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FLORIDA! Why is your governor so weak?

He’s raising your taxes all because he’s losing a pissing contest with Mickey Mouse.

He has such little respect for you. He’s already lied to you enough about CRT, a college-level class that IS NOT being taught in elementary schools. Oh but don’t worry, he’s going to come in and save the day. 🙄 He’s going to “save the children”. Give me a break. He lied to you and you fell for it. He's laughing at you, just like trump. He doesn’t give af about you. Now he’s raising your taxes, some have estimated up to 25% without even asking you all because he’s sooo weak and fragile like a lil baby.

And what exactly did Disney do that’s worth your taxes going up 25%? Oh yeah! They spoke out against the bill. So he’s trying to censor them? I thought you guys were all for free speech. What happened? Apparently, Disney can’t have free speech in Florida. He’s not even strong enough to criticize Disney for legitimate reasons and trust me, there are plenty.

But no, he thinks you are so gullible, and many of you are, that you’re going around calling them groomers. Trying to cancel them because they’re “indoctrinating children” 🙄🙄 Once again, Ron DeSantis is not bright enough to actually criticize people, entities, or businesses on the merits. No, he has to make shit up. Just like this week, he’s canceling math books because they’re teaching CRT in math. WTF?!?!

You know, if the GOP actually had ideas, policies, and legislation that actually helped American families, they wouldn’t have to create boogeymen. Oooh but no worries, big strong Ron DeSantis is here to save the day FOR PROBLEMS THAT DON’T EXIST.

Idk Florida, maybe this is something you like. Being disrespected over and over and over again by a lying clown and having your taxes raised.
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Graylight · 51-55, F
First, this will be overturned. The Supreme Court said in Hartman v. Moore (2006), “official reprisal for protected speech ‘offends the Constitution because it threatens to inhibit exercise of the protected right.’"

And it doesn't matter how the government retaliates against a person or business who expresses an opinion that the government does not like — any official retaliation against someone because they engaged in First Amendment-protected speech is unconstitutional. Disney has more money than God and DeSantis just woke a sleeping giant.

If you think this is just Florida, though, look around you. Hundreds of restrictive women's rights bills. Twice that in legislation against voting rights, education restrictions, 'fraud' bills and 1st Amendment attacks. Shadow legislation is everywhere and are looking a lot like 18th century New England to the rest of the world right now and that's because it's so widespread.

Florida is just a barometer. Everywhere, politicians are acting in their own interests and along party lines. We're easy to pick out in the crowd, but don't think we're the exception - we're the bellwether.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
It’s worse than just the taxes. What DeSantes just did was tell large corporations everywhere that they shouldn’t set up in Florida because no matter how many job they create and no matter how much revenue for the state they bring in and no matter how long they’ve been there, Florida can and will destroy any long standing deals on a whim.
@Zaphod42 That is an excellent point, Pres. Beeblebrox.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I've got no sympathy with the governor, but I was amazed at the special tax status that Disney had for such a long time. Reminded me of the Vatican - a state within a state.
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SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@SomeMichGuy Great idea! 🙂 Do you think he'll agree to officiate at our same-sex, cross-species wedding? 👩💖🐭
@SunshineGirl Lmao! He'd probably grab Minnie to make sure she didn't have male genitalia!
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
The politicians just don't listen to Bobby Bare:

Dropkick me, Jesus, through the goalposts of life
End over end, neither left, nor the right
Straight through the heart of them righteous uprights
Dropkick me, Jesus, through the goalposts of life
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Better question, "Florida, why are you supporting a wannabe dictator as governor?"
Dino11 · M
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
Some people are into humiliation. I guess it's a thing if your a GOP voter.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I don't really have an opinion on it one way or the the other but

the governor is 1/3 of the state government. a governor can't raise anyone's taxes as taxation is a function of the legislature.

He can ask the legislature to do something and can probably have another person in his political party introduce a bill in the house, which if approved goes to the senate. if they pass it then then he signs it into law.

So there are a lot of moving parts and more than just the governor wanting something done.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
DickTator Desnotis, wow, hope they lose the 80k jobs Disney employs in Florida and move somewhere more conducive to their ethics. 😖
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Graylight Reality is that Disney has been around for decades and I don't see them going anywhere simply because of the amount of real estate they own there, Desnotis will eventually move on as he wants to replace tRump and be America's next unsucksessful DickTator so who knows what will happen then...
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SomeMichGuy Hey now, those fire ants worked hard on that mountain.
@Graylight Space Mountain.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Please stop blaming one fascist moron for the actions of a "Majority" of Floridian voters. Failure to ensure a process that would put a reasonable Governor in the mansion is the real issue. Americans need to accept responsibility for their own actions (or lack thereof).😷
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@whowasthatmaskedman I noticed you put the word majority in quotation marks. Does that mean you don't actually believe that a majority of Floridians are behind him?
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@LordShadowfire Majority of Floridians or majority of those allowed to vote?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@LordShadowfire It was actually a reference to Floridas measures to make sure only the "Right People" get to vote and have it counted. Something a Democracy wont tolerate.. But A Republic can justify it seems.😷
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Republicans are insane and have no interest in governing. All they care about is sucking up to other crazies and the megachurches. Plus gaming the system to stay in power.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Texas and Colorado have both offered the Walt Disney corporation invitations to move Disney World to their states. If Ron DeMentis wants to keep fucking with disney, he's going to lose that mouse money.
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