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Place your bets ! How many Tory MP's are going to vote that they have no confidence in the PM ?

Poll - Total Votes: 11
25 - 50
50 - 75
75 - 100
100 - 125
125 - 150
150 - 175
175 + (Bye Bye Boris)
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HarrietteSpeedy · 61-69, F
Not enough, unfortunately. With the Tory Trash in Westminster, the UK is getting worse each year. A class-ridden, elite-driven bunch of creatures who put self-interest before reality every time.
HarrietteSpeedy · 61-69, F
@whowasthatmaskedman Back to the 'good' old days of the 18th century, the days of corruption, delusion and disdain. Jolly hocky sticks, what? Let's shoot a couple of peasants before brekkers, shall we old chap?
LegendofPeza · 56-60, M
@HarrietteSpeedy 'Not enough, unfortunately. '

Au contraire , it's plenty enough. Let Johnson enjoy his pyrrhic victory while he can. Reality with catch up with him soon enough.
HarrietteSpeedy · 61-69, F
@LegendofPeza I hope you are correct!
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
He'll probably just survive. Tbh, the Tory rules has the number of letters needed massively too low at 15%. May survived her first confidence vote.

His party doesn't have an obvious successor and there is no organised powerful faction (pro Brexit MPs like with May) gunning for him.

I could be wrong. His approval ratings are not good but I'm thinking his smarter enemies want to hold out until nearer an election.
LegendofPeza · 56-60, M
@Burnley123 'He'll probably just survive. '

Come on Burnley , we want numbers !
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@LegendofPeza lol. I voted 100-125. That is my best pic.

It won't be lower and it might be slightly higher.

After my prediction, I looked at the betting markets. He has about 80% chance of winning this, according to them.
Royrogers · 61-69, M
@Burnley123 I agree re an obvious successor
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Less than 120.

He'll survive.

Surprised they went before the by elections as if he survives he can't be challenged for another year. If say Wakefield is a massive swing to Labour that'll reinvigorate them campaigning in the red wall constituencies and Boris won't go. If then the October standards review is critical again... But he can't be challenged etc etc
LegendofPeza · 56-60, M
@OldBrit 'Surprised they went before the by elections' ..... there's been talk it was deliberately engineered that way by his supporters to avoid a potentially worse environment later.

I think you might be bob on with your guess (100 - 120) , and I think that still probably means it will be curtains for him sooner rather than later.
OldBrit · 61-69, M
@LegendofPeza I do wonder that too
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
148. Slightly more than I expected but the turd won't flush.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@MartinII That is true. He has some staunch back bench supporters so it must have been at least a third of the front benches voted against.
LegendofPeza · 56-60, M
@Burnley123 I'm not sure if it was Brady himself or another Tory MP , but the point was made recently that the party could always change their own rules (re: the twelve month safety net) if there was the stomach for it.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@LegendofPeza What a shot show.

Exact Johnson to try and bring back hanging and mandatory national anthems in schools to 'appease the base'
MartinII · 70-79, M
It’s 148. A very bad result for the Prime Minister. Worse than May’s, worse than Thatcher’s. May soldiered on, mortally wounded, Thatcher resigned, advised by traitorous Cabinet colleagues. Johnson will carry on, he’s that sort of person, but for how long?
MartinII · 70-79, M
The size of the vote against him shows that he is opposed by people on all sides of the party - remainers, Brexiteers, left, right etc. In the old days, he’d have been taken out by the men in suits and shot (metaphorically, of course).
helenS · 36-40, F
@MartinII ... of course 😏
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
It doesnt really matter.... Who have they got to replace him with?😷
helenS · 36-40, F
Results will be out tonight? Or tomorrow?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@helenS 9pm, UK time.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Burnley123 10pm CET. It will keep me awake. I would so want that ugly horror clown to never show up in TV again.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@helenS The betting markets say he will probably just survive, and I agree. If there was a strong alternative, he would be doomed.
helenS · 36-40, F
<25. 😐
MartinII · 70-79, M
@smiler2012 Much as I dislike the way he has behaved and led the party (had I been a Tory MP I would have voted against him) I’m not sure you are right. I can’t, at the moment, see a prospective Tory leader who is likely to do better in a general election.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@MartinII i thought that snivelling little weasel gove would be up for it . i am not a tory and never will but i just do not trust gove he looks exactly what he is . then if you are correct the tories have problems . this partygate is not going to go away as i said . you are the government with a prime minister reputation tarnished . do you think this will not come back too haunt the tories if johnson stays in post at the next general election
MartinII · 70-79, M
@smiler2012 I agree with you about Gove. I used to like him, but he has proved to be unprincipled and authoritarian. As to how the next election might go, under any leader, I think the Opposition will have a big influence on that. And so far Starmer has shown a remarkable tendency to miss open goals!
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
Certainly conservatives in Sweden are sweating it out-. The support for a new military Sweden is not that great in the opposing views.
Pfuzylogic · M
I see he won. Do you think they made a condition that he groom his hair properly?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
The British Trump. Goodbye, Boris!
Royrogers · 61-69, M
I hope enough did not to scare him

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