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Conservative vs Liberal

Does it really matter? As a Southern Conservative white male, I'm persecuted on a daily basis. Yet, one to one, no one on either side seems to want to converse in a civil manner about their ideals and beliefs. So what if we disagree? Where is it written that we have to hate one another for it?
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PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@ProfessorFeet If you can't handle the heat of politics you should get out of the kitchen dude I hate to break it to you conservatives but look as a left winger myself like the other guy above me I too endure harassment for my political beliefs but I'm not going to claim presecution over it. Politcs is just very frought for this kind of thing, it goes with the terrority, if you don't like so much you can't deal with it maybe shut up about politics?
@MalteseFalconPunch Star Trek is much better than star wars.
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As a Southern Conservative white male, I'm persecuted on a daily basis.
This is why I generally don’t engage with people like you.
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ProfessorFeet · 31-35, M
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@ProfessorFeet White privilege means that whatever problems you have are not to do with your race.

Of course, it doesn't mean you can't gave problems or can't be screwed over by people. It's possible (probable maybe) that you are disadvantaged because of your class.

Persecution is still the wrong word.
Lol. You are not persecuted.

Persecution is what atheist bloggers in Bangladesh or the Rohingya in Myanmar or the Copts in Egypt face (or the opposition in Russia). Persecution is not being disagreed with or looked down on, as unpleasant as that may be.

It's always been amusing to me that the same people that rail against "victimhood culture" so enthusiastically claim victimhood.
Miram · 31-35, F

My thoughts exactly.
ProfessorFeet · 31-35, M
I've given the Oxford dictionary definition of the word "persecuted" to someone else in this post. You should find it, read it and see if you still hold the same opinion. Before spouting irrelevant nonsense, try having a way to actually rationalize your opinion. @SW-User

To elaborate on your point, please describe for me the ways other conservatives "enthusiastically claim victimhood"
@ProfessorFeet They claim exactly what you just claimed: that conservative, white Christians are oppressed and persecuted, and not only that, but that they are the most oppressed demographic. They rightly condemn the idea that black people are eternal victims, but then go and cast themselves as the true victims. Rather than reject a strong emphasis on victimhood, they simply apply the label to themselves because it is socially and emotionally advantageous. Yet ultimately it is quite melodramatic and inaccurate.

The blurring of categories and the erosion of meaningful distinctions is fundamentally anti-intellectual. I have not changed my position on what persecution is and why it does not apply to you.
Ducky · 31-35, F
As a moderate or a centrist or whatever you want to call me, I personally think it’s more accurate to say “conservative vs, leftist”, not liberal. In my personal opinion, liberalism is no longer a strictly left-wing ideology. When you got people from the right advocating for things like free speech more than people from the left who are actively trying to silence it, that just proves my point. Most conservatives these days are liberals, whether they want to admit it or not. Most leftists these days? There is nothing liberal about them. The political spectrum is not that black and white anymore. There’s still plenty of valid conservative vs. actual liberal arguments to be found, but again, liberalism is not strictly left-wing anymore.
@Elessar It also makes little sense to suggest that leftists are "claiming" the label "liberal". Most leftists I know despise the term "liberal" and often insultingly refer to moderate Democrats like Obama and his supporters as "libs". They say that liberals are Clinton/Obama types who essentially continued the imperialist foreign policy of Bush, did nothing to address over-incarceration (and have a legacy of being destructively "tough no crime"), and continued the broadly unequal capitalist American project. I'm not saying I agree wholeheartedly with these more extreme leftists, especially since I'm not so much on board with socialism and think that capitalism is a necessary evil that can be strongly regulated without resorting to full-on socialism. Nonetheless, "liberal" encompasses a broad center-left to center-right position that leftists often reject. Claiming that they are co-opting the term doesn't square with reality.

It also doesn't make much sense that American conservatives are broadly liberal. Some believe in liberal principles, though American conservatism is becoming increasingly disenchanted with democracy and liberalism, which go hand in hand. Democracy used to be something liberal that both the left and the right supported, but the right is subverting and undermining elections and attempting to restrict voter access. It also isn't particularly liberal to latch onto a strong-man leader. That kind of populism is something traditional liberals rejected. Libertarianism is becoming increasingly unpopular on the right due to its failures: the Christian rights seeks to insert more religion into the government and libertarianism often opposes just that. Libertarianism alone could not have undone Roe vs. Wade. The right is realizing that a stronger state can achieve many of their long term goals. And certainly, the recent rash of book bannings is anything but liberal and pro-free speech. Not saying that the left is perfect on this record either: but in some ways, the right is simply adopting the "safe space" language of the progressives; they want to be rid of ideas they find unpleasant (that LGBT should be accorded the same respect as heterosexuals, that American has a long racist history, that black Americans are the poorest demographic due to past structural inequalities, etc.)
Elessar · 26-30, M
@SW-User I consistently bang my head against the stone that occupies the same spot in (actual) far-leftists/tankies on here nearly on a daily basis, so I know how they are made lol.

This nonsense that literally everyone one inch left from a MAGA fascist(oid) by the so called "enlightened center" (i.e. rightwingers in the closet) is just one way to not admit you support the (far/)right. I refuse to believe that anyone who has an internet access legitimately doesn't know the distinction between "liberal", "libertarian", "leftist", "social-democrat", "socialist" and "communist", or even that they legitimately (and not conveniently) believe that all these groups are equally distant from the(ir perceived) "center" and just diametrically opposed to the far-right.

American conservatism is becoming increasingly disenchanted with democracy and liberalism
This has been happening for quite a long while I'd say.

The right is realizing that a stronger state can achieve many of their long term goals
And also this. They've always known, they just don't need to pretend they're for a "small government" anymore. Libertarians have been electoral fodder, but ultimately won't be represented by the party that just needed them for their votes.

Agreed with the rest. I'm not sure if they actually have a stance against LGBT, or if they do so just to get the votes of the homophobic/ultra-religious layer of society.
They've always known, they just don't need to pretend they're for a "small government" anymore. Libertarians have been electoral fodder, but ultimately won't be represented by the party that just needed them for their votes.


Tminus6453 · M
Did you not see biden say conservatives were the enemy of the united states a couple weeks ago?...thats the ultimate divider... its been that way for a few years now
carpediem · 61-69, M
There was once a time when people respected the views of others. The 24 hour news cycle ended that. It creates viewers if you promote the hatred of those with whom you disagree.
Elessar · 26-30, M
No one is more persecuted than modern day republicans!

Elessar · 26-30, M
@LordShadowfire I've no idea, I've found this pre-filled lol
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Elessar Darn!
Elessar · 26-30, M
@LordShadowfire I would've added "black mermaids" in that bottom-right corner had it been mine, lol
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Anarchists here. I believe all conservatives like to be pegged
Elessar · 26-30, M

I mean, they don't make it a secret
ProfessorFeet · 31-35, M
@BohemianBabe You poor thing
WhateverWorks · 36-40
If I voted to legalize forced vasectomies, which lead to passing of that law, would you still consider it just a difference of opinion?
WhateverWorks · 36-40
My point is that when it comes to religion and politics there’s no such thing as ‘just a difference of opinion’ because opinions are how people take action and vote. Legislation impacts peoples’ lives. @ProfessorFeet
ProfessorFeet · 31-35, M
So in other words, you're saying a vote is only yes or no? The people have no power to help in finding a compromise?
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Sure, that be true for the very small percentile that have anything to do with the creation of laws. The average person possibly could, but they don’t.

The average person has near no involvement with their local legislation, and definitely no involvement in the writing/passing of bills in the grander scheme of things. The average person has rallies and other forms of activism to push their opinions (how they want others to vote).
Their vote is either in support of something/someone or against. @ProfessorFeet
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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
How are you persecuted?

If it's that people you disagree with criticise you, that is not persecution.
Graylight · 51-55, F
As a Southern Conservative white male, I'm persecuted on a daily basis.
Who's calling who a snowflake now? You sound like Trump bellyaching about how he's forever being persecuted every time he's caught red-handed doing or saying something disgustingly, obviously criminal or just plain stupid.
ProfessorFeet · 31-35, M
@SW-User and what do you know that I've done that fits that description?
@ProfessorFeet WTF? You just wrote you are a white male persecuted on a daily basis. I've heard Trump say that but NEVER Biden.
RedBaron · M
That tone was set first by Newt Gingrich and all the anti-Bill Clinton nonsense when they made him an enemy, continued by your tea party friends when the right was apoplectic about a black man being president, then picked up on by Trump.
RedBaron · M
@LamontCranston Not revisionist. I watched it happen. The GOP was out to get Clinton from day one. It set the tone for selling out to the demagogue Trump.
@RedBaron Revisionist AND partisan. I was there too,
"Get Clinton"? As if he didn't deserve impeachment or disbarment.
RedBaron · M
@LamontCranston It started long before Lewinsky came along. Your view is no less partisan.
black4white · 56-60, M
So now you blaming everyone because you didn't take advantage of your whiteness when you had the chance.... thats your fault. LMAO
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Your a conservative with a foot fetish,,,,, mmmm
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
@SkeetSkeet my favorite along with conservative nudists
ProfessorFeet · 31-35, M
@SkeetSkeet I'm an American patriot with a certain oral fixation.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
@ProfessorFeet oral fixation on deep throating my big toe
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How are you persecuted, please give specifics
ProfessorFeet · 31-35, M
@SW-User Its assumed by most on the other side of the aisle that I'm dumb, or that i hate women, or that I am racist, or that I'm homophobic. For starters.
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@ProfessorFeet I get the impression I'm not getting the whole story ... I am really less interested in the assumptions you perceive in others, I'm more interested in specific things you've actually done and said that in turn led to you being so-called "persecuted"

Moreover, what rights or freedoms (not perceived freedoms but actual ones) have you actually, tangibly lost because of your "political beliefs"? When was the last time you were, say, jailed or beaten by the government for your "political beliefs"?

Just to be clear, if you had a post deleted on Twitter because of something you said, you did not lose any right or freedom, that's the same as your neighbor kicking you out of their home for doing something they don't want in their home ... Twitter and your neighbor don't owe you very much on their own, private sector turf. You're still just as free as you were the day before. If Putin beat, jailed and conscripted you for protesting his "reservist" mobilization for his unprovoked invasion, then you lost rights/freedom and are being persecuted.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Yeah, you know who's responsible for that? I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with chump.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
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