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They both belong in jail...

Poll - Total Votes: 34
They violated the law, they should be held accountable like anyone else. No special treatment.
Trump should be prosecuted, but Clinton deserves special treatment.
Clinton should be prosecuted, but Trump deserves special treatment.
Leave them both alone; there should be no government secrets.
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I have a security clearance for my job. It is necessary every single day. Several hours of each day are spent in a room where the presence of my phone would be the military equivalent of a felony.

Classified information and documents are very heavily regulated and everyone with a security clearance is thoroughly trained on those regulations.

Both Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump violated our laws and, if not for their wealth and political status, would be in jail. I say lock 'em up.
Cantsayno · 56-60, M Best Comment
If you did something wrong and you get caught. You need to pay the penalties. No matter who you are or who you know.,

Graylight · 51-55, F
Secretary of State Col. Colin Powell (Jan. 20, 2001–Jan. 26, 2005) used a personal email account for government business. Secretary of State John Kerry, told the inspector general’s office that he “infrequently” used a personal email account for government business “when responding to a sender who emailed him on his personal account.” It's not uncommon, even if it's verboten.

Yes, they and many, many others treat electronic communication and record-keeping devices poorly (chalk it up to the generation). But between using the wrong server for email and committing espionage, federal obstruction and inciting & encouraging treason...I'd concentrate on the latter.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Graylight This is (and was then) a smoke screen.

Using a personal email account to conduct government business is a violation of law (and was then too), but it is a minor violation that I likely wouldn't prosecute (waste of prosecutorial resources for a minor crime).

However, that is very different from keeping classified information in your personal possession. That is a huge violation and unrelated to the lessor charge.
Northwest · M
Both Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump violated our laws

How did Hillary Clinton violate our laws? This fictional story about the 30,000 missing emails, was the subject of multiple Congressional inquiries, and multiple DOJ investigation.

They found absolutely nothing, and the DOJ cleared her multiple times. The last time, was November 6, 2016, two days prior to the elections. Comey waited until the last second, to make sure it does not look like he was doing her any favors. Every single inquiry turned up nothing.
Northwest · M
@Graylight She followed exactly what Colin Powell was doing, and much of these security protocols were developed later.

Her private email server, in fact, was one of the ways she tried to improve on security. Of course people like to re-examine it, years later, without taking the context of the time into consideration, and this is coming from someone who did not vote for Al Gore, because I hated the Clintons and everyone associated with them, but fair is fair.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Northwest This issue gets so clouded with statements like "the standards were different" and "Colin Powell did it too" etc etc etc.

The only issue, and the only CLEAR issue, is did she keep in her possession classified information. The answer there is YES. The investigation showed this.

All the details about the server and the state of technology at the time are irrelevant in light of this fact.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted. It is unfortunately too late for Sec'y Clinton and I fear President Trump will somehow escape it as well.
Northwest · M
The answer there is YES. The investigation showed this.

By all means, point to a document from the government that says that.

in light of this fact.

Opinions are not facts.

The inspectors general of the State Department, and the other investigators, after reviewing hundreds of thousands of emails, found 4 potentially problematic emails. But the inspectors general later said that they were not marked as Confidential, so Clinton was not at fault, and they declined to prosecute.
They should both be held accountable, but let’s be honest, what Clinton did was a breach of protocol. Trump actually violated the law. So the two situations aren’t identical. I’d say Clinton has already been held accountable.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@LeopoldBloom Everyone pretty much always presumes what the other side did was worse. 🤷‍♀️
room101 · 51-55, M
@sarabee1995 Not much of a presumption when the investigation showed "no deliberate mishandling of classified information".
@sarabee1995 Compare a few emails that didn't deal with national security to hundreds of documents that did. But I'm sure that will be Twitler's defense - "Clinton did it too"
room101 · 51-55, M
It seems that this post has run its course so, it feels rather obsessive for me to be here posting again. The thing is, however, I came across this on YouTube this morning and it covers pretty much all of my thoughts on the matter, so............

room101 · 51-55, M
@sarabee1995 Whether you like it or not, intent is relevant. @Scribbles pointed that out to you.

Of the questions that I put to you above, you've answered one. The question of "hundreds of violations". From the source that I provided. I'm happy to hold my hands up on that one. I'm also happy to hold my hands up to the fact that my source seems to contradict what the Politics Girl asserted in her video ie that only three emails were initially thought to be classified and turned out not to be.

Is there anything that you would like to hold your hands up to?
Scribbles · 36-40, F
@sarabee1995 I get it. The rich and powerful do often get away with corruption and wrongdoing which can be frustrating. You'll just have to become Attorney General of the United States and makes things more fair?. 🤔

But at the same time they have to treat it this way. They do have to treat it as investigating a former president and Secretary of State, not as investigating a captain or General or something. It sucks but that is just realistic. 🤷‍♀️. It just means all the rest of the country have to work hard to hold powerful people accountable and not be swayed. Look at how much money and crazy conspiracy theories that Trump has generated by refusing to give up the documents in his basement. Makes you wonder if he wanted to get raided on purpose. He certainly ignored all the attempts to collect quietly.

@room101 yeah according to the law neither are technically getting special treatment. But in a way Sara is right that they are also getting treated according to their position which is sort of special treatment in a way. Idk. I don't have anything left to say.

A decent link with a summary if it's helpful:
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Scribbles Hmmm... Attorney General, eh? I was going for Madam Secretary, but I do like the sound of your idea. 🤔 How long do you think I'd last before the government kicks me out of government???

@room101 Hi Roomie... I think we understand each other's position and have said all we need to say here. On some things we will simply need to agree to disagree.
4meAndyou · F
I am just scratching my head here....wondering about your lack of knowledge.

You do know that if a President takes papers up to the residence to work at night, he can declassify them? You do know that Obama and Trump and even Bush had standard declassification orders in place, right? IF papers were in the residence, at the time the President(s) left the white house, they were not packed personally by any of the Presidents.

Declassification is among the many powers of the Presidency.

Hillary Clinton was never President.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@4meAndyou Nope.

What was packed up in January 2021 was declassified.
What was in the Residence was permitted to be in the Residence by presidential order. It was not declassified. Anyone making such a statement does not understand the process of declassifying state secrets.

Sorry. 100% wrong.

I'm a Trump hater???? That's an interesting conclusion.

What I am is a person who believes strongly in the Constitution I'm sworn to defend and who believes strongly in the Rule of Law. I also believe that one of the greatest threats to our democracy has been for thirty years and remains out of control presidents. I'm happy to have that conversation.

But a Trump hater? Ummm, no.
4meAndyou · F
@sarabee1995 Well, there is just no explaining anything to you, I guess. But I will ask you, what is a standard Presidential declassification order? And to what LEVELS of classification does it apply? You do know that there are levels of classification that can not be removed from the skiff, at all, and there are some levels that are less sensitive? There are some which age out, as well.

The ONLY person who can adequately review the documents seized in the raid at Mara Lago is the archivist. NOT YOU.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
The ONLY person who can adequately review the documents seized in the raid at Mara Lago is the archivist. NOT YOU.
That much is true.
room101 · 51-55, M
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, in the Blue corner we have “The Email Lady” who should be locked up because………………….what did she do again?

Either, she used a government server for personal emails and refused to hand them over.

Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy, it’s a government server. Surely those clever government peeps can get them for themselves. No?

Or, she used a private server for government emails and refused to hand them over. Apparently, her argument was/is that they are personal emails and don’t belong to the government.

TFG chanted “lock her up” for a year. He even asked the Russians, in public, to give him said emails. He then infested the White House for four years. He and his minions are still bleating on about said emails.

That’s seven years and still no emails? That unequivocally show that The Email Lady committed any kind of wrong doing?

What with the NSA, the CIA and all of the other super duper freaky deaky intelligence services that can apparently tell you the colour of the boxer shorts I put on this morning, is it feasible to assume that these emails have never been found? After seven years!

Maybe, just maybe, the reality is that they have been found and are indeed personal emails. Maybe, just maybe, all of this nonsense is a distraction for what TFG got caught, red handed, actually doing.

In the red corner we have TFG. He took approx. 30 boxes of classified documents from the White House to his golf club, Merde-A-Lavatory, and refused to return them and/or denied having them. He was pressured into giving them back but only returned half of them. He and his minions denied having the rest of them and obstructed all efforts to have them returned. Until, after almost two years of said documents being in his possession, the FBI served a legal search warrant on him at Merde-A-Lavatory and guess what. They found and seized the remaining documents.

Going off on a bit of a tangent (or is it?) TFG’s son-in-law, one Jared Kushner, failed to obtain the required security clearance but TFG installed him, as a senior advisor no less, in the White House regardless. Mr Kushner, who is reportedly as an astute a businessman as is TFG, somewhat miraculously managed to obtain funding to the tune of $2.5billion (yeah, that’s BILLION…..with a B) from those lovely people in Saudi Arabia.

Coincidence? I doubt it.

So, in summation, we have The Email Lady who, after seven years of probing and chanting and screaming, nobody has seen anything that is even remotely damning. And we have TFG, who is currently being investigated under The Espionage Act.

But hey, they are both in the same ballpark and should both be locked up.

Sorry Sara but……

At worst, The Email Lady is a somewhat arrogant career politician who believes that normal procedures and protocols do not apply to her. Whereas TFG has sold out the country for his personal gain.

P.S sorry about the swearing in my meme🤷‍♂️
room101 · 51-55, M
@sarabee1995 First, the British Monarchy is completely irrelevant. They are bound by a very specific constitution. Furthermore, the first (and only) monarch who tried to go against Parliamentary law was arrested and beheaded. That was Charles I btw, it happened long before your Republic even existed.

Second, Hilary Clinton was investigated (as you have pointed out yourself) and no malicious intent was found. So no, they did not:
"- both felt themselves above the law
- both crossed the line"

Third, "hundreds of violations by her". Pray tell, what are these hundreds of violations.

Fourth, why not have trust in someone who has served her country, with distinction (I personally don't like Hilary Clinton very much - let's be fair, she's not especially likeable, BUT even I can concede that she has served her country well).

Fifth, you may not "elect temporary kings" however, you do appoint SCOTUS justices for life. Justices that can (and do) completely ignore the will of the people. Nothing temporary about them and sound pretty monarchical to me.

Sara, you're an intelligent and informed woman. I told you when all of this email nonsense first kicked off, that it was indeed nonsense. You seem to want to bring her before a judge and jury. On what charge? What would be your prosecutorial evidence? An investigation that concluded that there was "no deliberate mishandling of classified information"?
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
"First" - So the royalty don't consider themselves to be above commoners?

"Second" - Read the article you linked. Many violations were found, but they believed her or determined that the violations were not with criminal intent. That defence (not intended) would not save me at court martial.

"Third" - Read your linked article.

"Fourth" - Served her country with distinction? That's a whole other subject that goes too far afield from the topics at hand, but no, I would not say she served her country with distinction. Not by a long shot.

"Fifth" - I know you don't believe in written constitutions, but the role of the Supreme Court of the United States is to interpret the will of the People as written in their Constitution and it's amendments. The Court under John Roberts has done, in my opinion, a great job so far. The People, if in agreement, can always

Finally... "no deliberate mishandling of classified information" is not the same as "no mishandling of classified information".

The former involves a prosecutor who "believes" the accused who pleads ignorance.
room101 · 51-55, M
@sarabee1995 In legal terms, no the monarchy is not above the law or above commoners. And, don't forget, both William and Harry married "commoners", as did various other members of the Royal Family. So it seems that they don't consider themselves to be above "commoners" in everyday life either.

I did read both articles that I linked. Seems like you're counting all 33,000 emails "recovered" as separate violations. How many of those 33,000 emails were related to government business and how many were indeed personal?

On SCOTUS, "the people can always" what? They certainly can't vote them out. So overturning Roe, attacking gay marriages, attacking inter-racial marriages, all of these, and more, are commensurate with the will of the people? Seriously? They are doing a great job? WOW! Just WOW.

Regardless of the distinctions between intent and actual actions, I ask you again, what prosecutorial evidence would you provide to the judge and jury that you want to haul Hilary Clinton in front of?

Initially, I was going to open my first reply to your post thus:

Given your recent post about flying in a military helicopter, I would like to begin by paraphrasing a very famous quote from a very famous movie.

I Love the smell of distraction in the morning.

I didn't because I know that this isn't a distraction for you. I know how important the governance of your nation is to you and I know how important the conduct of your elected officials is to you.

However, your post falls straight into the narrative that the trumpettes have been peddling for seven years. Meanwhile, their guy has been caught with thousands of documents that are indeed highly classified and that he had no business in possessing.

Here's another link for you to peruse.

Sorry Sara but intentional distraction or not, the closing meme in my initial reply stands. Again, sorry about the swearing.............those Pulp Fiction guys huh🤷‍♂️ Which is quite appropriate actually because this whole business about The Email Lady is indeed pulp fiction, of the most amateurish type!

Scribbles · 36-40, F
I've never held security clearance, but every job I've held has had some sort of need to know or confidential information sort of policy-espeically if you end up in charge of other people. There are always consequences for such things if violated to one degree or another. Or sometimes people will be let off lightly.

I think it's important to take security and info that could harm or jeopardize the safety of others seriously and to probably follow procedures to do so-unless the procedures harm someone. I think not having consequences creates an environment in which people become lazy about it and eventually someone gets harmed.

I do think it's become clear that many politicians need regular help with security because they either are ignorant or make alot of mistakes, deliberately mess up or leak, or don't care to do it right.
Regular training and clear consequences would help. Many companies regularly do so.

In Clinton's case I believe no deliberate mishandling was proven after investigating.

Think that will be the case for Donald Trump? I doubt it.

I do not think the cases are equal.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@Scribbles Agreed... Clinton was thoroughly investigated AND cleared... Trump is being investigated and likely will be prosecuted..
room101 · 51-55, M
@pdqsailor1 Here's hoping that teflon Donnie finally gets his comeuppance.
dale74 · M
I want to know the topics of the paperwork. I have heard not sure if it's true yet but the paperwork there classifying as classified and top secret that Trump had are on operation crossfire which was the evidence proving that Trump did not collude with Russia and they knew all along that it was paid for by Hillary and it was done strictly to make Trump look bad which if it is that that they're labeling is classified in top secret it was declassified in 2018. Trump also never tried to destroy any evidence and from my understanding he was told by the national archives and the FBI to simply put extra locks on that door to the room where it was kept which he did. Now I don't know what all Hillary Clinton had but I do know through her own admission she had the server cleaned using bleach bit there's also a memo she sent to her staff telling them to destroy cell phones and hard drives with computer with hammers. This also crosses into a different level because she's also destroying government documents. She also hid the fact that she even had the government documents. From my understanding Trump has never hid the fact of what he had and he is allowed them to look through everything.
If he does have something that was a vital national security interest why did they set on the search warrant for 3 weeks. Why has he been allowed to keep this information for 18 months.
If they are both guilty of all the same crimes they should be punished the same as any other person. If they are guilty of different crimes they should be punished for the crimes they've actually committed. But then we need to look back through history and you had the one guy that was still in documents out of the national archives by having them shove down his pants. You have a believe it's 80,000 documents that are sitting in a warehouse in Chicago that Obama took with him.

But then we also need to start holding to account any politician that is used inside information not available to the general public to purchase stock or make investments that they have profited from should be charged with insider trading and get exactly what Martha Stewart got.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@dale74 The most important thing in your entire (very long) comment is:

"... we also need to start holding to account any politician that is used inside information not available to the general public to purchase stock or make investments that they have profited from ..."

This is an enormous problem in Congress on both sides of the aisle and has been for decades.
dale74 · M
@sarabee1995 I agree 100%. I don't care if it's my favorite person Rand Paul Nancy pelosi Chuck Schumer now I don't know that AOC smart enough to do something like that but even her if they do it they need to be held accountable.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@dale74 Yup.
TexChik · F
Oh let’s not forget Obama and all his unreturned classified papers and swalwell, the sitting dem congressman on the intelligence committee that has a sexual relationship with a known Chinese spy . Clinton belongs under the jail .
TexChik · F
@sarabee1995 in reality the two tier justice system has destroyed any semblance of law and order . It apples to everyone or no one .
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@TexChik On this we agree completely!!
TexChik · F
@sarabee1995 finally! After the Russian collusion scam Hillary and the Dems tried to pull to on the country I trust nothing coming from the left/media when it comes to their blaming Trump for any and everything under the sun . They are completely untrustworthy.
Carissimi · F
How about prosecute those who have been found to have done something illegal, which Comey has already confirmed for Clinton. To say Trump did something illegal without evidence is your bias showing. Have you seen his documents? I doubt it.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Carissimi No, obviously I have seen them myself. But it sounds like we agreed that if they contain what the leaks claim they do, then you would be in favor of prosecuting him? Right?
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
Anyone who breaks the law should be prosecuted according to the law and punished in accordance with the law. Too many politicians do things and get censured or a slap on the wrist. It is well past time for equal treatment under the law.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Roadsterrider Agreed!
Actually, the search warrant tells us that Trump's potential crimes have nothing to do with classification. The search warrant was looking for violations of the Espionage Act and the Presidential Records Act. Classification or declassification has nothing to do with those laws.

But if we're gonna pursue people who used personal email to conduct government business, then by all means go after both Hillary and Trump. And maybe add Ivanka & Jared to the list. And Steve Bannon too!

The first daughter and senior White House adviser used a personal account to send hundreds of government business emails to Cabinet members, White House aides and her assistants, people familiar with her emails told The Washington Post in November 2018.

"While transitioning into government, after she was given an official account but until the White House provided her the same guidance they had given others who started before she did, Ms. Trump sometimes used her personal account, almost always for logistics and scheduling concerning her family," Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for Ivanka Trump's attorney Abbe Lowell, said in a statement.

Ivanka Trump's husband and fellow senior White House adviser used either his personal email accounts or the messaging app WhatsApp for official communications, according to information previously obtained by the House Oversight Committee.

A lawyer for Kushner told The Wall Street Journal in March that Kushner "took images of his communications" on WhatsApp and forwarded them to his work accounts.

Kushner was among White House officials subject to Cummings' July 1 request for information by July 10.

Oh, and let's not forget Steve Bannon!
The president's former chief strategist used his personal email account in 2017 in communications around an effort to send American nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia "in coordination with" the president's longtime friend and inaugural committee head Tom Barrack," Cummings told The Journal in March.

Bannon has admitted that he regularly used a Blackberry and his private email for work-related correspondence with people including outside adviser Erik Prince, and that he tried to preserve the communications. Bannon was also among officials subject to Cummings' July 1 request.
Doomsdaysmores · 41-45, M
Last I knew, at the time he took possession of the documents in question, Trump was the President, and therefore had the power to declassify documents at his discretion.

Hillary never had that power.

That said, if he broke the law, I'll support prosecuting him right after I see Hillary go to prison.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
1) I know your statement wasn't "optimistic" from your perspective. I was employing sarcasm.

2) President Trump did mishandle classified information. Yes yes yes, we need to wait for the investigation to run it's course and Trump will obstruct the investigation at every step (just as Clinton did with hers)

3) The bottom line: Both of these individuals consider themselves above the law and their followers accept this. 🤦‍♀️
Doomsdaysmores · 41-45, M
@sarabee1995 except Trump has been forthcoming with the FBI. Even locked documents in a room with THEIR lock to ensure they wouldn't be compromised. Not saying he didn't do wrong, and if he did, like I said before, once I see Hillary in shackles and on her way to prison for her crimes, I'm all for prosecuting him. I won't support him being prosecuted without her conviction, though, because without her conviction there is the appearance of a two-tiered justice system.

Being a person who holds a TS clearance, you know that in order for her to have the classified information on her private server, she or whomever sent it to her had to have intentionally removed it from the SCIF and placed it on an insecure system, knowing that they were breaking the law. Comey, in his statement where he didn't recommend charges, introduced a standard requiring intent to break the law, which doesn't exist in the relevant law. Whether it exists or not, knowing that you're violating the law by removing classified information to an insecure system, more than meets that standard.

The President, on the other hand, has plenary declassification powers, and can effectively declassify anything at will. It's entirely possible that he did that and the paperwork didn't get completed on the backend. Then it's not a stretch to believe that everything was believed to be in order when he left the White House to remove the documents.

Either way, I'll wait for the evidence to come out, just like I did with Jussie Smollett, the Covington Catholic story, the Bubba Wallace debacle, and the Russia hoax. Wait for the evidence to come out before you make any judgement.
room101 · 51-55, M

"trump has been forthcoming with the FBI"🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
th3r0n · 41-45, M
Clinton should be executed or in prison for the numerous assassinations and fraud and crimes against humanity

Not related to bad document handling
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@th3r0n Perhaps, perhaps not. Those accusations will likely never be adjudicated and are based on much speculation, but the classified materials violations are sufficiently documented in fact that I don't need a jury to decide.
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
Cause my oldest son has very severe autism and is completely non verbal I vote democrat cause I feel democrats supports the Americans with disabilities act more than republicans. 🤗🤗🤗

I believe in forgiveness so I don't want them to go to jail. But I don't understand politics that well. I believe in welfare cause my son needs support and I think if heathcare is not free it needs to be affordable cause it's too expensive so I fully support the affordable care act as a compromise. I want stricter laws against child abuse and I am pro life unless a girl was raped or worse a child then I am pro choice. 🤗🤗🤗
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
I don't disagree. But all of your answers have the presumption of guilt. I don't know how things work at that level, but I assume there is due process. We are built on the assumption of innocent until proven guilty. So the way you worded the answers makes me feel uncomfortable. But yeah, neither deserve special treatment.

How do you feel about presidential pardons?
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@sarabee1995 Yeah, I don't think about it much either. But it seemed in line with the principle you were putting forth. If these two individuals aren't above the law, why should the people they choose be above the law either?
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@ShadowSister I agree with that. The concept of pardons and commutations bothers me, but not a lot.
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I have worked in a government department where I could be sent to prison for a data security breach, but our minister would be accountable only to her electorate for exactly the same breach. Many of our MPs are trained lawyers who are held to the highest ethical standards in their 'other' workplace, but don't think twice about accepting hospitality and gifts from professional lobbyists when in parliament. I can understand some of the reasoning, but the impression is not good and it definitely has a corrosive effect on tne rule of law.
OggggO · 36-40, M
It is my understanding that nothing in Clinton's e-mails was classified at the time the e-mails were exchanged, but that some things in them became classified at a later date. If that's wrong, please correct me, but if it's true, it doesn't make using a private server okay, but it certainly makes not realizing that the server now contained classified information buried in it's archives that needed to be dealt with an understandable error.
Politicians get away with murder….that’s not right. Sharing classified info risks national security….so many lives are at stake, not to mention the effort that went into keeping them secrets has now been wasted….so that’s even worse than murder.
Yeah….they need to know there are consequences. They’re not above the law. @sarabee1995
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Vivaci Not supposed to be anyway.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@Vivaci in Trump’s case the death penalty may be something that by protocol has to be evaluated due to his horrible crimes against our country, this would be done unrelated to specific political distractions;. And, it may not, but I hope it is strongly considered.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
The difference between Trump and Hillary is only one had the authority to declassify what ever he wanted.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Harmonium1923 Yup.

Those of us with security clearance are taught to presume classified status on any information with national security implications whether so marked or not.
@MarineBob The president can’t on his own declassify nuclear related documents or documents classified under international treaty. And in any case there would be an official record of any declassification.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@LeopoldBloom Exactly right.
Budwick · 70-79, M
As far as I know, Trump having classified documents is not known - only speculated.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Budwick No need to slow down. I was simply confirming your belief that IF any of the documents collected were classified, then you believe he should be prosecuted. Right?
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@black4white And just to confirm, you believe Sec'y Clinton should be prosecuted, right?
black4white · 56-60, M
@sarabee1995 Dont do the crime if you cant do the time.... if its proven then yes the lawbreakers need to be punished accordingly... dont care if dem or lib.... you are NOT above the law.

BUT what the hell do i know hahaha
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
If the Dimwits could find something to put Trump in jail for they WOULD !
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Snuffy1957 I'm talking about his latest problems with classified material. He hasn't been before a judge yet on this.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I thought here in America you were innocent until proven guilty.. but yet you think he belongs in jail??
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Snuffy1957 Obviously "they both belong in jail" is not correct. I'm exaggerating to make a point. They both belong in front of a judge and jury.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
It occurs to me that they are both egotistical and arrogant (if there's a difference) and may be more alike than different.

if a document is deemed to be deserving of a "need to know" status then once the need to know goes away so does the right to possess the document.

they knew the rules - and they had advisors that should have warned them.

jail? maybe not - but a felony conviction and a fine to prevent them from holding office is appropriate. Heck the attorney's fees will be more than the fine - so be it.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Pretzel I'd be happy with due process. But it seems in our society that the higher you go, the less likely you are to be prosecuted.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@sarabee1995 wish I could disagree
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I had a security clearance and i took it seriously
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
And thankfully you didn’t take stuff home to your closet safe @vetguy1991
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@vetguy1991 same here I've always been vocal on my thoughts VIPs including congresspersons are exempt from having to have a clearance on most matters
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Both were bad for this country in my opinion.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Death for Trump, put Hillary directly on the Supreme Court to replace the slut Barrett
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@BackyardShaman 🤣🤣🤣
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
If they have been proven to have broken the law then yes I agree with you.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@pdqsailor1 yes, yes, of course I want them before a judge and jury first. Then in jail. :)
How did Ivanka and Jared K qualify for security clearance, I wonder ?
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@room101 While the arrogance of this disgusts me, it is not illegal. It is within the president's power to take or not take the advice of those conducting background checks.
room101 · 51-55, M
@sarabee1995 And yet at least one of them got $2.5billion from Saudi Arabia. Who knows what the other one got.

It's completely messed up and I'm glad that you seem to agree that it's messed up.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@room101 Very messed up.
What did Hillary do ?
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard The same thing that President Trump is about to be accused of: the mishandling of classified documents.
@sarabee1995 I know Trump accused her of that. He sic’d the FBI on her and they found nothing of consequence. Yet he was caught actually doing it himself ? Obviously he knew better. 😳
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard He did know better, but not because of what he accused her of.

He knew better because he underwent the same training that she did and that I did on the handling of classified information and the consequences of mishandling it.

It just annoys me that the higher up you get, the less likely you are to be held accountable for your "mistakes".
Lilnonames · F
I agree only poor people go to jail
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Lilnonames I so wish I could argue with this point but there is way too much evidence in your support. 😔
@Lilnonames drug abuse is a poor person problem because the rich can afford to do it behind closed doors
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