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OogieBoogie · F
Yes, Damn those bloody pot smokers !
They cause so much damamge , causing people to be homelss an all.!
How dare they sit around smiling and getting the munchies .
Pure evil i tell ya, PURE EVIL !
lock the bastards up. Menace to society they are .
Letting them off now that pot is legal is just....just....unamerican !
They cause so much damamge , causing people to be homelss an all.!
How dare they sit around smiling and getting the munchies .
Pure evil i tell ya, PURE EVIL !
lock the bastards up. Menace to society they are .
Letting them off now that pot is legal is just....just....unamerican !
Graylight · 51-55, F
Do you know who uses cannabis? Chad and his buddies in the suburbs. Cancer patients who are trying to survive their treatment. Those with mental health disorders who find relief in the anxiety lowering properties of THC. And young and old people are like who makes stupid mistakes and get caught. Thank God you have heretofore been absolutely perfect in your life.
Let’s keep misdemeanor offenders in jail by all means. Let’s continue to overcrowded prisons, creating new problems all together. Let’s keep treating drugs like they’re a sin rather than a burden, denying people treatment and safety and therefore making society in general a more dangerous place. It’s a great plan. Maybe next we could put anyone using prescription medication not prescribe directly to them in jail for terms of 10 years plus. We have more US citizens in our own jails and any other western country on the planet. Let’s punish everyone else enough until it makes us feel good about ourselves.
Let’s keep misdemeanor offenders in jail by all means. Let’s continue to overcrowded prisons, creating new problems all together. Let’s keep treating drugs like they’re a sin rather than a burden, denying people treatment and safety and therefore making society in general a more dangerous place. It’s a great plan. Maybe next we could put anyone using prescription medication not prescribe directly to them in jail for terms of 10 years plus. We have more US citizens in our own jails and any other western country on the planet. Let’s punish everyone else enough until it makes us feel good about ourselves.
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Graylight · 51-55, F
@robingoodfellow Same feeling. It's excellent for anxiety and PTSD. It's being investigated for use with ADHD. It's often (not always, there is disagreement) an excellent choice for people who because of substance abuse issues can't take addictive anti-depressants and other meds.
Plus, it's fun and it's relatively safe. When has a riot ever broken out at a pot festival?
Plus, it's fun and it's relatively safe. When has a riot ever broken out at a pot festival?
robingoodfellow · M
@Graylight when people talk about pot being destructive I always give them this scenario we all can relate to:
You're at a concert. Would you rather stand next to the guy who's stoned and chilling to the music, or the guy who's falling down drunk leaning on everybody, getting in your face, and eventually puking all over the floor where you're standing.
You're at a concert. Would you rather stand next to the guy who's stoned and chilling to the music, or the guy who's falling down drunk leaning on everybody, getting in your face, and eventually puking all over the floor where you're standing.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@robingoodfellow Ooh, I like that.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
😂its just Pot Geez its not like They Murdered Anybody LOL
BiasForAction · M
There’s an election coming up.
BohemianBabe · M
Freedom means adults can do what they want with their own bodies. All drugs should be legal.
BohemianBabe · M
@gol979 Well I don't think the government should force anyone to get the vaccine. But treated the same? No, if you didn't get the vax, I think you should be bullied and mocked relentlessly. But that's not a mandate.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@BohemianBabe there you go. What an awful thing to say. "I think you should be bullied and mocked relentlessly". In fact its disgusting. Like i said, your hypocrisy is being exposed
BohemianBabe · M
@gol979 How is that hypocritical? I said I don't think the government should force people to get the vax. So no mandates.
SomeMichGuy · M
We incarcerate more of our own population than any other country.
Many people were given time for small amounts of marijuana.
Are they such a danger to society?
Do you drink alcohol or use tobacco?
Many people were given time for small amounts of marijuana.
Are they such a danger to society?
Do you drink alcohol or use tobacco?
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SomeMichGuy No, no, no, that's okay, the nearly unfettered access to the two most deadly foreign substances for man. It's okay because they were told it was and they're in a special protected class of the entitled.
Try outlawing eitther one of them and see how fast they switch to the "my body, my choice, mah freedum" routine.
Try outlawing eitther one of them and see how fast they switch to the "my body, my choice, mah freedum" routine.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
It's just pot
ElwoodBlues · M
Our marijuana laws need to change, and Biden is paving the way. Kudos to him; he's doing the right thing. Marijuana is displacing more dangerous habits; a net benefit to society.
Teen Marijuana Vaping Soars, Displacing Other Habits
NY Times Dec 2019
Drinking, cigarette smoking and the use of hard drugs all declined, according to a new federal survey of high school and middle school students.
. . .
Though vaping of marijuana is on the rise, the overall rates of using the drug in all forms — smoking, vaping, edibles — were mixed. The rate of overall marijuana use held steady for high school students who reported using it once or more over the past year, but there was an uptick in daily use.
. . .
Roughly 52 percent of high school seniors said they had used alcohol in the last year, along with 37.7 percent of 10th graders. Those figures have been dropping for years; in 2000, 73.2 percent of 12th graders said they had used alcohol in the last year as did 65.3 percent of 10th graders.
Cigarette use continued to drop, too. The portion of seniors who reported smoking in the last month fell to 5.7 percent, down from 13.6 percent five years ago.
NY Times Dec 2019
Drinking, cigarette smoking and the use of hard drugs all declined, according to a new federal survey of high school and middle school students.
. . .
Though vaping of marijuana is on the rise, the overall rates of using the drug in all forms — smoking, vaping, edibles — were mixed. The rate of overall marijuana use held steady for high school students who reported using it once or more over the past year, but there was an uptick in daily use.
. . .
Roughly 52 percent of high school seniors said they had used alcohol in the last year, along with 37.7 percent of 10th graders. Those figures have been dropping for years; in 2000, 73.2 percent of 12th graders said they had used alcohol in the last year as did 65.3 percent of 10th graders.
Cigarette use continued to drop, too. The portion of seniors who reported smoking in the last month fell to 5.7 percent, down from 13.6 percent five years ago.
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PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Because only an idiot would think people should be locked up for smoking a joint.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I know right a Joint is harmless we should be worried about criminals getting Pardon who did Hard Crimes LOL 😂
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
@JohnOinger Meanwhile their hero pardoned mercenaries who carried out a massacre.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
as much as he likes criminals, dopeheads, dragqueens, pedophiles, etc. you'd think he'd just move to LA... 🤔
Cause the lives lost by fentanyl so far ain’t no big deal
He needs votes
Guess potheads are strong in number
He needs votes
Guess potheads are strong in number
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Gotta make room for the entire population who votes trumplican..
Fascist gunna fascist..
Fascist gunna fascist..
BizSuitStacy · M
Pretty ironic given his veep was notorious for incarcerating them. Of course, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Brandon makes this announcement the same day it's leaked that there are grand jury proceedings underway regarding his crackhead son's tax issues and the illegal gun purchase.
TrashCat · M
No problems with Insurrections, espionage, huh?
I bet you didn't know Cannabis was never made illegal for scientific reason, but because it made white women want to sleep with black men.
I bet you didn't know Cannabis was never made illegal for scientific reason, but because it made white women want to sleep with black men.
BohemianBabe · M
@TrashCat I never heard that, but according to Richard Nixon, it was just an excuse to arrest black people and the white hippies who were protesting the Vietnam war.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
Northwest · M
Guess what the former GOP speaker of the house is doing now? If you guessed “promoting pot” you would be correct.
Glad it’s legal in my State. It is less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes.
Glad it’s legal in my State. It is less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes.
RedBaron · M
Why don't you find a real issue to troll about?
gol979 · 41-45, M
Come on. Biden is an addled, segregation loving weirdo but getting banged up for having a bit of green is tyrannical and was used to imprison ppl the state didnt like.
Now i doubt that many ppl will be pardoned but its a step in the right direction in relation to cannabis
Now i doubt that many ppl will be pardoned but its a step in the right direction in relation to cannabis
4meAndyou · F
He only pardoned people who were in FEDERAL prison for possession or dealing small amounts of pot. Which is basically NO ONE.
However, he has ordered the governors of every state to release their small time pot possession or pot dealing prisoners.
However, he has ordered the governors of every state to release their small time pot possession or pot dealing prisoners.
Torsten · 36-40, M
isn't pot legal there now? so in what sense would it make to keep those formally charged with it pay for it?
lispoiledbrat · 26-30, F
@Torsten its not legal in every state. it just frees federal. States can still outlaw it
Torsten · 36-40, M
@lispoiledbrat it should be legal.
lispoiledbrat · 26-30, F
i know plenty of republicans that smoke pot for both medical and fun. Not sure what either has to do with homeless
CopperCicada · M
Funny. Oklahoma and Kentucky are red states. And marijuana boom states.
Because people have done worse things
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Victimless crime.
My body, my choice.
My body, my choice.
Dumb law
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JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@RemovedUser1285413 My Uncle Is A Pot Head and he is just fine lol
TrashCat · M
@RemovedUser1285413 So is Tobacco
Nanoose · 61-69, M
@lispoiledbrat Fun Fact. More people have died from a direct result of drinking too much water than the # of people who died from a direct result of smoking too much weed. Nobody has ever died from smoking too much weed but there is a surprizing # of people who have died from drinking too much water (it causes the kidneys to shut down or something like that). Cheers!