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Confederate States

Here is a history lesson/question.

Since, if you look up a list of the Confederate Sates of America, you will find 11 states listed - South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Florida, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina - why are there 13 stars in the
Confederate flag?

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Actually the "Confederate Flag" is a misnomer. The flag we call the "Confederate Flag" was actually a battle flag...not a nationalist flag. It did NOT originally represent the Confederacy in the same way that the Stars and Stripes did for the union. There were many "battle flags" in the south---but only one flag flown over Union troops. In combined Confederate regiment battles this caused a lot of confusion--who was who. Many regiments didn't wear uniforms--and of course in low light situations it was hard to tell who was who before you pulled a trigger even if uniforms were present. So the south eventually went with just one battle flag so all who fought under it would know who was on whose side during battle.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@anythingoes477 Oh, good, it's personal attack time! You mansplained the confederate flag. It's right there for everyone to see.

Now, try to insult me again, it surely makes you look like a civil person.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@anythingoes477 What it was and is are two different things. 🙂
@Zonuss Like many things. In Mark Twain's day "darky" and "nigra" were common terms. Nothing racial about them. It was just the vernacular of the day. But if you said either word out loud today the closest Walmart would be looted.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
They included Missouri and Kentucky even though those states never seceded
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Notice how in those 11 states, the only Democrat senators are the two in Virginia (which has sort of has become a suburb of Washington, D.C. and Doug Jones of Alabama (who defeated controversial former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore)?

In the 21 Union states (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin), there are only eleven GOP senators out of 42?

Independent Bernie Sanders (VT) caucuses with Democrats. West Virginia, which was admitted to the Union during the Civil War, has a Democrat and a Republican in the Senate. Nevada, also admitted to the Union during the Civil War, has two Democrats in the Senate.
Viper · M
@beckyromero Yup I have noticed how not a lot has changed... the only thing that has really changed is the labels

As in Lincoln's time you has the New England radical Republicans who were the extreme liberals of the time.

And the Southern blue dog Democrats who were the conservatives at the time.

Which is why I dislike it when history is taught using those labels because too often people put the current label meaning on them and get confused, as they struggle to comprehend the labels did a complete flip.

It would be much better if the history was taught with the liberal or or conservative labels instead of republican or democrat

At least that's my opinion!
beckyromero · 36-40, F
It would be much better if the history was taught with the liberal or or conservative labels instead of republican or democrat

And it's not just the political labels that have changed.

But the demographics of many states as well.
Viper · M
@beckyromero Your right, I shouldn't have said "just"..

Yeah demographic have changed a lot too.
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M
That was the answer for which I was looking, with one caveat.

Actually, Kentucky and Missouri never "officially" joined the Confederacy, but were considered to be a member by the CSA - as they also were considered a member of the Union by the USA.

Since both sides claimed Kentucky and Missouri, there were 2 separate state governments - which then sent Senators and Representatives to both Washington DC, and to Richmond, Virginia.

Having grown up in Kentucky, I know that the Union state government was in the traditional state capital, Frankfort, Kentucky, while the Confederate capital was in Hopkinsville in Western Kentucky - 90 miles from where I grew up in Paducah; although, I do not know where the Confederate state capital was in Missouri.

The separate Hopkinsville state government was left alone for some time, but, finally, when troops were sent to arrest the Confederate officials there, they were forced to flee to Tennessee - and later, after Tennessee was occupied, to flee further south.

@Quakertrucker I'm in Missouri........there never was a Confederate capital in Missouri. The Confederacy was a shadow government in Missouri--not an actual one.
Viper · M
Kentucky and Missouri joined in later
@Viper Told ya. You couldn't stand not making an ass out of yourself one more time.
Viper · M
@anythingoes477 LMAO 😂

And you're making yourself out to be an ass because your doing the same exact thing, yet too stupid to realize it! And now you have twice lied! You have never walked away! And you said you would after the last post and you didn't.
Viper · M
You got to love it!

Mr. Truthteller freaked out when he heard the truth about how he was overly anal not being able to handle my original answer...

Then he freaked out and started telling lies and now has blocked me 😏

He was expecting me to stop replying when he started it and wouldn't do the same thing for me... what an overly anal guy.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The point always much more a case of self determination or large central government. Canada is considered a Confederation which means the provinces are actually the senior level of government while the national government is a creation of the provinces. This has changed over the years with more and more power accruing to the federal government and lost to the provincial governments. However the confederate states wanted the US to resemble what Canada originally looked like and the federalists wanted to control the states.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
Those 11 states are all welfare states from the northern states that still have to support them.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@Zonuss but they pay their bills and your bills. Just thank them for carrying you like you should. It's the only thing that keeps the south livable.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@fddlpej Because your blind. We have seen more people from up North than any other area here in the Carolinas. And we wont even talk about Georgia and
Tennessee. We cant keep up with them its so many. I mean they are from all over the freakin place. 🙂
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@Zonuss just try something new and look up the facts the numbers and you will see you are welfare states not hard to do. I am only interested in facts not your emotions and how you think it is. Just the facts and talk to me when you pay your fair share.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
They counted secessionist factions from Kentucky and Missouri as part of the Confederacy.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Quaker - I see there aren't many students of history here on SW. And, there are some that seem to fear history! I bet many assume the Union Jack to be the Confederate Flag.

Anyway, I found -
The flag's stars represented the number of states in the Confederacy. The distance between the stars decreased as the number of states increased, reaching thirteen when the secessionist factions of Kentucky and Missouri joined in late 1861.
JustinOnTheRoad · 31-35, M
I believe those extra stars were for Maryland and Kentucky originally.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Theliberal · 36-40, M
@Harriet03 wow your even more sexy then i thought.🌹
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
West Virginia and Arizona.

Bhahahaha was my guess wrong it is Kentucky and Missouri....😂
katielass · F
The 13 states that made up the Confederate States of America were North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky and Missouri.

All I had to do was google the question what states joined the confederacy.
Chickenbob · 26-30, M
When the great state of Georgia succeeded from the union it currently had about 1 in 7 households had a 1 to 3 slaves then about 1 in 25 households had about 5 to 10 slaves in 1862 before the ep the great state of Georgia was slowly getting rid of slaves it drop from 1 in 20 house hold had a slave that is a huge decrees in slaves now look and the whole confederacy 1 in 6 house hold had a slave in general and in 1862 also it drop to 1 in 12 had a slave now i dont know much but if 4% of the south own slave then what was that 96% fighting for the same reason Washington did 87 years earlier also the greatest regment of the south is the 65th Georgia for the defence of north west Georgia and blue ridge mt
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
@waleskinder Shut the heck up. 🙂
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Kentucky and Missouri joined later and we're counted to make 13.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Texas was a slave state. As a matter of fact there were slaves in Northern states too.
@DunningKruger Then why was slavery just as--if not more so---prevalent in the north? And why if the north hated slavery did it take YEARS for it end in the north after the Civil War? Depending on what area of the U.S. you live in--taught history changes. But the truth is----though a divorce (for instance) might be said to be for one reason to the public--we both know it can for a lot different reason behind the scenes. So it is with history. Good article. Read.
@DunningKruger You will note in your quotes--those are southern states with grievances with other southern states---not union/confederate grievances. Just saying.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@anythingoes477 Actually it was until after the Civil War. But even then there was an explosion afterwards especially around the time when we had the first car made here and the first skyscraper. There were some advancements made. But there is a lot they aren't telling you about what happened. But I am in its backyard. Im very much aware of what really went down.

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