunting occasionally
DUUUDE!!! It's the indoor firing ranges! Please try to keep up!!

which assumed that NO DEMOCRAT ever fired a gun
Nice straw man fallacy, LOL!!!
It merely assumed republicans fire guns significantly more often than democrats, as anyone but an idiot would realize, LOL!!!

You seem unable to respond to the actual arguments being made. Instead you need to manufacture idiotic straw men to attack; thus leaving the actual arguments unopposed, ROTFL!!!
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Montanaman · M
That. 🤷‍♀️
Or nuclear bombardment from the far Left's
Radioactive Obsession with Orangeman, and his "Baise" Lololo.🤣

I'll just leave this here...
I'm a gonna go snort me some lead!😎
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
Why do I suspect this is heading towards: We must eliminate guns for the mental health of the republicans?
ron122 · 41-45, M
Then explain why democrats are so violent.
@ron122 The commit less violence, on average, than Republicans. So the theory makes sense.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ron122 Because they are neo Nazis and violence is their only answer when they don't get their way.
@Reason10 I especially like that one "Neo-Nazis" with the "Black Lives Matter" sign. 😝
Interesting. This could also explain the lower life expectancy in red states

@Reason10 OK, then, corroborating evidence, Just for you!!


And now I eagerly await your countervailing evidence, LOL!!!
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues The same CDC that dropped the ball on the Obama Virus, called Trump a racist because he halted flights from China (where the virus was created)?
Any idiot can make a chart or color a map. And ANY source that gives the HIGHEST longevity stats to New York And California is clearly off their fucking goose stepping rockers.
@Reason10 I repeat, I eagerly await your countervailing evidence, LOL!!!

P.S. I have given your flawed inferences based on genetic fallacies all the attention they deserve!!
Correlation or causation?
More likely to be one the other 80,000 lesser known forever chemicals.
Some people will be more resistant to them and not develop problems but the ones affected are likely to have neurological issues resulting in republicinism.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@canusernamebemyusername I wouldn't say "republicanism", because what we are seeing today is much different than the republicans I grew up with. Sure there are lunatic conspiracy theorists on the left, too, but nowhere near at this level. I just am having a hard time grasping that 30-40% of the USA believes in some pretty outlandish conspiracies regarding the 2020 election or Qanon. Feels like some kind of public health emergency to me.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Did you used to have toy soldiers made of lead in America? Perhaps an older generation interested in historical re-enactment and war games may have been similarly exposed.
Slade · 56-60, M
Painfully stupid
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Montanaman · M
@MarmeeMarch 🙋‍♀️
Meet Candy...

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