@MarmeeMarch You are so enthralled by my posts here, that you unblocked me just so you could see them again. I'm flattered, but of course the price is that I have to see the nonsensical crap you post on here.
Probably warn the nation that Omicron, the evil gigantic robot planet that turned Megatron into Galvatron is not only threatening Cybertron, but also threatening the US and planet Earth. 😅
@stratosranger The WHO probably figured that its better to name this strain after a Transformer but I'm sure those pointy heads have never seen the Transformers before. 🚗🤖
"There's a New Virus on the loose. It's called Coal Virus. Make sure you get vaccinated so you wouldn't be on the Naughty List "oh" you know you know the thing"
I wonder if he would notice. 🤔 Of course the media would spin that off as “…the brave choice made by President Biden today in what we guess was a nod to the GBLTQRZF*;? community…” @PatKirby
@th3r0n The Oxford English Dictionary considers a 1909 article in The American Historical Review as the earliest usage example, although it also appeared in print as early as April 1870.
@th3r0n Yes, often it happens there's an established history for something and then it turns out the thing we made up a hundred years later is the real 'truth.' 🙄
@Oberon1 Aw, I'm sorry; are you holding out for that elusive shining white knight who'll tell you what you need to know, convince you of what you need to believe and usher you by your nose through life after instantly and forever fixing all your problems and giving just less than you need to keep you in line?
It's okay, it's a very common phenomena. Look up "Santa Claus."
@Graylight No, just a strong common sense leader who will have common sense policies and not wage all out war on his or her constituents and citizens. DeSantis, Sears, Owens, Cruz, there are a few to choose from, maybe even Trump himself! I
He's going to remind the unvaccinated of what they're doing to the entire nation and the world, and he's going to announce federal programs to distribute free test kits to everyone. Detection and tracing are effective weapons against spread of new variants.
For sure he's not going to pretend this is just like the common cold, or suggest rinsing off with Clorox or any kind of light therapy.
hes gonna give us the address of the white house then when an aide tells him that's not what presidential address means hes gonna give us a bunch of bad news and tell us how awesome we all are so don't worry he will just spend more money cuz he doesn't have a clue how to do anything else and if you yell putin at him he craps his pants
Something something something, bullshit, something else, a 6th thing, followed by uncomfortable silence for 20 seconds. Then he will say God Bless America and have a happy Halloween.
How much would you pay to hear Biden start his speech with, "I know there is the omicron covid variant but no one wants to hear about that bullshit so let's discuss other things instead."
@deadgerbil Don't despair anyway, we're lucky that Omicron emerged only now, a few months before Easter. It's a known fact that Easter destroys any virus 🥴
Begin. We are all faced with a grave new threat called Omi Omi errrm. Those unvacced will have a terrible, awful, truly horrible Christmas. Pause. In fact I've a mind to take you all out behind the shed to sort it out like men just like I said to Soda Pop, I mean Corn Pop. Cut. Cut. Cut. Wait, what? No. Wait. No I'm told I can't take questions. *creeps closer* Mmmmm, your hair, it smells so good, do you use Sukin?
@SW-User I’ve called it Omni-Crumb since they found that 60% of the population will get it but 90% won’t show any symptoms at all. The symptoms can be treated with NyQuil and some other OTC.
@Stereoguy well the tide has turned as far as Biden is concerned and readers are letting it rip with their comments now. I don’t know if Daily Mail was not allowing the negative opinion about him before or limiting them but whatever now nearly all the comments are negative and he is getting no respect at all.
He'll talk about a very deadly disease that's already taken ONE life on the entire planet. Then he'll blame the disease on white supremacy and climate change.
At the end of the speech, he'll fumble around and get out a piece of paper and say: OK, they said I could take questions, and this is the list of reporters I'm allowed to call on.
@JimBeam He got the booster, dumbass. So according to you, that makes him a left-wing lemming.
I'm just sorry the useless orange shitgibbon didn't kick the bucket last year when he got COVID. You people would be falling over yourselves to get vaccinated.
LeopoldBloom · M @JimBeam But apparently Trump is.
JimBeam · M @LeopoldBloom
Trump is a left wing lemming? lol
LeopoldBloom · M @JimBeam He got the booster, dumbass. So according to you, that makes him a left-wing lemming.
Lay off the crack pipe, dumbass. If you want to get the booster then just get it and shut the fuck up. Trump isn't living rent free in MY head, he's living rent free in your gay UK head.