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Gender equality is a joke. What do you think?

Let me explain before you start commenting stuff. If you didn't read the whole thing and you start commenting... I don't know. Ill reply with whatever. Anyways From what I see, It's not about giving women opportunity and a fair play, it's about treating them like hyped up blowup dolls who can do everything a man can do. So that means if the men are winning a fair competition in any category, succeeding more so to speak. It's a problem and we need to help these damsels to help feed their ego. Gender equality is basically just helping women to have more of an ego. More results to something they don't deserve.
Lets give an analogy:
There in existence is two people. Person A and Person B. We give both equal opportunity in this world of free will. We don't give a damn if they're A or B. Just do it correctly and you will get there. But then suddenly. Person A is complaining suddenly saying it's outrageous that Person B can do more work that's better and giving every excuse in the book and instead of trying harder to achieve those results like a genuine ethical person. They demand special privileges for themselves. Person A now has their own category. Now Person A and B no longer have equal opportunity. They have equal results though. Should we as people treat them equally then? I mean they both are in a position that we have to assume they reached fairly. But no they didn't. We all know Person A had short cuts because of the priviliges they demanded. We all know the true person who reached there through hard work and talent was Person B. Now you could say there are people like Person A who reached the heights of Person B but it's muddled by this now UNEQUAL opportunity that is unfair to Person B. I don't believe in giving you a reward because you gave me tears of pain. I don't believe in giving you in what you DON'T deserve because you're weak. I believe in giving to those who deserve it. Who tried hard and reached the sky and even farther. I'm sorry but that is not women. Not now at least. They are respected not because they're equal to men but because they are weaker than men. They use to be respected for the genuine work they did in the past. But now it's considered more of an insult than anything and we more value hard working women. But what is their to value if the only reason we value these women is because we feel bad for them. We feel bad so we have to help them. There are probably women who jumped through great heights to earn their position like judge judy for example. But its muddled by the mess we allowed. In order to give women a bigger ego. Men are awesome and so are women but this shit isn't equal. It's a mess and you expect everyone to agree with it and view a man who didn't need gender quotas, didn't need their genitals, didn't need a womans help. To get where they are now. NOW they have to lower themselves and give their hardwork to women in order to help them and the worst part is a lot of women have no respect for them, and think it's their fault. The past had gender roles for a reason! We didn't have the amount of technology, free time. To mess with our lives in order to experiment with genders. It was always easier for women and men to have specific roles to what they were GOOD at. Sorry not sorry.
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indyjoe · 56-60, M Best Comment
I think this was very, it left me completely speechless...great job🤠👍

Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I did read the whole thing but tbh you did repeat a lot and it could of been shorter.

I think you completely mischaracterise the feminist position on this. The problem as I see it is not that women don't get equal pay for doing less work, but that they get less pay for doing the same work.

Also, the best example of a high achieving woman you could come up with is Judge Judy. 😆

Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@PiceousPanda Riiiiight. Not sure you believe this crap yourself. Said the survey was imperfect, not innacurate, same as all surveys in human behaviour
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Burnley123 I understand you root for women but gender equality is a joke. If we have to accomdate women and we cant even agree on whats equal. How in the world is that equal! We are just boosting thier egos.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Burnley123 imperfect... is inaccurate. it is inaccurate, if u cant accept that then idk lol
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Obama was thinking of gender equality when he put a man in as America's First Lady.
katielass · F
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@katielass Yup Barry Mike and Val as a MFM threesome. Of course Barry was the female.
katielass · F
@hippyjoe1955 Of course. Never doubted that.
I think my brain started bleeding through my eyes

Either that or my eyes r bleeding

Burnley123 · 41-45, M
god didnt create woman to do all the things men can.
they were created to do all the things men cant.. !

Quizzical · 46-50, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Such as? Apart from having babies of course...
talk endlessly about nothing for Eg... @ Quizz
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Ahh the famous female filibusters, lol 😂
meJess · F
Equality is pointless, ask a goldfish to climb a tree. Equity is the right way
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@meJess Equity and respect. I no longer see respect for men for what they do. In fact a lot of people are uncomfortable by that idea. The respect in my eyes is not equal. And that is one thing no one is complaining about. One step at a time. I think equity is worse. I am for equality just wish society would do it correctly.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
You're trying to take a specific example to say that gender equality is a joke but that's a fallacy since there's many different situations that lead people to come to that conclusion. Both men and women have their stereotypes, their all apart of a certain system that instills those positions since we were born.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@SatanBurger How is it patronizing? I want women to be raped and killed... I'm female lol. But i guess I apparently enjoy it according to u
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@PiceousPanda I love how you twist my words when I use the same tone as you, it's OK I see you troll 😎
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@SatanBurger alright.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
Thanks, but I really didn't say anything...literally.😊
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@indyjoe Well it was a compliment for me because that's what it was supposed to do xD
Ladyryan · 51-55, F
@indyjoe hehe That proves that the lesser words the better chance of BA. Lol
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PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@prawntobewild Already did and I see no actual study on this.
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PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@prawntobewild Hmm thats what I thought
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Well it’s true that men and women are different. So let’s not pretend that women can do everything that men can do and vice versa.
"We all know Person A had short cuts because they couldn't do the heights of Person B."

I think a rewrite is advisable.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@SW-User Sorry I corrected it lol
Quizzical · 46-50, M
MrSimons · 41-45, M
I pretty much agree with this. I believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Everyone should be allowed to apply and be judged on their merits. Whether someone is male, female, black, white, straight, gay, bisexual or anything else along those line should be seen as completely irrelevant.
Ladyryan · 51-55, F
One, I think you have to divide your thoughts to paragraphs to make it easier for ideas to flow.

Two, I just wonder why this is in Politics. Politics can be entertaining, but makes it all messy. But the same goes with Feminists and/or BDSM

Third, I agree, I personally believe that one should be given the credit not because of gender equality but instead with their output in the society. The more you contribute the more gender equality goes out of the picture. If a female gender contributes more, I doubt she’d want it be seen equal with men. If a male contributes more than a female, of course he wouldn’t be expected to be levelled with the opposite sex.

But with all these said, society has to pay respect to those who are meant to be followers. We can’t all be the leaders. And there’s no leader without her/his followers.
Boils down to. . . respect to all genders and giving credit to those who practically deserves credits, regardless of gender.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Ladyryan Which is basically what I am saying. We are not doing that!
Ladyryan · 51-55, F
@PiceousPanda Yes, I believe so. And I’m glad you do. I have two children a girl and a boy, hence my take with gender equality. But I’d rather sit and talk this out with people concerned, and not go out waiving a fist, turning it into a spectacle attracting wanna-bes and innocent bystanders, labelling it to their own priority.
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PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Quizzical Women who do hard work are few but they're muddled by the mess we allowed. As I said in my post which this lady clearly didn't read.
@Mondayschild no I read about half that bullshit!!
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Mondayschild Then I view you're post as invalid. :)
👍 Damn right. And it wasn't meant to be equal.
Men are awesome and so are women but this shit isn't equal.

Why can't people just accept that.
prawntobewild · 36-40, F
@SW-User accept*
@prawntobewild lol, yeah fixed
Ladyryan · 51-55, F
@prawntobewild Lol I thought no one would notice. 🙃
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
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Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Yeah. Like the female firefighter in New York who failed the firefighting test, but still got hired, because people were bitching about there not being enough female firefighters in the department. Then watch, if she dies on the job, there will be a shitstorm complaining about female deaths in the firefighting force.

It does revolve around the perception that women are delicate, idiot flowers who need handicaps to match up to domineering, intelligent, asshole men. That's the general belief system underlying feminism, along with gaining as much advantage as possible by creating problems that don't even exist, or blowing ones that do exist out of proportion. Because it needs inequality to survive.

It also revolves around reproduction and women being more important, biologically. An innate inequality. I.e. The concept of male disposability. But that won't be going anywhere for at least 20,000 years, until our instincts adapt. If they adapt. Basically.

Ironically as well, I looked up female happiness levels throughout the past century, out of curiosity. Western women have been more satisfied with their lives than men were in the past century, but that is starting to change. Female happiness has been dropping since the 70s. Ironically. though, they're still more content than men. For now.

You might like the book "The War On Boys", by Christinia Hoff Sommers. Particularly in education, this "help girls, 'cause they need it and boys suck" idea is steadily advancing women while leaving more and more boys by the wasteside. She predicted a lot of things today back in the 90s. Or just Christina Hoff Sommer's on youtube, going by "The Factual Feminist." I think she has a Ph.D. She's some kind of smartypants. Lotta interesting videos, basically revolving around pointing out facts and supporting that men and women have distinctive advantages and distinctive challenges, but we're on the same team.

Also, her quote, "No one will ever win the battle of the sexes. Too much fraternizing with the enemy." lul.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
These points can justifiably be applied to most if not all of the social issues we are struggling with theses days.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
You can not make equal things that are inherently unequal.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Stop crying and stay in a grils place
katielass · F
Women, for some reason, think they can run the world. Another lesson to be learned the hard way.
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PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@prawntobewild The women who run countries now a lot got there through gender quotas. Not to surprised.
I agree -- women shouldn't have the right to vote, for example.
MrSimons · 41-45, M
@SW-User Lol! If you're going to troll, you could at least make it a little less obvious.

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