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Screw the left

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4meAndyou · F
Leftie loosey, righty tighty! Works on screws, and seems to apply here, in a weird sort of way.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou Loose screws. Absolutely
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Screw the right - Trump and Republicans have no place in the world. Just like we have got rid of the Australian Trump Republican Party at the last federal election here a few weeks ago and the Labor party (left wing) won enough seats to form a majority government in their own right. Positive times for Australia.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@zonavar68 why would somebody from a place down under a rock have any right to say anything about the US go get another vax
PatKirby · M
He's jealous.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@zonavar68 And from what I’ve seen Australia has about the most wacky-doodle left government I’ve ever seen in my life. They follow the same political agenda is the Democrats here.
You must be a little confused, it’s the left that locked you down and forced the death jabs upon you. And now you’re leading the world in ASDS.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Post another panic post you’ll get more of the attention you seek.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Sure but consensually
Thechain · 51-55, M
Gosh, what I meant was left turns people, so many bikers around hete!
So you are pro-terrorism and pedophilia.
AnnTeresaMcNeil · 26-30, F
@canusernamebemyusername i dont think i ever saw a comment more stupid than this one
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Entwistle · 56-60, M
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
Leftist here.

Thechain · 51-55, M
PatKirby · M
Then take it out to a lonely road and put it out of it's misery.
Vin53 · M
And yet its nearly GQP all the way down for people being prosecuted for their lies and crimes. You can kindly go pound sand dipshit.
Thechain · 51-55, M
@Vin53 take a hike fussy pants
Vin53 · M
I've taken plenty and they all have led to reality. You oughta take one there some day.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@AnnTeresaMcNeil He is a loser for sure.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Screw everyone but not literally ✊
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SatanBurger Unless it's a kick-ass party.
I can dick you up, I can dick you down, shawty we can go wherever, just pick a town
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@SW-User Safe and sound?

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