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Your Non-Political IRS Hires Non-Partison Birthing Person To Terrorize Conservatives

The IRS official chosen to lead the new “centralized office” featuring the nearly 87,000 new employees funded in President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act was involved in the agency’s targeting of conservative groups that opposed Barack Obama’s reelection in 2012.

IRS official Nikole Flax

Nikole Flax served as the chief of staff for then acting IRS Commissioner Stephen Miller, who was fired amid a cover-up of the scandal. When Republican lawmakers sought communications related to the scandal in an investigation, Flax’s emails were among those the agency claimed were lost in a computer hard-drive crash. The IRS, the lawmakers charged, was attempting to “cover up the fact that it conveniently lost key documents in the investigation.”
You're so gullible!!!

There won't be 87,000 new IRS employees; that's just another lie for suckers like you, LOL!!! The truth is about 6500 new agents. OOOPS!!!

Sen. Rick Scott (Fla.), head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, sent an open letter last week warning Americans not to work for the IRS. He falsely claimed that the Democrats’ climate, energy and tax bill would add “roughly 87,000 agents” at the IRS, creating “an IRS super-police force” ...

When you figure in attrition (current funding doesn’t let the IRS fill all vacancies), Treasury officials tell me, the expected increase in personnel would be more like 40,000, over the course of a decade — which would merely restore IRS staffing to around the 117,000 it had in 1990.

Only about 6,500 of the new hires would be “agents.” The rest would be customer-service representatives, data specialists and the like. ...

As for the IRS coming after “hardworking Americans,” Treasury says the new law will result in a “lower likelihood of audit” for ordinary taxpayers, because technology upgrades will enable the IRS to target the actual tax cheats — the super-rich — for more audits. The wealthiest 1 percent defraud the government, and fellow taxpayers, of more than $160 billion a year.

Curious, isn't it, how interested republican leadership is in protecting those super-rich tax cheats and their $160 billion/year worth of fraud!!
@sunsporter1649 Sporty: check your math! The 1% wealthiest Americans are far more than 1000 people. Unless our population has suddenly dropped to 100,000 LOL!!!

Only about 6,500 of the new hires would be “agents.” The rest would be customer-service representatives, data specialists and the like. ...

As for the IRS coming after “hardworking Americans,” Treasury says the new law will result in a “lower likelihood of audit” for ordinary taxpayers, because technology upgrades will enable the IRS to target the actual tax cheats — the super-rich — for more audits. The wealthiest 1 percent defraud the government, and fellow taxpayers, of more than $160 billion a year.

BTW, nobody said anything about "armed." Did you have a bad dream??

Strange, isn't it, how interested republican idiots are in protecting those super-rich tax cheats and their $160 billion/year worth of fraud!!
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@sunsporter1649 Sporty: PLEASE check your math! The 1% wealthiest Americans are far more than 1000 people. Unless our population has suddenly dropped to 100,000 LOL!!!

Only about 6,500 of the new hires would be “agents.” The rest would be customer-service representatives, data specialists and the like. ...

As for the IRS coming after “hardworking Americans,” Treasury says the new law will result in a “lower likelihood of audit” for ordinary taxpayers, because technology upgrades will enable the IRS to target the actual tax cheats — the super-rich — for more audits. The wealthiest 1 percent defraud the government, and fellow taxpayers, of more than $160 billion a year.

BTW, nobody said anything about "armed." Did you have a bad dream??

Strange, isn't it, how interested republican idiots are in protecting those super-rich tax cheats and their $160 billion/year worth of fraud!!
@sunsporter1649 says
87,000 irs agents to investigate 1,000 people.

Sporty: check your math! The 1% wealthiest Americans are far more than 1000 people. Unless our population has suddenly dropped to 100,000 LOL!!!

Only about 6,500 of the new hires would be “agents.” The rest would be customer-service representatives, data specialists and the like. ...

As for the IRS coming after “hardworking Americans,” Treasury says the new law will result in a “lower likelihood of audit” for ordinary taxpayers, because technology upgrades will enable the IRS to target the actual tax cheats — the super-rich — for more audits. The wealthiest 1 percent defraud the government, and fellow taxpayers, of more than $160 billion a year.

Strange, isn't it, how interested republican idiots are in protecting those super-rich tax cheats and their $160 billion/year worth of fraud!!
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues And you kept telling me the irs is not hiring armed agents. Any more bullschiff you wanna spread, like bees are really fish, perhaps, or the southern border is secure? You left wing nut job marxists are full of bullschiff
@sunsporter1649 NO, I kept telling you the IRS isn't hiring 87,000 armed agents, or even 87,000 agents.

I keep telling you that claim is a flat out lie. And you keep moving the goalposts and changing the subject.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
The republicans should sic them onto the ukrain and berisma/hunter.
That’ll keep them busy and recoup some revenues
4meAndyou · F
There's another deep state department that needs some serious reform.
@sunsporter1649 Says:
LOL, 87,000 new armed irs gestapo needed to investigate 1,000 people.

I keep telling you that claim is a flat out lie. And you keep trying to move the goalposts and change the subject.

But the fact remains the IRS isn't hiring 87,000 armed agents, or even 87,000 agents.

And the 1% who file fraudulent tax returns number far more than 1000 people - we've got 150 million tax filers in this country! What's 1% of 150 million, sporty??

Go ahead, post all the shovel pictures you like; it won't make your claim true.
@sunsporter1649 Source?

You claimed that people said rocks are racist. That's not the same as people saying a rock is a symbol of racism.
A statue of a Klansman is a symbol of racism. The statue itself isn't racist, it's just an object. The racism is in what it represents.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe We know you are opposed to the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments, what other parts of The Constitution are you opposed?
@sunsporter1649 Deflection.
I didn't even say anything should be banned. Just that your claim was wrong, as usual.
The IRS got $80 billion to beef up and target rich tax evaders
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@markansas And you believe that, too. What else did the tooth fairy tell you?
@sunsporter1649 Oh, so you're using the "fake news" excuse for arguments you can't rebut? Even after you copied your whole post from some sort of "news" story? Isn't that a little hypocritical, even for YOU??

P.S. here's your source link you neglected to include
ron122 · 41-45, M
What else would you expect from that corrupt clown show?
TrumpIsFinallyGone · 41-45, M
Interesting. I assume we'll be seeing a lot of them attacking and being violent towards IRS agents now just like they did the capital police and FBI. I hope they tone it down though to just messages threatening to kill them and their families like they do to elected officials.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@TrumpIsFinallyGone Just like upchuck schumer!
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Lois Lerner didn't want the job?
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Considering how the IRS is seeking armed agents I have to think that Biden is anticipating a possible future taxpayer revolt.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Heartlander It's about doing more audits, the people that are moaning the most are people that don't pay their taxes. You know, those people that find it more profitable to put money in think tanks and pundit shows too influence a segment of the population with bullshit, so that they vote republican and the republicans can keep neglecting the IRS by cutting down on the number of workers there, basically sabotaging their function so that it's easier NOT to pay taxes. A "tax payer", shouldn't fear the tax guy, cause they payed their taxes.
he IRS just got $80 billion to beef up. A big goal? Going after rich tax dodgers
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