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What does"fiscal conservative" mean to you?

trump promised to eliminate debt yet he will be adding $5.088 trillion to the debt by the time this nightmare is over. That's a 30 percent increase.

Are you predicting another economic recession?

The last 9 out of 10 recessions have been started during a Republican President’s term.
That’s every Republican president from Eisenhower to W.

Good news though; look how many billionaires trump further enriched. That’s gotta count for something...
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GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M Best Comment
For me it's getting rid of all wasteful spending. Spending shouldn't be used to try to win votes.
SWMae · 26-30, F
@GunSmoke9 Agreed.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SWMae Thanks for BA.

Mktonght · 61-69, M
from Wikipedia as well. Budgets are determined by the House and Senate, as shown below. So blaming trump for this is totally a political move and misinformation.

Authorization and appropriations[edit]
In general, funds for federal government programs must be authorized by an "authorizing committee" through enactment of legislation. Then, through subsequent acts by Congress, budget authority is appropriated by the Appropriations Committee of the House. In principle, committees with jurisdiction to authorize programs make policy decisions, while the Appropriations Committees decide on funding levels, limited to a program's authorized funding level, though the amount may be any amount less than the limit.
The budget resolutions specify funding levels for the House and Senate Appropriations Committees and their 12 subcommittees, establishing various budget totals, allocations, entitlements, and may include reconciliation instructions to designated House or Senate committees. The appropriations committees start with allocations in the budget resolution and draft appropriations bills, which may be considered in the House after May 15. Once appropriations committees pass their bills, they are considered by the House and Senate. When there is a final budget, the spending available to each appropriations committee for the coming fiscal year is usually provided in the joint explanatory statement included in the conference report. The appropriations committees then allocate that amount among their respective subcommittees, each to allocate the funds they control among the programs within their jurisdiction.[8]
A conference committee is typically required to resolve differences between House and Senate appropriation bills. Once a conference bill has passed both chambers of Congress, it is sent to the President, who may sign the bill or veto it. If he signs, the bill becomes law. Otherwise, Congress must pass another bill to avoid a shutdown of at least part of the federal government.
In recent years, Congress has not passed all of the appropriations bills before the start of the fiscal year. Congress may then enact continuing resolutions that provide for the temporary funding of government operations. Failure to appropriate funds results in a partial government shutdown, such the federal government shutdown in October 2013.
In practice, the separation between policy making and funding and the division between appropriations and authorization activities are imperfect. Authorizations for many programs have long lapsed, yet still receive appropriated amounts, while other programs that are authorized receive no funds at all.[citation needed] In addition, policy language, which is legislative text changing permanent law, is included in appropriation measures.
SWMae · 26-30, F

Wasn't that trump's promise? To eliminate debt? Republicans controlled every branch for 2 years. Care to explain that?

Our national debt and budget deficits are far too complicated to explain on SW...I will say that under trump, with record tax receipts, we should be significantly reducing our deficit, as opposed to expanding it...just that pesky tax bill they passed fucked it all up...
Mktonght · 61-69, M
I am not defending or need to explain anything. just stating the facts and the current budget just passed was a negotiated one that was proposed by the House.
SWMae · 26-30, F

I understand. I guess I'm confused because trump has claimed credit for the health of the economy and the historically low unemployment rates. However, the economic upturn began under President Obama. trump was set up for success. And now trump has sent the deficit back into the trillions which is always what conservative presidents do. They're not fiscally conservative.
It means they don't like " wasteful spending " As in providing money to fund services that may help others
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Well a lot less than obama. Guess it is better than a hillary.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
You mean Miss Nancy had no hand in the proposal?
xRedx · M
Well Obama nearly doubled the deficit so 30% isn't that bad. Also who's W? Looks like someone has been copy and pasting lol
xRedx · M
@SWMae That moron will go down as the worst president of the United States for allowing what he did.
SWMae · 26-30, F

Okay, we agree somewhat.
xRedx · M
@SWMae Nothing on that day adds up whatsoever.
katielass · F
You're not very bright. When you point to something you think is bad about Trump you should steer clear of the issues that we can point to on your side that make Trump look so much better. He hasn't and will not in his 8 years do what that half breed did, which was to add more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined. You- 0 Us-1.
SWMae · 26-30, F

Katieless, I know you're mentally ill, but your "half breed" comment just earned you a block.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
And it's all going to the military industrial complex, which takes up over 70% of the annual budget.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@MasterLee Time for you to start reading between the lines and realize that DoD spending is much higher than projected, which means other programs get cut as a result.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@NativeOregonian simple math not taught in liberal schools but it is about 6%. You are way off.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@NativeOregonian 🤣 😂 🤣
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SWMae · 26-30, F

Trump thinks war is cheap if you just dump a few nukes we have stockpiled. And he will bask in atomic glory. 🙄
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SWMae · 26-30, F

Yes, it is.
It is a synonym for oxymoron.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
tenente · 100+, M
republican here. can confirm: "fiscal conservative" means avoiding spending deficits, reduced government spending / debt and striving to balance a budget. you don't need to be a dem or rep to be "fiscal conservative" - it's a principle not a party.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SWMae I don't remember democrats putting up a fight over the spending bill, or the first massive spending bill that Trump signed. There are fiscally conservative Republicans, unfortunately not enough.
Democrats never seem to have a problem spending except for the military. Look at what the democrat candidates are proposing. How much will their ideas cost taxpayers and add to the debt?
SWMae · 26-30, F

Thank you for being respectful. We may disagree on policies but I welcome civil debate.

"How much will our ideas cost taxpayers and add to the debt?"
I honestly don't know GunSmoke9, but hey, what do we have to lose? I wish the Republicans would look at the policies of Democrats with an open mind just as Democrats should look at Republican policies with an open mind. Goodness, could we just work together? Clinton had a surplus in his years. He didn't erase the debt. He only didn't add to it. That would be much of an improvement compared to the half a trillion dollars trump's presidency has added to the deficit. We've heard the doom and gloom of higher minimum wages, stronger labor unions, fair housing, affordable healthcare, affordable continuing education, equal pay policies... But what if?? What if it works? We'll survive trump's legacy and we will survive a "socialist's" legacy. Let's give it a chance. After all, there's a reason Wallstreet is beside itself with glee at the prospect of trump2020. Thinking always on the short term, of ridiculous tax breaks for the 1%, and endless deregulation, they completely fail to see the impending disaster of our country headed towards an economic cliff... But do they care about little ol' us? My answer is 'no'. Sadly.

My father remained a Republican because he believed in "fiscal responsibility". But when he actually looked at how the different administrations handled their spending, he realized the most fiscally responsible were the Democrats. Currently, my father doesn't relate to whatever the GOP has become under trump. He doesn't recognize the Republican party he once belonged to and loved.

Once, in a friendly debate with someone who votes conservative because his main concern is the deficit, I brought out actual statistics and he said: “no I get that, but I’m talking PHILOSOPHICALLY”. What does that even mean? Evidently, all that philosophical debt reduction is far more important than actual debt reduction.

I just wish Democrats and Republicans could work together.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SWMae You asked what do we have to lose? I say we have plenty to lose if we adopt what the democrat candidates are pushing. There is no doubt that cost, taxes will rise. Offering Medicare to illegals will be more of an incentive for more to cross illegally. We need to take care of Americans first.
Capitalism inspires people, socialism doesn't. Socialism causes more people to depend on government. Capitalism grows economics, socialism kills economics. It's not just about giving so called free stuff, but government control of businesses. They all are talking about putting the health insurance companies out of business. What next? The oil industry, the coal industry, big pharmacy? It's dangerous giving the federal government so much power and control. Not what our founders wanted. Scary thing is, if their policies are made law, they are forever. Even if data shows negative results, those pushing them will keep pushing them. I believe we do better when the federal government has less control and power, not more. Would colleges be less expensive if government was less involved?
It was Newt and the Republicans that forced Bill Clinton to sign a balance budget. Same as getting him to support welform reform.
Why don't both sides work together? Because is all about winning the next election. Making one side look, and making the other side look bad.

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