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Should religion stay in the area of spirituality, and not influence politics?

Laws are something everyone in a state or country has to follow; religion is not.

It’s hard for me to fathom that I once believed that god sent his son (who is also himself) to save the people he created (knowing they would one day sin) from a consequence he created, by sacrificing himself as a blood offering to fulfill a requirement that he also made. 😳

You are free to hold onto and find comfort in your beliefs the same way I am allowed to see the bigotry and oppression by the same beliefs.

“You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” ~Anne Lamott

So why are christians deciding what rights people have? You know, the ones spewing "marriage is between Adam and Eve- not Adam and Steve." 🙄
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dancingtongue · 80-89, M Best Comment
Laws are something everyone in a state or country has to follow; religion is not.

That is the key distinction. All people, including the religious and spiritual, should feel free to express their views and opinions, and may follow their beliefs in their voting -- but those rights end the moment they try legislating them on to everyone else as well. And when churches begin organizing their congregations into political campaigns and/or PACs funding candidates/campaigns their non-profit tax-exemption should be yanked, as they have disqualified themselves under existing tax laws. Few are, because the outcry when the law is enforced is over the top.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

You just said what I was unable to articulate. ❤️❤️❤️
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Randi1125 Thanks for BC.

BlueVeins · 22-25
The ideal case would be if we could move past what I'd refer to as "true believer" religion in general; that is, people viewing their mythologies as an actual facet of reality rather than as a tool for improving their mental health and building community.

Failing that, it's kinda impossible to truly have a separation of church and state. You can't source morality from religion, use morality to inform your political positions, and then not expect your religion to influence your political positions. It's a flawed concept in itself, and it's probably why theocracy has only decreased in line with a decrease in "true believer" religion.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@BlueVeins To me, separation of church and state means the state doesn't support any one religion over others and that religions can't have a direct influence on governments.

Personal ideologies will always influence people's decisions, whether they are based on religious beliefs or not. Provided those ideologies don't lead to legislation that forces a particular religious belief on others, then there shouldn't be a problem.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Bushranger It doesn't nominally support one religion over another -- which is admittedly still important. It can still represent and therefore legitimize one religion's values through its actions.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@BlueVeins Which, to me, is a problem. On the other hand, governments should not be allowed to legislate against any religions. The state should be completely neutral, however, I doubt they will ever be so.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
It has long been the goal of Evangelical Christians to get one of theirs into the White House so they could make America Non-Secular and kick out all the "infidels". Sound familiar? we just got done fighting a war with the Taliban who think much the same as these people do. This must NEVER be allowed to happen!
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

Yes!! This!!! The US is not a Christian nation. Forcing people to be Christian is the US version of the Taliban.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Randi1125 While there is nothing wrong with being a Christian or any other faith, trying to impose those beliefs on others IS wrong.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

100%!! This brings me to my next question...
Pfuzylogic · M
I went to a seminar given by Barbara Jordan, a very well known representative of Congress from Texas. Her presentation was on the concept of separation of church and state. This was right after she stopped the confirmation of Bork SCOTUS nominee.
She stated that while there is no “official” religion of the government. There is a body of those who believe in the truth of the Christian religion and will follow their conscience when voting.
The alternative is to “believe” in science which is infamous of providing theories like the “big bang” and evolution which adherents swear to be true.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

At least it was always a theory and not forced upon people as fact. This is the true beauty of science vs belief. The term Big Bang was actually coined in 1949 by astronomer Fred Hoyle as a joke. He was mocking it.
Pfuzylogic · M
I think using the term big bangers is funny since the theory was generated before Hubble and they never used the scientific principle of error analysis on the red shift Doppler effect. The Hubble LeMaitre Law notice I said Law and not theory wasn’t even based on scrutinized evidence and even now there are some stubborn “I’ll believe any crapp that those in science accuse religion of. I would even go so far as to say you know absolutely nothing about science and yet you coddle it and believe in it!
Religious nationalism is dangerous.
People should be allowed religious and spiritual freedom, but it makes zero sense to let that influence laws which impact everyone, which is exactly what has happened in a lot of countries.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

Yes!!!! Christianity is just a socially acceptable cult.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I agree with many replies as the US is not a theocracy, if all religions can’t be represented then nine should and if a church does get involved in politics then it’s tax exempt status should be revoked. On the plus side, it does reveal the hypocrisy often.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

The separation of church and state was absolute. What happened?
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
@Randi1125 Start with the “silent majority” and work to the present day. When Carter was defeated by a “Christian” Regan then I knew the separation was over. There is still an ebb and flow but conservative Christians are a formidable voting block.
Adstar · 56-60, M
It’s hard for me to fathom that I once believed that god sent his son (who is also himself) to save the people he created (knowing they would one day sin) from a consequence he created, by sacrificing himself as a blood offering to fulfill a requirement that he also made. 😳

But you did once believe.... What caused you to cease believing?

“You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” ~Anne Lamott

Well i agree with Anne Lamott on this one.. God loves everyone.. 🤗

"So why are christians deciding what rights people have? You know, the ones spewing "marriage is between Adam and Eve- not Adam and Steve."

People.. ALL PEOPLE!!! have the right to speak up and support what they believe in as being good and true.. Just as you have the right to speak up for and support what ever you think is good and true.. in the end in a democratic system which is how many nations are run the majority support will lead to laws tending to support that majority opinion.. This is so simple.. It's the way of the World.. I am wondering why i even have to say this basic information 101..
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

Where do I begin? 😊 While reading the Bible, I felt God was cruel and narcissistic. I also saw the inconsistencies in scripture. When I asked questions, I was told “Truth will prevail” or some nonsense like that. Any belief worth holding onto is absolutely worth questioning. Unquestioned beliefs are just indoctrinations. And finally, when I saw Christians abandoning the messages of Jesus (love and compassion) for a new lord and savior, trump. Trump is all about speaking his mind, saying what you want, when you want, no matter who you hurt. He’s about wealth and power over everything else. He’s about control, pride and boastfulness even to the point of lying. He’s about never taking responsibility and always being able to blame someone else. And this is who the majority of Christians worship. Christianity is a cult.
Adstar · 56-60, M
And finally, when I saw Christians abandoning the messages of Jesus (love and compassion) for a new lord and savior, trump.

Well personally i never ever focus on the behavor of other people in their faith lives.. Because people will always fall short of the standards of Christ.. So corruption or sinning within the Christian community has never affected my relationship with God..

I also saw the inconsistencies in scripture.

Do you have an example? Maybe it is a misunderstanding.. I always like hearing examples gives me something to investigate..

Trump is all about speaking his mind, saying what you want, when you want, no matter who you hurt. He’s about wealth and power over everything else. He’s about control, pride and boastfulness even to the point of lying. He’s about never taking responsibility and always being able to blame someone else. And this is who the majority of Christians worship. Christianity is a cult.

Trump is a human.. a person with faults, like everyone else.. Trump is not God..
DragonBlue · 80-89, F
@Adstar Agreed,,but try telling that to the great unwashed masses who worship his every action and word. To those people he is the second coming.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
Which religion? That's the problem, in my opinion. Either all religions get representation, or none. My preference would be for none.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

Spirituality like politics don't just magically shut off when you enter a building or do a certain job. I think secularism is kind of flawed in that way. I am not a secularist I am a pluralist. You can believe what you want and it will impact your decisions no matter what. But it becomes a problem when you force others to comply with your beliefs. And that doesn't just apply to religious or spiritual people.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
politics and religion should be separate . tho it will be hard to do for when you see in god i trust on the dollar bill . and in court you put your hand on the bible to swear to tell the truth the whole truth in the name of god. ya good luck there. as a non believer. even my neighbors get mad at me for not believing and say all you have to do is let him into your heart and you will be saved. the way i see it one day it will fade away and man will believe in science and not god. i dont think that will be in my life time. and as for adam and eve if they had three sons . who did the sons have children with. just asking and that question i do not ask my neighbors. now if it makes a person have hope in believing good for them because every one needs hope in there lives. just dont push there belief onto me and we are fine. best to leave it alone. and not talk about it. oh and good luck with that. mark
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@markansas ❤️❤️❤️
Absolutely. Since the U.S. is still not a theocracy, the separation between church and state needs to be maintained.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@bijouxbroussard unfortunately, there are those who want the US to become a theocracy acy!
@samueltyler2 Yep, I know. 🙁
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

I so agree with you, bijouxbroussard. ❤️❤️
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Church and Politics needs to be kept separate.
Wiseacre · F
It most certainly has no place in politics.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Impossible to do. As the people believe so the laws reflect.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

He's a typical trump supporter...
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Because a moron like you can't understand what is plainly written does not make the statement stupid. It means the moron reading it can't understand it.
@hippyjoe1955 Poor dippyjoe gets angry when censorship & cancellation aren't options! You have to deal with freedom of speech, so sad, LOL!!!

People believed for thousands of years that the Earth was flat. Those beliefs didn't change the shape one iota!
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
It should, but it won't.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Its nice having spirituality and religion at the same time and different views in different beliefs in religions ,but if you stick to the label of just religion you go off your game
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
So who exactly would you deny a right to speak if they have been elected?

You start with all religious and then reduce it to particular christians "You know, the ones spewing "marriage is between Adam and Eve- not Adam and Steve."

As I understand it, they do not even come close to the majority of christians.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

Have you ever met a Republican who doesn't profess to be a Christian?
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Randi1125 But there are Christians other than republicans. And there are some genuine Christians amongst Republicans.

So your post was simply about people who in your view are Republicans who profess to be Christian but do not seem to be genuine.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

yes. no. yes. maybe. no. could be.
They have a superiority complex.
eMortal · M
USA is a theocracy. Suck it up. Evangelical Christians run the show. From urban planning to civil rights, most laws are designed to not offend them. Don’t forget the fake Puritanism imposed on political leaders they don’t like. One can send a d!ck pic and be considered absolutely disgusting then forced to resign while another can brag about grabbing women by their pu$$y yet be elected President. Evangelical Christians run the show.
Really · 80-89, M
You either have no idea what a Theocracy is or whoever explained the concept to you has no idea.
Typical online hijacking & trolling behavior - Disrupt discussion of a concept and sneer at someone's character instead.
@eMortal No—they’re trying to turn it into one, but we’re not there yet. Right now, other religions can exist here, atheists and agnostics can exist here. For the moment women can legally make reproductive choices in most states and marriage equality is still the law of the land. But that’s why it’s even more important to fight them, because otherwise we will become a country with our own Christian Taliban.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Really I'm happy to troll, if you like.

But if you read my answer, it is simply saying your knowledge of the topic is inadequate, not you.
DragonBlue · 80-89, F
I certainly agree about it being self serving of all religions to say that God loves only those who worship as they do….therefore it’s perfectly alright to kill them all, because god will damn them for eternity anyhow, so why waste earth’s resources on the damned.

Very self serving!!!
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
The problem is, they've had it drilled into their heads that their religion is the One True Religion™, and their vision of God is the One True God™. And so they believe that everybody needs to follow their religion, or we'll all burn in hell forever.

If you believed you had lifesaving information that everybody needed to hear, you would tell them, right? And if they scoffed at that information, you would be afraid for them. So you would double down on pushing your narrative, because you believe lives are at stake.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@LordShadowfire Would that what you are saying is the case, it isn't. For many of them, it's more about "exclusion" than inclusion. If you aren't one of the "Faithful", you're damned and going to hell and they could care less about you!
Randi1125 · 31-35, F

This analogy is hard for me to accept. I will never accept oppression.

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