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Am I supposed to be apologetic for being a straight white male?

Awful tired of this bs narrative
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You're not supposed to be apologetic. You're supposed to be mindful of the privilege that, that entails.

What's so hard about that?

I'm going to assume you were saying that coming out as gay is a choice and not that you think that being gay is a choice.

Yes, all choices have consequences.

The point is that as a straight white male, the consequences of your decisions are not the same nor as severe as the ones a woman or a gay person or a black person might face.

That is privilege.

You can make the decision to have a child and the consequences for you are minimal and frankly trivial compared to the consequences a woman might face. You don't have to worry about being fired, you don't have to choose whether you will stay at home and put your career on hold and you won't be negatively judged by society if you decide to put your career first.

That is privilege.

You might make the decision to tell your family and friends to whom you are attracted but since you are a straight male, the consequences for that decision are nothing while the gay person might face serious consequences like being kicked out of the house, losing touch with family or being forced into a pray the gay away program.

That is privilege.

You might make the decision to talk back to a police officer. As a white male, the consequences of that decision are statistically far less likely to result in serious consequences like getting shot that a black man will face.

That is privilege.

You reject the idea that you have privilege because you don't recognize it because you take it for granted.
Like i said before: you don't have to be apologetic for being privileged, you just have to be mindful of it.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
I don’t have to do shit for anyone, and neither do you. You have the freedom to choose whatever dumb decisions you want. Being an idiot is a privilege shared by all Americans, gay, straight, black, white, etc. Stop playing victim and you can literally do whatever you want, you are only holding yourself back. Making bad decisions usually yield temporary consequences, but being a pussy is a lifetime sentence buddy. Life is hard, but every one of us born into this great country has the privilege of being able to do what they want and achieve great things and build a great life for themselves. Knock it off with the identity politics, you are not doing anyone any favors@Pikachu

Can you explain how you think that response addresses the different consequences different people face for the same choices?
I gave you very clear examples of privilege.
Declaring that everyone has the privilege of being able to do what they want does not erase the fact that you as a straight white male have privilege that others do not share.

Are you genuinely naive to the concept that has been explained to you or do you simply not want to hear it?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Lol. I guess if you want to deliberately misinterpret things to play the victim, sure.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Slappppaho Not reading what I said. Everyone has problems. I can be confident none of your problems are because you're straight.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
What problems do you have because of being gay? Beyond the obvious biological obstacles@CountScrofula
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Slappppaho I'm not gay. But because kids -thought- I was gay I got the shit kicked out of me in high school pretty regularly. I'm also Canadian, where we're supposed to be better about that stuff.

Like half of homeless kids are gay (LBGT+) because parents kick them out so much. The reason people do gay pride is because they grew up being told to be ashamed. My wife's brother came out at 34 years old because his dad scared the shit out of him about that stuff so much.

Nobody has ever been kicked out of their family for being straight. That's my point.
Stop spreading conspiracy theories, no one is legislating anti-white male anything.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
It’s pretty obvious that you live in turmoil that you were born with a dong@luckranger71
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
I do indeed, have a dong and was born with one😂. Thanks captain obvious. @Slappppaho
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
Well, I hope it gets all the love!@luckranger71
No, but recognizing the fact that it is advantageous in Western society wouldn’t kill you.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
Looks like we have made some real progress here!you are still a batty liberal and I’m still a straight white guy with the unique privilege to express my prejudices lol@bijouxbroussard
@Slappppaho And at no point did I ask you to apologize for being a straight white male. I know plenty, among my family and friends—who are also liberals.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Slappppaho you're of course allowed to be a bigot, that doesn't shield you from consequences. People have every right to call you out or refuse to associate with you
No but you could just ignore it and get in with your life like the vast majority of people

You are just buying into the division and discourse that politicians want
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Yeah, it's almost as if being straight has begun to be frowned upon.
Asm0deus · F
Shame the straight people 😠 @SubstantialKick
@SubstantialKick It’s not. Nobody’s legislating against heterosexuals. That’s how you can tell.
White heterosexual men have been fairly well represented in the world and definitely in the U.S.

44 of the 45 pictured here are white heterosexual men. The one and only time there was a deviation from this constant, half (or actually more like 40%) of this country lost its mind and went for the biggest, loudest bigot it could find. I don’t think white heterosexual men are in any danger of being forced to ride at the back of the bus anytime soon.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
We did have that one gay black guy for a bit didn’t we?@SW-User
@Slappppaho “Gay” ? Who ?
By any credible accounts, Barack Obama is heterosexual. Even if he weren’t, it shouldn’t matter. The fact that you view that as a dig or an insult says more about you than anyone else. @Slappppaho
are u feeling sad for yourself over nothing
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
Not quite@SW-User
@Slappppaho i dont see the prob...
Graylight · 51-55, F
Who said you have to apologize? Just don't be a d**k about it.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
That^is me!@DonaldTrumpet
No. The issue is when the problems that non straight individuals or minorities face becomes quickly dismissed or overlooked.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
Have you taken any history courses? Do you realize how many countries are still out there where a woman cannot vote and it is actually illegal to be gay? Hell, there are countries out there that allow slavery. I think the gays and minorities are doing pretty damned good over here, but all I hear is bitch bitch bitch@SW-User

So...what you're saying is that because they have it worse in other places, you think they have it good enough here.
Because their problems are not your problems, you don't see them as a big deal.
Congratulations, you've just taken your first steps into understanding what privilege means.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
You have no idea what problems I have. The assumption that I have things better in ANY measurable way because I’m a straight white guy is really short-sighted@Pikachu
calicuz · 56-60, M
No, just stop thinking like
calicuz · 56-60, M

Nope, no one said to do that either.
Asm0deus · F
Asm0deus · F
Let him do it. It’ll be entertaining 😂😭 @calicuz
Selah ·
Yes & give me your money too.
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
I can mail or fax you a deposit slip for MY account. I got nothing to give tho lol. At least I will always have my handy WHITE PRIVILEDGE! Oh thank God for that!@Selah
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
Nope. But many will be angry at you if they see you happy. And that's petty.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Happiness is not allowed!
@goagainsttheflow I don’t know anyone personally who wants someone to be unhappy just because they’re white, male or straight, do you really ? 🤔
Fernie · F
I blocked your evil, sexist,racist, woman hating, violent crap one year and your name and mindset are disgusting...I see you added an extra "P" (for pathetic) because so many of us blocked you and now you're back to poison the site. I will enjoy blocking you again...and there will be more people blocking you soon...then it'll be 4 p' really are pathetic...still beating up women?
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
What the hell are you talking about? @Fernie
fairgame123 · 61-69, C
That makes two of us
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
No one is asking you to apologize. Whatever narrative you refer to is likely a strawman pushed for political reasons.
Naw... be a man!
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Slappppaho · 41-45, M
“Do unto others”?@RippinKlouds
JP1119 · 36-40, M
No. What makes you think that?
katielass · F
No, you have nothing to apologize for.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Yes you are, and you are to turn into a pansy as well! It's in the liberal handbook.
@curiosi ahaha
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
No, you're supposed to take part in a straight pride parade!
BalmyNites · F
Stay exactly as you are 🤗
No you shouldn't have to be, there shouldn't be anyone expecting you to be,
@DonaldTrumpetmOsT menz arE TAUgHt tHat THeY owneD SLavEsz AnD EVeRYTiMe YOU sEE A WhiTeY HE Has his GuILtY hEaD doWN AND iS alwAYs SAyIGn thAT hE iS NoT A RAcisT aND ThAT HE hAS mANY blaCK fRIenDz
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
Conspiracy theories? Anti-white male legislation? What the hell are you talking about?@SW-User
Asm0deus · F
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
@Asm0deus sorry I’m an asshole
Asm0deus · F
[image/video deleted]
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
White devil says what?
Slappppaho · 41-45, M
Haha! Exactly@Quetzalcoatlus
Yes white devil. It’s all your fault.
I seen you, 300 years ago, lash in hand cracker..

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