I chose the last. I can't accept current political terms. Liberals aren't "liberal", they're completely radical. BLM to me stands for Break, Loot & Murder. "Antifa" is fascist to a violent degree. Feminists do everything they can to destroy women. Conservatives and republicans don't really even mean anything anymore besides "I'm not a leftist". It's all a disaster and nothing means what it says.
@SinlessOnslaught You redefine an anti-fascist organization as fascist. You lie about feminism. You can't see liberals for what they are, or find common ground, because you dismiss them as "extremists".
@LordShadowfire I can't see liberals for how you depict yourselves.
Idk, it's hard to define my views. Socially I'm fairly conservative but fiscally less so. I really hate identity politics and when parties talk about issues that don't matter. If I had to vote for any party in this country it would probably be the lib dems because labour is absolutely horrible and the conservatives have been in power for too long and they're fucking people over financially. I'd love to vote for a party that represents some of my more personal views but you don't get that over here...it's all very boring and bereft of real debate around certain social issues.
Libertarian. So basically an old school liberal before they turned into big goverment loving, tax loving, rights squashing, authoritarians when the parties flipped in the US. Basically a modern conservative who believes in even more rights, equality and freedom than a standard conservative.
I consider myself incredibly progressive, and in the eyes of identity politics I’d probably fall under the “far left” category, that being said I abhor all political parties, and the democrats just like the republicans can kiss my sweet ass