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Budwick Announces Mortgage And Car Loan Forgiveness

With as much authority as Biden has to cancel student debt, popular Similar Worlds Icon, Budwick, announced this afternoon that everyone that he likes no longer needs to pay for their mortgage or car loan.

Budwick has no authority whatsoever to do this, he is just doing it - kinda like Biden.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Budwick for President in 2024!
JimBeam · M

Jack, I listen to the radio a lot. They had a chick on FOX that said she would never have a college roommate that voted for Trump. Her reasoning was that Trump is disrespectful to women.

How can these morons be so out of touch with reality?

DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@JimBeam They are like that because they have been indoctrinated by the schools and state-run media.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Thank you. 😃
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Corporations get huge tax cuts, bail-outs and tax rebates. All that while they stash away money in off-shore tax havens. By this student-loan rebate the common people are finally getting a little something. This will stimulate the economy as people will have a little more spending money for consumer purchases. Thank you President Biden!
Heartlander · 80-89, M

Corporations get huge tax cuts, bail-outs and tax rebates. All that while they stash away money in off-shore tax havens

You apparently never read the instruction guides for a IRS form 1120 or a form 1065.

Corporations can't even stash after-tax earnings for a rainy day because the IRS forces corporations to distribute that money to stockholders. That's because stockholders have to again pay income tax on corporate dividends, income that had already been taxed at the corporate level. All together, when a $10 corporate profit reaches the hands of a stockholder, it will have as much as $6,50 stripped away in income tax. And that's in addition to sales tax, real estate tax, excise tax, tax, tax, tax on everything in America.

Money stashed away in foreign countries are earned there. Why do you feel like that money should be taxed by the US? California has no tax claim on money earned in Texas, so why would the US have a tax claim on money earned in France or Italy?
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@Heartlander There is a certain office building in the Cayman Islands. This building has many post office boxes. Many corporations rent a little P.O. box in that building and call that their business address. The Cayman Islands does not tax offshore companies on income earned outside of their territory. This is what is meant by an off-shore tax havens.

This one of the ways corporations and super-wealthy individuals sneak out of their tax obligation. Us regular people don't get off-shore tax havens. Meanwhile, we have an $800 billion per year military budget, collapsing infrastructure, wide-spread poverty, poor public transit, a very expensive medical system.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@badminton There's also a reason why so many credit card companies are incorporated in Delaware.

Hmmm?? come to think of it, I believe most expensive airplanes are registered in Delaware. Hmmm??? and Delaware, per capita wise, has more corporations registered there than any other state. You don't have to do business in Delaware to be incorporated there. So why would a company doing all its business in Omaha, Nebraska, be incorporated in Delaware?
4meAndyou · F
You can buy my vote anytime, Budwick! 🤣🤣🤣
redredred · M
I understand Pelosi wants bar tab forgiveness.
redredred · M
@badminton imagine an insane, 82 year-old drunk at the helm of a 200 ton tanker filled with LNG about to dock in Los Angeles. She’s raving about idiotic nonsense and paying no attention to the direction of the ship.

Pelosi is worse.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@redredred Gee, I'd say that's delusional fantasy. Nancy Pelosi is a completely mainstream corporate democrat. I would greatly prefer a Bernie Sanders type progressive Democrat to be Speaker of the House. But Pelosi is not some evil super villain out of a Bond movie either. Don't be a doofus!
redredred · M
@badminton She’s a horror and come November she’ll be looking for a new job. The idiots in her district may re-elect her but she’ll never be the speaker again.
Woohoo! Budwick for president
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
This is so funny 😂
carpediem · 61-69, M
@JimBeam The cash circles back and winds up in the account of his kid for being on the board of something, or a campaign fund, or some other well thought out method of money laundering.
carpediem · 61-69, M
I would also like a new vehicle. Do I need to commit now, or can I see what's hot when you take the oath?
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Yeah, right... gender studies in a Muslim country.
As if they would be interested in the 68 woke genders 🙄 🙄 🙄


SmoothKnight · 51-55, M
Awesome, but my house and car are already paid off...

But very magnanimous of you anyway 👍
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@SmoothKnight oh they will reimburse you for the entire amount then 🥴
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
Will you throw in a generous monthly,tax-free paycheck for doing nothing?
ron122 · 41-45, M
But only if you are very rich right?
[image/video deleted]
so, what’s the truth on this? Disagreement among Biden’s party.
@4meAndyou @4meAndyou inflation is a tenet in this. And you can’t blame Biden. He’s doing what he’s told.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Good research sir! @soar2newhighs
@jackjjackson Thanks. if you read this then look around and see what is taking place , much of, if not all of these tenets are underway . Just look at the loan debt forgiveness from the cabal. Has a direct impact or will on inflation and screwing the taxpayers by raising their taxes; if not stopped, overturned.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Well you bought my vote
Carissimi · F
But you are handsome, so we forgive you. Lol 😂
Should I tell them the big guy sent me?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Brilliant! Why not?
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Keep publishing your shit! It’s so fucking funny 😂😂😂😂
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Wait way too old 😁
vorian · 51-55, M
Youre a total fruit loop...sorry "icon"...but hats off...that made me chuckle.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@vorian I embrace my appointed Fruit Loop Status.

You must acknowledge that the president has done something equally fruit loopy in real life.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Since when are you popular, nerd?
JimBeam · M
Canceling student debt is unconstitutional. Let these losers pay for their own debt.
JimBeam · M

I was watching a show like 60 minutes (or something)

A black woman had a negative income. Yes, less than zero. This qualified her to buy four condos. Her monthly mortgage total, was $10,000. 10K per month is rough, especially when you make less than zero.

The banks foreclosed on her, and she was crying on camera. She said it was not her fault, and she was tricked into it by the banks. They told her she could afford the $10,000 per month, even though she made less than a penny per year. She believed them, so it wasn't her fault.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@JimBeam Mortgage brokers make their money off of making loans, not from the loans themselves. They make the loans, then bundle them into multi-million dollar securities and sell the security (bond) to banks. Banks liked them because they came with the good faith of the US Government (so they thought) and that belief was fortified by bank regulators and laws that required less equity by the bank's owners. Asset classes are used to determine how much equity the bank owners have to have, i.e. "skin in the game". So mortgage brokers had incentive to cheat since the individual mortgages would be eventually be buried in a $billion FNMA bond and sold to bank, and banks had incentives to buy them because of favorable treatment by bank regulations.

It's the same game repeated over and over. When the government sticks it's claws into the market place, the need for due diligence/buyer beware goes out the window and it's like a single for white collar crooks to start picking at the locks.
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