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I’ve been humbled by my grandmother

I’m a total smartass, especially in regards to politics. I just got off the phone with my grandmother who lives in Moscow. I can’t believe how many Russians continue to believe the propaganda that Putin puts out. My grandmother is one of them. She truly believes the war in Ukraine is fake and staged. I love my grandmother and it breaks my heart watching her fall prey to this disinformation. I usually ridicule conspiracy theorists. I won’t do that to my grandmother and I need to check myself going forward.

We all have family members or friends who believe the narrative that has been spread by the Russian state. Sadly, these narratives are no longer contained only to Russia but have spread their tentacles globally. There are some common themes to these narratives like NATO, Biolabs, Nazis, that the Russian state is actually waging war on the New World Order so they’re doing the right thing by attacking Ukraine…

To most of us, it’s obvious when we’re faced with this propaganda because it’s ridiculous. To others, like my grandmother, it’s not so clear cut which leads to endless arguments that seem to be in vain. But why? How is it so damn effective? Turning family members and friends on one another.

I believe that unlike American propaganda, which actually does exist and we can’t deny that, Russian narratives are far more ambiguous and conspiratorial in nature. American propaganda has a shape if you will, Russian propaganda is fluid and shapeless. It adapts. That is why they can completely change the narrative every other day and no one holds them to account.

Secondly, they only seek to plant the seed of doubt in someone’s mind, then sit back and watch that person who’s been exposed to this propaganda create their own narrative to fill in the blanks. Once you notice it, you can’t unsee it. And think about that. Once you’ve made up your own narrative in your mind you’re like a hammer. Everything looks like a nail to a hammer. There is no one argument to dispel or break up this narrative that you made up for yourself.

How do you prove something isn’t rather than something is? It’s much harder to do if not impossible. And when you do argue about it you’re giving it more credence and legitimacy because you spent time discussing it in the first place.

Russian state thrives on discord and doubt which is why their main weapon is troll farms - to advance their agenda on Twitter, comment sections, etc... I’d argue that to defame or demoralize is secondary. Their true primary purpose is to make you question, to make you think, “huh, if this isn’t true then what else isn’t?” And then exploit those doubts that you have.

Troll farms or bot farms, like the name implies, isn't just a robot writing comments, they’re not artificial intelligence, that’s a misnomer. They’re actual people on the government payroll. These people work in legit offices making a salary. They make fake profiles then typically take certain hot topics and take them to an abhorrent extreme in order to make them seem ridiculous or make you feel anger which immediately leads to a broken polarized society that they can then exploit. You’re made to feel you’re the only person with common sense in a mad and quickly changing world. Left versus Right. Sound familiar?
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SomeMichGuy · M Best Comment
Well, you described perfectly the shapelessness of the QAnonsense and other interwoven conspiracies in the complex envisioned by people leading around the Right, right here in America.

It is self-sealing precisely because of how the water was already poisoned to make *sure* that people *won't* listen to actual experts, authorities, etc.

The only people who see this for what it *is* are those who can step back and see how ridiculous the edifice truly is--a GLOBAL conspiracy involving ALL manner and ilks of governments, doctors, nurses, medical examiners...and for what? To "gain control"?! To "protect the international cabal of Satan-worshipping child molesters"?! This sounds less plausible than the tooth fairy, and makes Santa Claus sound VERY reasonable.

(Edited to fix a spelling error.)
Why, thank you for BC, @Randi1125. 😊

You really should give yourself BC, as it was your great post which inspired this.

This is a great explanation of Russian Propaganda. Everyone concentrated on their interference in our elections but it makes sense how it works in Russia on the Russian people. People in totalitarian controlled countries are generally apolitical, which makes the ambiguity much more effective there. Since transparency isn’t expected.

Thanks for posting this!
@Randi1125 this forum is fairly anonymous at least.

Well, thank you. I tend to get long-winded and people lose interest. Ha!

Many things worth saying require systematic exposition and explanation. You did very well.

I did not lose interest. Ha! 😉🤣
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@SomeMichGuy Aww, thank you.
Pfuzylogic · M
Seems to me that pointing out the overt restrictions by the Russian government on the Internet/social media. Extensive prison sentences for not calling something an operation would give clues that the government has a heavy hand in censorship.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@Pfuzylogic You would think.
Pfuzylogic · M
They might be afraid of their government. I mean if you can’t understand that a war is being carried out it must be intimidating to live in the environment.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@Pfuzylogic Exactly! When you live under an authoritarian regime people are too afraid to speak. They throw people in jail for speaking out. This is why I find it odd that so many republicans romanticize authoritarianism. They have no idea.
Nanoose · 61-69, M
Yeah it is a hard thing when a loved one gets blinded by propaganda. I have a grown son who is a Trump supporter and he also figures that it was the Ukraine that started the war with Russia. It sometimes makes me wonder were I went wrong raising him. Cheers!
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@Nanoose It's exhausting.
tindrummer · M
So far all of our Russian friends here in California seem to be anti-Putin.
My wife is from L'viv so it's personal in my home.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

Oh wow! No doubt it’s personal. Does your wife still have family in L’viv? If so, how are they?
Sadly, family members can be wrong. Most of my relatives apart from immediate family still live in the deep South. They’re liberal by southern standards— they voted for Biden—but a few were distrustful of the Covid vaccine. Last February (2021) I had a conversation with a cousin who’s my age and he was adamant about not being vaccinated, in fact he was horrified that we were all planning to. I wasn’t going to argue with him and held my tongue. In August, he died from Covid.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard Oh no, I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. You can't rationalize with them. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Kind of makes you wonder if Budwick and HippyJoe are paid Russian trolls doesn't it?
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
tindrummer · M
@independentone yep, almost obvious isn't it?
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including the reason behind every war in history, which were funded by the Rockefeller's


John D. Rockefeller was not even alive during most of history, but sure.

Please review your meds list.
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Yeah, this is based upon some idiot's meme a bit ago.

You really need to think about this.

• No one is worth $500 trillion (the amount misreports estimates by a factor of 1,000). Not that $500 billion is chump change, but it is wrong by a HUGE amount.

• Consider the notion of "central bank"...the claim is silly.

• They have been involved in finance. But...both sides of every war since Napoleon? LMAO

• The last one...omg...

You are an Anti-Semite, but are basing VERY incredible claims on a meme. Nice that this exploits anti-Jewish sentiment as a way to use bias & fear & hate to make people ignore the problem of ZERO proof.

You should spend a little time googling and thinking before you post conspiracy theories which are akin to the QAnonsense.
The first casualty of war is the truth.
@Randi1125 The way I see this Russia/Ukraine war is Putin wanting to take back a former Russian entity that got its independence.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@soar2newhighs Without a doubt. Putin is trying his best to recreate the USSR
@Randi1125 Sadly he’s embarking on a dangerous quest. Rest assured he’ll be entangled in Ukraine and the other former bloc nations now independent are preparing should be take Ukraine.
Which may not happen.
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
Love your grandmother,and never trust any authorities.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@pedrohedgerow I will always love my grandmother but she's breaking my heart.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
This is why I find it odd that so many republicans romanticize authoritarianism.

The word republican being in the name of the party is just a historical accident. The more extreme parts of the party seem to be a strange mixture of corporatism (fascism if you will) and libertarianism. That is they promote individual freedoms without duties until that freedom collides with corporate freedom.

Romanticizing authoritarianism fits perfectly the American myth of the self-made man because everyone imagines himself (no, him does not include her) as the one wielding the authority just as every poor man is a temporarily embarrassed millionaire (
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The Russians are doing what the Israelis have done for years =
Israel to pay students to defend it online

Israel To Pay Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

Seeing that wealthy Jews control Russia it's only natural for them to use the same propaganda tactics.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@tindrummer It's a sign of mental illness when people can't deal with reality. It's a clear fact that Israel pays people to spew propaganda. The Russians are doing the same thing. So, boast a little and tell us how much you get paid.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@tindrummer Are you salivating at the time when you will get 2,800 slaves in the afterlife? You can boss them when that happens but you can't boss me now.

Be nice and calmly discuss the issues.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
This does sound a lot like QAnon conspiracy strategy in the US. Your grandmother sounds like the people over here that fall into the crowd. And I most certainly would not be surprised if Russian troll farms were responsible for making sure those narratives got pushed over here.

Would also not surprise me if some of the pro-Putin posters here were paid shills.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
As an aside, my father is one of the people who have been duped into believing Biden rigged and stole the US election.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

Kremlin relies on propaganda and censorship to shield Russians from the realities of war. It’s the same type of propaganda that Fox, Newsmax, OAN, etc use in the US.
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My Grandmother, the daughter of Italian immigrants on occasion humbled me via “ the wooden spoon”!
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Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@tindrummer Horrific. And yes, they're invaders. Not soldiers.
Khenpal1 · M
Moscow is like New York 54% of Russia GDP , rest of Russia like 59 mill no running water , electricity and shitting outside. Propaganda is telling Russians it is 19 century.
You should tell your grandma the truth PUTIN and his cronies are evil mass murdering shitheads The Russian army are a fucking disgrace they can't fight Man to Man but they can kill and torture Women and children and that is the truth and if your grandma doesn't believe it then bloody well make her believe it
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

I understand your frustration with my grandmother. But I think I'll take another approach. I think it’s important to coax her into realizing she was fed lies. It’s important not to judge or criticize her views as much as we’d like. I'll just keep exposing her to information that shows the atrocities and scale of what’s happening.

I'll tell her about a friend of mine who is a journalist. He interviewed a woman who lives in Bucha. She described the day she looked out her window and saw the Russian military vehicles coming toward her and her family. Then the shelling began. Over their roof. Over the trees. Constant explosions. Everything was flying around. They finally emerged 5 - 6 hours later. Cars were on fire. Dead bodies everywhere. As she was walking around she saw her 8 y/o neighbor peering out the cellar door. His mother was dead. I’ll spare the details but it is 100% true that many of the Russian soldiers are torturing civilians, r@ping the women. And children. They are stealing everything they can from Ukrainians.

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